After waiting on the edge of the tomb for a while, Shen Xuan saw Zhang Hei, who was dressed in embarrassment, come up.

Zhang Hei also saw Shen Xuan sitting on one side as soon as he came up, the two of you look at me, I look at you, for a while, no one spoke.

Or the sound that came from below the tomb again broke the calm again, it should be Zhang Hei's subordinates who also fled back, Zhang Hei was not looking at Shen Xuan, and first began to save his subordinates.

One by one, grizzled soldiers crawled out of the mouth of the tomb and lay on the side in panic, gasping for air.

Seven or eight soldiers came up, and the last soldier who came up, as soon as he came up, pointed to the grave below and said

, "Quick, quick, seal the tomb, all the things below are coming soon."

When Zhang Hei heard this, he was also a little alarmed, and quickly grabbed a grenade from the soldier next to him, pulled out the pull ring, and threw it at the mouth of the tomb, and Shen Xuan grabbed Zhang Hei.

"There's no one down there?"

Zhang Hei glanced at Shen Xuan and said lightly

, "All dead."

Shen Xuan also nodded silently, he knew the power of those few Taiping Corpse Demons.

For ordinary people, it is indeed a one-sided slaughter, but I didn't expect that these people would die so quickly.

At this time, the grenade also exploded, the hole was also blown up, and the soil above was instantly tilted down, burying the already small hole.

Seeing that the mouth of the cave was buried, Shen Xuan also opened his mouth, but he still didn't know what to say, to blame, he could only blame this gang of people for their bad luck.

That black was also anxious at this time, this hole was bombed, but there were really not many treasures brought with him, most of them were left underneath.

Those treasures that were originally packed by them were all thrown underneath, and it cannot be said that they were lost, and the Taiping Corpse Demon came, everyone wanted to take it, they all thought about how to escape, where was there time to care about these.

Therefore, except for some small items and gold and silver jewelry that he carried with him, no one brought out those large valuable items at all, and now Zhang Hei did not know how to regain his life with Commander Sun.

But he did not regret his actions, between his own, small life and order, he still chose his own small life.

After all, if those peaceful corpse demons came up, they themselves were not enough to have a plate of dishes, so they could only blow up the mouth of this tomb first, and save a small life first.

Shen Xuan naturally knew his concerns, patted Zhang Hei's shoulder, and motioned for him to go aside and speak.

Zhang Hei looked at Shen Xuan, and then at the mouth of the cave that was blown up, and without saying a word, the two of them went to the woods on the side.

"Kuroko, how do you talk to Commander Sun when you go back this time?"

Zhang Hei looked at Shen Xuan, who only had half a pair of pants left in front of him, and said angrily:

"How else can I say it, tell the truth."

Of course, Shen Xuan knew that Zhang Hei didn't think so in his heart, and he also continued to speak,

"In this way, since this matter is only yours now, and your subordinates and I know about it, you might as well put the greatest responsibility for this matter on that Wang Long?"

Since Shen Xuan saw Zhang Hei, he had already thought of this set of rhetoric, not only to help himself get rid of everything, but Zhang Hei could only accept his own suggestions at this time in order not to disobey the military order.

Otherwise, according to Zhang Hei's truth, could it be said that several people encountered danger in the tomb, abandoned their teammates, and ran away by themselves? The point is treasure, and there is not much treasure yet.

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