For this convoy passing through Ma County, Shen Xuan was naturally also attracted, after all, idle is idle, it is better to go and see.

Of course, I don't think it's because of the few in the mouths of those idle men... Ahem, hee-hee.

I don't drink tea anymore, it's noon, listening to the idle man, this caravan passed by and wanted to do business, I think there should be a rally in the east of the town in the evening, and Shen Xuan also wanted to go and see.

However, the assembly, naturally, to buy something, then it needs money, and Shen Xuan also went home to sort out his small treasury.

Five taels of gold, forty or fifty taels of silver, and a few copper plates, this is Shen Xuan's entire net worth.

In this troubled world, copper plates are common, gold and silver are hard currency, Shen Xuan's current net worth is not low, these money are used to support ten families of three, there is no problem for half a year.

After grinding at home until the evening, confused to deal with a bite of dinner, Shen Xuan took the gold, silver and copper plates and went to Zhendong.

Along the way, the originally deserted street seemed to be injected with a little anger because of the arrival of this caravan, and the streets were full of people.

However, most of the people came to see a lively scene, and where do the common people have extra money in their hands now, although Ma County is not like other places, it is frequented by warlords and bandits.

But most of the people in Ma County can still only feed themselves, and many people in Ma County starve to death every year, some are beggars from outside the town, and some are old and young women and children and scoundrels in the town.

In a rich place like Bima County, the lives of the common people outside are in dire straits.

However, Shen Xuan still didn't have the kind of lofty idea of spreading thin porridge and saving Cangsheng.

With his back hand, Shen Xuan walked to the east of the town, looking at the lively street in front of him, the stalls everywhere, and the sensational crowd.

The street is densely lined with large and small stalls on the left and right of the street, and two or three lanterns are illuminated in front of each stall, and the street is bright at this time.

Shen Xuan also couldn't wait to go to those stalls to take a look, there were all kinds of them, and looked at the past.

There are silk sellers, some sell books, some sell dry food, some sell jewelry, all kinds of things.

However, the prices of these commodities directly dissuaded most of the people in Ma County, and most of those who bought some things were dry food and some coarse cloth.

The rest of the precious items such as silk books and jewelry were also taken by.

However, Shen Xuan saw a few people who bought jewelry and silk, and those people Shen Xuan also recognized, they were all young masters and ladies of the Zhao family and the Qian family, and in Ma County, only these people had this kind of spending power.

On those stalls, Shen Xuan also went to take a look, and the jewelry sold were all some jewelry made of gold leaf and silver tin plated with copper and iron, which was not a real luxury, but it could also be regarded as a high-end object here in Ma County.

The silk seller, Shen Xuan looked at it, most of them sold some coarse cloth, only a small part would sell silk, most of those silks were only made of rough silk.

However, Shen Xuan was a little interested in selling books, so he walked to the stall and took a closer look.

"Great Zhou Feng Yunzhi", "The Customs and Customs" of Xuyuzhou, "The Breeding Method of Chaozhou Sows", "On the Ten Achievements of Emperor Jing of Zhou", "Golden Bottle...", huh?

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