When the middle-aged man heard Shen Xuan's words, he was also busy saying everything he knew, not only his own birthday, but even the thing about peeking at the green flower bath next door when he was a child.

This person's name is "Zhu Lao Que," his father and wife are not highly educated, so they gave him such a name, which means "old people don't lack anything," this Zhu Lao Que is good, not old, that is lacking everything.

His father and mother died one after another when he was a child, leaving him alone as a beggar on the street, begging for food from childhood to adulthood, and now he is almost middle-aged, but he still has nothing to achieve, and this old boy has a crooked idea.

He generally begs in Yunchuan, which is a good place, that is the former dynasty, and it is also the old capital of the "Yun Dynasty". During the Yun Dynasty, it was a place where talents gathered all over the country, and the twelve emperors of the Yun Dynasty gave orders here.

And the war before the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, although the capital city was affected a little, but fortunately, the founding emperor of the Zhou Dynasty did not wash the capital of the previous dynasty in blood like other dynasties, but did not pay too much attention to Yunchuan.

This makes Yunchuan's already developed economy not change much due to the change of dynasties, and it is no wonder that this lazy Zhu Lao Que can survive by begging in this troubled world with poor resources.

This Zhu Lao Que can mix up to this step, it can be regarded as a coincidence, just a month ago, when Zhu Lao Que was begging in Yunchuan, he met an old bachelor, he didn't get anything to eat for a day, he was also hungry at that time, saw that the old bachelor had a burnt cake in his hand, and directly rushed up to grab it, not wanting the two to fight for time, one didn't pay attention, Zhu Lao Que sent this old bachelor down with a kick.

Later, Na Zhu Lao Que knew that something was wrong with him, and after eating the baked cake, he also made a quick decision, packed up his belongings, and ran out of Yunchuan City that night.

As a result, on the night of his escape, this Zhu Lao's luck that had been lacking for more than thirty years finally broke out.

On this night, Zhu Laoque met the noble man in his life, a thief who snatched money and ran away, and he was seriously injured.

That Zhu Lao Que was walking on the road, in a hurry, he couldn't tell which road he was walking, and he didn't know which path he had drilled to, and then he found the thief who was covered in blood.

At that time, Zhu Laoque was not a thing, and when he saw that the thief was holding a big knife in his hand, he was so scared that he almost peed out.

He also immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, but when this Zhu Laoque kowtowed for a while, he found that the thief in front of him had been seriously injured and unconscious, and that Zhu Laoque also searched the thief's body with curiosity, and found that the thief had a few taels of silver on his body, as well as a large bag of things.

When that Zhu Laoque saw those taels of silver, he was also surrounded by evil thoughts in his heart, and his heart was ruthless, and he took the big knife of the mountain thief, and as a result, he seriously injured the mountain thief, and ran away with the silver and a bag of things.

That Zhu Laoque was also afraid for a while at this time, it seemed that he still had some fear of the dead thief, and Shen Xuan also despised this bully Zhu Laoque.

Later, that Zhu Laoque took the inheritance of the mountain thief, and I don't know what shit luck he went, and he met a group of caravanserais, and that Zhu Laoque also changed his mind, and immediately bribed the captain of the caravan with that silver and joined this caravan.

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