Shen Xuan thought for a while, and said to the cloaked man,

"This seat is just for the Sky Walking Road."

Shen Xuan made a nonsense, in order to increase the momentum, he also specially called himself the main seat, after all, everything can lose, and the momentum must be overwhelming.

The cloaked man was also stunned, and then smiled.

"You kid, dare to bluff in front of this seat, you fire talisman can only burn living creatures, watch this seat take your life"!

The cloaked man shouted and waved his hand at Steward Zhang, who had been patting the horse before, and immediately rushed towards Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan was also unhurried, and when the butler flew in front of him, his hand stretched out, and the Yang Fire Talisman shot out.

As soon as the Yang Fire Talisman hit the ghost of that butler Zhang, it knocked butler Zhang backwards and flew back, and a cloud of illusory flames also ignited on his body.

The flame burned extremely quickly, and before the butler could fly back to the cloaked man, it was already burned clean, and not even a scream was emitted.

Shen Xuan recalled the flame fire, the Yang Fire two talismans, and the cloaked man was also frightened by Shen Xuan's hand, and was stunned in place.

Shen Xuan did not take it lightly, and flew up the flame talisman and shot towards the cloaked man.

The cloaked man also woke up at this moment, and quickly took out the rectangular wooden box from behind his back to block it in front of him.

The flame talisman hit the wooden box, and a powerful impact knocked the already short cloaked man out again, and the wooden box was also shattered.

The cloaked man took out the short stick from the sparse wooden box, waved his hand, and a large black mist immediately flew out of the short stick, before he stood still, ready to control the black house to counterattack.

The Flame Talisman came again, and the Yang Fire Talisman also followed, where did the cloaked man have time to react, and was hit by the Flame Talisman again, and was directly burned through a big hole.

And that black fog was also dispersed by the Yang Fire Talisman, and in an instant, many screams were emitted in the air and dissipated.

After taking back all the Yanyang Fire Talismans, Shen Xuan slowly walked towards the cloaked man who fell to the ground motionless.

In order to prevent the cloaked man from deceiving him, Shen Xuan used the Flame Talisman again and gave the cloaked man a few blows.

It wasn't until the cloaked man was beaten all over the place that Shen Xuan was sure that the cloaked man was really dead.

Only then did he step forward and search the corpse of the cloaked man.

The corpse of this cloaked man was almost whipped into carbon by Shen Xuan, but he could probably see what it looked like.

This cloaked man is only as big as a child, but his body is full of wrinkles, and he is an old face with gray hair, which is not a serious person at first glance.

Shen Xuan searched for a while, only found a half-burned cloth bag on him, took it out, and looked at it.

There was a pamphlet inside, and Shen Xuan immediately took it out.

On the pamphlet, there are six gilded characters of "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa".

Shen Xuan's eyes lit up, isn't this the cultivation technique he needs.

Immediately cleaned up, in the spirit of humanitarianism, threw the corpse of the cloaked man into the wild, this charred corpse, in less than half an hour, will be smelled wild dogs, wild boars and other animals to eat clean, even bones left.

Shen Xuan, on the other hand, cleaned up all the traces of the fight, and if those servants found it tomorrow morning, they would have to search the town personnel.

At that time, it must be to find out yourself, in order to reduce trouble, this workload, can not be lazy.

It was not until dawn that Shen Xuan took the cloaked man's short stick and belongings and prepared to go home.

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