At this time, on the stage, an old student slowly came forward, first gave a wave to the common people below, and then said:

"Dear spectators, when our opera team first arrived in Guixian, there is nothing else to honor you, today I will first sing a big play to the big guys and talk about expressing your hearts."

The people of Ma County in the audience also applauded at this time.

The old student saw that the spectators below were very enthusiastic, and also made another move, and then turned back to the curtain of the stage, seemingly ready to call people to the stage.

Not long after, a gong sounded, and a three-faced harlequin and a tsing coat came out from behind the curtain, circled around the edge of the stage, and then said:

"Spring breeze brings warmth... Arrive... Xiangyang, suddenly heard... Li Langtou... Come pro.

"To save... Li Lang left... Home, who expected... Champion in the yellow list... Medium Champion Author... Red robe, hat with palace flowers... So fresh.

"I... Have also been to... Qionglin Banquet, I also had... Tama Royal Street... ex".

"Everyone praises me... Pan Anmao, official wearing a gauze hat... Hood Chanjuan".

"I'm taking the exam... Not for the name... Show, I examine... The champion is not... to be a high-ranking official".

"For the sake of amorousness... Li Gongzi, husband and wife love flowers... A good moon is full".

This is a typical Huangmei opera, the name of the opera is "female horse", Shen Xuan does not particularly understand this part of the opera, and can only hear a general meaning.

But Shen Xuan was not interested in what he didn't understand, so he glanced at it twice and left, instead of listening to the theater on the stage here, it was better to go to those stalls again.

After walking back for more than ten steps, Shen Xuan found an interesting stall, the stall owner was a middle-aged man with a smile, big white teeth, and a kind face that gave people an amiable feeling, that is, the sideburns were a little white, and he looked a little old.

On this middle-aged man's stall, there were all kinds of objects, large and small, including bronze statues stained with patina, celadon bowls with half of the mud sticking to it, crystal clear jade, and boxes of matches neatly arranged.

Shen Xuan was also attracted by this stand out stall, those vendors before, all of them only sold one or a few things, this middle-aged man was good, a lot of things were laid out, it looked a little chaotic.

Shen Xuan carried the things he bought in one hand, touched his newly grown and somewhat curved beard with the other, and walked to the stall.

Looking at the variety of goods in front of him, Shen Xuan suddenly noticed that something was wrong.

Although these objects in front of him did not seem to be fine, Shen Xuan still noticed a trace of unusualness, these objects, or in other words, some of these objects, had an unusual smell.

The taste is strange, somewhat pungent, but not too strong, like a little mustard smell, with a hint of white vinegar.

Ordinary people may not feel that there is anything wrong, after all, there are so many smells in the world, no one will pay attention, and even if someone notices, it is just a passing point.

However, Shen Xuan felt that this smell was somewhat familiar, as if it had smelled on someone's body, and after thinking about it for a while, Shen Xuan remembered that the three dead Wang family brothers were not this smell?

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