This is an earthy smell,

a smell of earthy people, it seems that some objects here were brought up from below, so it has this smell.

Now Shen Xuan looked at this kind middle-aged man, but he didn't have the kind feeling he had before, and the persecution paranoia that had not occurred for a long time had recurred.

Now Shen Xuan felt that this middle-aged man seemed to have a hint of danger in his smiling eyes.

However, this did not discourage Shen Xuan's interest in the goods in this stall, for this middle-aged man who was suspected to be a native master, as long as he did not provoke himself, then Shen Xuan would not kill innocents.

Shen Xuan pointed to the bronze statue in the shape of a flying crane stained with patina, and spoke

, "Brother, how much silver is this copper pimple?"

The middle-aged man had long noticed Shen Xuan, and when he heard Shen Xuan's question, he also replied with a smile:

"Little brother, this bronze statue of mine, it is a family heirloom handed down by my family for unknown generations, and now in order to make a living, this is forced to take it out and sell it, if you sincerely want it, in a word, thirty taels of silver, we will make a deal."

Listening to the middle-aged man's words, Shen Xuan cursed in his heart: You are a dog thief, I see that you are honest, I don't want to, it's not a good thing like the old goods of the pit man before.

The face was silent, and he looked at the bronze statue again, Shen Xuan also narrowed his eyes, and asked again:

"Brother, I sincerely want it, but your thirty taels of silver are inevitably too much, so let's make another price."

When the middle-aged man heard Shen Xuan's words, he also nodded, as if he agreed with Shen Xuan's suggestion, pointed to the bronze statue, and said with a smile at this Shen Xuan:

"Okay, little brother, listening to your words, I think it is also a person who recognizes goods, so let's give you a reserve price, twenty taels."

Shen Xuan looked at the middle-aged man again, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

Good, good, good, I remember you, don't let me get caught, specify that there is your good fruit to eat.

Shen Xuan still didn't say anything more, and no longer asked the price of the bronze statue, but instead pointed to a somewhat worn yellow book on this stall and said:

"Dare to ask the old brother, what is the price of this book?"

The middle-aged man saw that Shen Xuan no longer asked the price of the bronze statue, and he also knew that his price was a little high, but when he heard Shen Xuan ask about the price of this book, his eyes flashed again.

"Little brother, if you really have a good eye, in addition to the bronze statue, this book is the most valuable, one price, fifteen taels of silver, how?"

Shen Xuan was choked by this middle-aged man again, okay, good, good, you must let me be a fat sheep today, you must pit me some money, okay, I want to see, this money, I have the ability to give, do you have the life to take it.

This time, Shen Xuan did not bargain anymore, and took out fifteen taels of silver from his pocket and put them on the stall.

The middle-aged man seemed to be a little surprised by Shen Xuan's cheerfulness this time, or rather, he had never encountered such a fat sheep that was easy to slaughter.

Shen Xuan didn't talk more nonsense with him, took the old book back from the stall, and left without looking back.

What Shen Xuan really wanted to take had already been taken back, and as for the fifteen taels of silver, it was very good.

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