This method of the left path of the side door is easy to obtain, difficult to cultivate, difficult to refine, and difficult to

refine, after all, it is not those orthodox great sects, there is a complete ascent path.

Just as Shen Xuan lamented the difficulty of his path, Zhang Hei walked over, and just now they were discussing whether to gather people and horses and explore the pavilion again.

He asked Wang Long what the corpse demon was, and Wang Long did not hide it from him, explaining the power of the corpse demon one by one, and finally, naturally, he wanted to tell Zhang Hei about Shen Xuan's killing of the corpse demon.

When this black man heard this, this corpse demon was so powerful, but he still fell under Shen Xuan, and his admiration for Shen Xuan became even stronger.

No, after several people finished discussing, Zhang Hei came over to ask Shen Xuan's opinion, where can Shen Xuan say any opinion, or say, it is useless to say any opinion.

Shen Xuan's only opinion was to stop and run now, don't continue to explore any tombs, he already knew that this tomb was a suspicious grave, extremely dangerous, but it was useless to say it.

Commander Sun sent people down, as long as the treasure was restored, Zhang Hei was only a small soldier, and he could not make a claim, and Wang Long died his brother Wang Hu, and his heart was naturally unwilling.

The Zhao family, the people of the Qian family only listen to Shen Xuan, but Shen Xuan can't run away with them, so this opinion, Shen Xuan said, where will they listen.

The so-called coming to ask for opinions is just to give Shen Xuan face, the real idea, I am afraid that several of them have already thought of it.

So Shen Xuan didn't say much, just said, you guys just look at it, I'll listen to you.

Zhang Hei listened to Shen Xuan's words, also nodded, then beckoned his subordinates, straightened out, and everyone approached the pavilion where half of the door had been opened again.

However, this time, everyone did not have the recklessness of the first time, after all, who would take their lives to test whether the organs of this pavilion were good or not.

This also led to the fact that now everyone is gathered around the edge of the pavilion, but no one wants to be the first to open the half-open door, you don't see it, Zhang Hu died tragically on the spot, the Zhao family and the Qian family suffered heavy losses, and Zhang Hei's men buried their bones.

Everyone gathered around the pavilion like this, no one moved first, Shen Xuan naturally stood at the end of the day, looking at everyone's embarrassment.

Finally, Zhang Hei couldn't help it, after all, the main purpose of this time was that Commander Sun needed treasure to restore his life, so he also had to come out and set an example.

I saw Zhang Hei patting a soldier next to him who was probing his head:

"That's it, Little Liuzi, step forward to explore the way."

The soldier named by Zhang Hei was also stunned, as if he didn't expect that the first one to go up would be himself, and quickly looked at Zhang Hei in panic, wanting to justify something.

However, Zhang Hei did not care so much, and as soon as he pulled his right hand, he pulled the soldier to the front, and with another kick, kicked the soldier to the door of the building.

Seeing that the soldier was at a loss at the door of the building, Zhang Hei gritted his teeth with some hatred that iron was not steel, usually he treats these people is not thin, as soon as it comes to the critical time, these rice buckets will start to push me.

Zhang Hei pointed a pistol at the door of the building, and then pointed to his head, the soldier was about to say something, but seeing Zhang Hei's actions, he also knew what Zhang Hei meant, and if he didn't explore the way, that was to disobey the military order, that was to die.

It seems that this road is not to explore, but also to explore, gritted his teeth, Shen Xuan watched the soldier kick the door of the building violently.

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