Shen Xuan carried the things he bought, and was slaughtered by this seemingly honest middle-aged man, and naturally did not have the mind to watch that Huangmei opera.

Coming out of the street in the east of the town, Shen Xuan went straight back to his home, compared with his slaughtered fifteen taels of silver, naturally there was something more important waiting for Shen Xuan.

As soon as he returned home and put the rest of his things down, Shen Xuan put the old book that he had bought for fifteen taels of silver on the table.

Since walking to the middle-aged man's stall, Shen Xuan noticed this old book in the corner at a glance, or in other words, Shen Xuan's goal at the beginning was this book.

On that stall, the bronze statue, the celadon bowl, is actually not a good thing, but an ink inkstone platform on the stall, a silver hairpin, a dark green jade wrench, a red iron blessing character, including this old book, there is a smell of earth.

As for why Shen Xuan could distinguish so clearly, it was naturally because in addition to being able to smell it with his nose, the qi sense that Shen Xuan practiced when practicing the "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique" was extremely sensitive to the perception of various breaths.

Therefore, Shen Xuan could immediately know that those things were brought up from below, and which ones were placed by the middle-aged man to fill up.

And why Shen Xuan was willing to spend fifteen taels of silver to buy this book was naturally because in addition to the earthy smell on this book, there was also an unusual atmosphere.

Maybe ordinary people don't know, but cultivators are absolutely familiar with this breath, it is a breath, but this aura is very thin, it can be said that there is almost nothing, but it can't hold Shen Xuan's sense of qi.

Therefore, Shen Xuan immediately guessed that this old book should be a good object, so he was willing to be slaughtered by that middle-aged man.

Shen Xuan looked at the old book, and the words on the yellow cover had almost been worn out, so that he couldn't see anything.

Opening the old book, Shen Xuan looked at it, but he was a little surprised, this book wrote "A certain family lives in Zhejiang Ming County, both parents died when they were young, the family was bitter, there was no one to rely on, but I went to Moxibustion, the customs and people here are very good, and Yu settled here." "

Flip further back, except for this first page, there is not a word on the rest of the leaves, what is the thing? Could it be that he was deceived by that dog thief? No, there is a problem.

Thinking of the aura contaminated with this aura, Shen Xuan also had a guess in his heart, and he injected it into this old book.

Sure enough, as he expected, this old book was constantly receiving aura, and the originally worn pages were slowly changing at this time.

It wasn't until this old book no longer absorbed Spiritual Qi that Shen Xuan stopped the transmission of his own Spiritual Qi, and at this time, this old book had changed greatly.

The originally worn cover was now clean and abnormal, and the originally invisible handwriting was also revealed at this time.

"Lingfa Black Mountain Rampant Altar Law"

read this book again, Shen Xuan called out to find a treasure.

This "Lingfa Black Mountain Rampant Military Altar Law" is a left-way rampant military method, and this rampant soldier is also quite related.

At the beginning, this rampant soldier originated in Meishan in Suzhou, which was regarded as a method of side doors, and was later absorbed by the people of the Daomen.

At the beginning, in order to strengthen his own strength, the mage on the Meishan side wanted to use the ghost after death to create a special soldier to help him improve his combat power.

Later, this method of making souls into special soldiers was recognized by most of the mages in Meishan, and the soldiers made by this method were called "rampant soldiers".

Later, there were more and more mages refining rampant soldiers on the Meishan side, and the rampant soldiers refining were also different, and many different rampant soldiers schools were born.

Later, because of the current life of rampant soldiers, Daomen also began to notice this special method, and also began to absorb this spell, and many different rampant schools were born in Daomen.

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