Ahem, boss, you look at you, you

look at you with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a thick face, how to take out this book and sell it, this is a little wrong, how can this kind of book still be taken out, seriously, it is really a bit of a world trend.

Shen Xuan looked at it for a while, picked a relatively thick history book called "How Many Things Came and Went in Ancient and Modern Times", paid the stall owner eight copper plates, and left with this book.

After walking forward for a while, Shen Xuan saw that on a stall in front of him, the son of the Zhao family and the young lady of the Qian family were all gathered there, and they were also a little curious, and Shen Xuan quietly walked over.

The stall owner is an old man with gray hair, his smiling face is full of wrinkles, and he has a crooked mouthful of big yellow teeth that lack two pounds, and introduces the second son of the Zhao family in front of him with a smile.

"This is the mussel pearl in the sea mussel that has lived for thousands of years at the bottom of the East China Sea, crystal clear and worth thousands of gold, if this prince intends to want it, the old man will endure the pain of cutting his love today, as long as ten taels of silver, this peerless jewel will be handed over to you."

Shen Xuan also looked for the direction of the old man's finger, and looked at the "thousand-year-old mussel bead" on the coarse cloth stall, which was indeed crystal clear, gentle and round, as big as a child's fist, and sold well.

However, Shen Xuan could see at a glance that something was wrong, this "Millennium Mussel Bead" was probably not taken out of which river mussel in which small river just yesterday.

There was still some blood inside, smeared with unknown bright paint, the key was not evenly applied, and for insurance, a layer of wax oil was wrapped outside.

But this is different in the old man's mouth, this unwashed blood is the essence blood of sea mussels, the unknown pigment that has not been evenly smeared is a special substance on the bottom of the sea, and the layer of wax oil is solidified by the tears dripping from sea mussels.

That Zhao Dezhu Shen Xuan has seen a few faces, stupid and stupid, but also has not seen much of the world, was fooled by the old man for a while and believed it, and his father Zhao Yuanwai's fat face was happy, and layers of fat were squeezed together.

As if afraid of others robbing it, Zhao Dezhu quickly held the "Millennium Mussel Bead" in the palm of his hand, took out a large silver ingot, threw it into the old man's hand, and then jumped away.

Shen Xuan looked at that stupid look, and also shook his head, how could that hall Zhao Yuanwai be smart, how could he give birth to such a stupid son.

The young master and young lady of the Zhao family's Qian family next to him also rushed up, and they were flickered by the old man, they also paid hard, and the old man looked at the group of fat sheep in front of him, and he was flickering more and more vigorously.

When Shen Xuan saw this group of big fools, he didn't mean to wake them up, glanced at them twice, and walked away.

Continuing to walk towards the front, Shen Xuan also bought a lot of things, but they were all sincere objects, a small iron pocket watch, a small jar of refined cinnabar, a wolf brush, a stack of yellow paper, and a box of melon seeds, Shen Xuan ate as he walked.

Looking at the brighter and brighter street ahead, at this time, a few idle men ran past Shen Xuan, saying the words "Hurry up, the drama team, it's time to start".

Hearing this, Shen Xuan also followed the steps of those idle men and ran towards the front together.

I saw that at the easternmost end of the street in front of me, in an open space, it was already overcrowded at this time, the lights were red and green, and in the direction that the crowd was looking at, a theater stage had been built.

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