Shen Xuan looked at the soldier called Little Liuzi and was also forced to hurry, facing the door of the building "frame" is two feet, but after that little Liuzi kicked, he also immediately fell to the ground motionless.

There was no imaginary sharp arrow flying, the door of the building may be because of the age, was kicked by the little liuzi and directly kicked.

The little liuzi lying on the ground also stood up trembling at this time, seeing that he was fine, and when he turned around, he was just about to give Zhang Hei a surprise speech, and he saw Zhang Hei staring, not knowing what to say, and suddenly felt a cold neck behind his back, a faint head, and lost consciousness.

Shen Xuan was also shocked in his heart when he watched the little liuzi's head fly out of his body and fall to the side, of course, not for the death of that little liuzi, but shocked by the big knife that split through the neck of the little liuzi.

"Rokuko, beware... What a thing! Zhang

Hei had just finished shouting a sentence at this time, and he also held a pistol to the owner of the big knife, "boasting" is two shots.

The bullet hit the silver armor and burst into flames, but it was only fire.

Shen Xuan was also stunned, how could the style of the big knife be similar to the one in his hand.

I saw that from the darkness of the pavilion, a silver figure slowly walked out, holding a Spring and Autumn Great Sword, and its whole body was covered with silver armor, majestic and terrifying.

Isn't this a peaceful corpse demon? But in the eyes of everyone, behind the silver figure, several figures walked out again, all of them wearing silver armor and holding weapons.

Shen Xuan's pupils quake, he used Beiju to slash the demon qi to beat a Taiping corpse demon, plus the power of the tiger Xuan, when he wins, he is embarrassed, the key is that there are seven or eight in front of him, stay, and he will die.

The moment he saw these corpse demons, Shen Xuan had already thought of a way out.

Fight, that's can't hit a little, run, Shen Xuan is the best at it.

Turning around, the Spring and Autumn Great Knife was also thrown to the side by Shen Xuan, and when it was critical, save your life first.

As soon as he jumped, Shen Xuan "shouted" and fled out of the backyard, and when there was a fierce tiger in this kind of back, Shen Xuan only believed one word.

You don't have to run much faster yourself, just run faster than your teammates.

The people behind had not noticed Shen Xuan running, and they were still looking at several silver figures in front of them stupidly, with a confused expression.

That Zhang Hei watched his subordinates chopped off their heads, and there were two shots at the figure, but the effect of these two shots was minimal.

The soldiers under his command were not slow to react, and when they saw Zhang Hei shooting, they all shot one by one, and attacked the silver figure.

Where did the rest of the people see this battle, they were originally shocked by the silver figure, and now they were frightened by the gunshots, and they also ran away one after another, for fear that the bullets would hit them.

Zhang Hei looked at the strong attack of his men, and then looked at a few silver figures who were not injured at all, no matter how slow his brain was, he also reacted at this time.

If you run away, you must run, these few are not even afraid of guns, then they don't have nothing to threaten them? Don't run now, but when.

However, Zhang Hei still thought of Shen Xuan, who had great powers in his mind, for the first time, and when he saw that there was no Shen Xuan behind everyone, Zhang Hei immediately knew the seriousness of the matter now.

Looking at the scattered people, he didn't have the heart to save others, raised his hand to greet his subordinates, and the group rushed towards the door.

That Wang Long is also a native of underground trading, this reaction is naturally only faster than Zhang Hei, and the moment he saw the weapon in the hand of this silver figure, he thought of Shen Xuan.

As soon as the king leopard was pulled, the two ran faster than Zhang Hei with a puff of smoke.

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