The silver figure standing in the attic finally unfolded its ugly face, holding a large knife and a spear, and began to hunt at the scattered crowd.

In an instant, the black subordinate who had not had time to escape was directly divided up and down, and the blood was splattered on the spot, and those people from the Zhao family and the Qian family were just some young people with a little physical strength, where had they seen this kind of battle.

A group of people were directly frightened, and at this time, they were also like headless flies, fleeing in all directions.

That Zhang Hei and Wang Long also accelerated to escape with people at this time, but where could the Taiping corpse demon behind them let them go, and chased them out with a knife and gun.

However, this matter has nothing to do with Shen Xuan.

At this time, Shen Xuan was already about to reach the hole when the group went to the tomb, and the warm sunlight shone on his body, which suddenly made Shen Xuan feel a long-lost comfort.

The road from the mouth of the tomb to the Ming Hall, which originally took the group to explore for an unknown amount of time, was finished by Shen Xuan's wild run.

This Shen Xuan's own physical fitness is quite high, plus his own cultivation, it can be said that the fastest one in this tomb is none other than Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan didn't know how long he had been in this tomb, but it had probably been a day or two, but fortunately it was still daytime.

Looking at the rope hanging from the mouth of the cave, Shen Xuan was not slow, pulled the rope with his hand, and climbed up the rope with a big jump.

From the Yongdao to the mouth of the tomb above, the distance of more than ten meters in the middle is only a matter of two or three times here in Shen Xuan.

As soon as he came up, Shen Xuan saw the soldiers guarding the entrance of the tomb, the soldier originally noticed that there was movement at the entrance of the tomb, rushed over to check, and saw that Shen Xuan climbed up along the rope, and also stepped forward to help with the handle.

It wasn't until Shen Xuan was dragged up that several people asked what happened below.

These guards didn't know much, so they heard a little wind from the soldier sent by Zhang Hei to shake people last time.

It was said that Zhang Hei found a place where the big treasure was hidden and wanted to send more people down to help, and later, they looked at the group who went down again, thinking that this time the operation was stable nine times out of ten.

Seeing Shen Xuan coming up, he thought that the following operation was over, and he wanted to transport the stolen treasure up, but after looking at Shen Xuan's back, there was no one left, so he asked Shen Xuan about the tomb below.

That Shen Xuan heard the questions of several people, and he was also helpless, and he couldn't say: That's sorry, there was an accident below, I ran away first.

Before I thought of how to speak, there was movement at the mouth of the tomb.

"What about the people above! Pull me up. A

loud drink came from the mouth of the tomb, and Shen Xuan heard that this was not Zhang Hei's voice? I didn't expect this old den to run so fast, but he was just one step slower.

The soldiers over there heard Zhang Hei's voice, and did not continue to ask Shen Xuan, and went to help Zhang Hei climb up one by one.

Shen Xuan was a little embarrassed at this time, this black came up, seeing that he was already on it, so how could he explain it?

I can't say: Seeing that something is wrong over there, I ran away first.

However, Shen Xuan was clever, thinking that the treasure in Zhang Hei's hand had been lost a lot, and it was not easy to explain it when it came to Commander Sun, it was better to wait for him to come up, and the two of them combined.

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