That Zhu Laoque also searched all the contents of the bag, and then he had the intention to join the caravan, which contained in addition to the old book sold to Shen Xuan, and the bronze statues, white porcelain bowls, and some bits and pieces of small items on the stall.

There was only one small bead left, and this Zhu Lao Que was also a person who saw the goods, and felt that the small bead was not an ordinary thing, so he wanted to sell everything except the small bead.

This also caused the caravan to come to Ma County, and Shen Xuan also happened to come to the booth of Zhu Laoque, and was pitted by this dog thief.

This also indirectly caused the current Zhu Lao Que to kneel on the ground and constantly beg for mercy.

Shen Xuan listened to this Zhu Laoque's crying father's mother-like narrative, and he also despised it in his heart, but he was a little interested in the bead that was collected by Zhu Laoque.

With a bloody iron hammer, he nodded Zhu Laoque's constantly kowtowing head, and did not speak, but the meaning was already clear.

You see that you have explained it yourself, if I don't take something, then it's embarrassing no, either take out the things, I'll see what happened, or you will be with that thief.

However, this kind of action meant something else in Zhu Laoque's eyes.

Originally, Shen Xuan's actions were like a strongman who robbed the house and robbed the house, so that Zhu Laoque always thought that Shen Xuan was the companion of the mountain thief, and the last time he bought something for Shen Xuan, he was discovered, and this time he came to avenge the mountain thief.

That's why Zhu Lao Que is so afraid of this Shen Xuan, originally he was a little weak about this windfall, plus he was timid and afraid by nature, and now that he saw this creditor coming to the door, where could he be tough.

At this time, he did not dare to slacken, and from under the table full of dishes, he fearfully touched out a small box, opened the box, and then placed it in front of Shen Xuan.

At this time, Lao Huang also floated out of Xuanqiao, and smiled at this Zhu Laoque, where had Zhu Laoque seen this.

All he saw was that a weasel flew out of the gong and floated in front of him, with a hideous rat face and a grin.

This frightened Zhu Laoque, and the figure who was originally kneeling on the ground was also frightened to throw himself back, plop down on the ground, pointing at Lao Huang and unable to speak, and a fishy liquid also came out of the middle of his pants.

Shen Xuan looked at Zhu Laoque, who was frightened, and did not pay attention to it anymore, originally thinking that he was still an ordinary beggar with some luck, and did not want this person's guts to be really timid as a mouse.

Looking at the bead in front of him, which was treasured by Zhu Laoque, there was a little sky blue in the turquoise, and there was this small bubble in it, which looked a little familiar, and there was a familiar cool atmosphere.

At this time, the tiger Xuanqiao on his right hand also trembled, and Shen Xuan also remembered such a familiar scene.

It seems that the bead that Commander Sun gave himself is also like this, it seems that this bead collected by Zhu Laoque is also a ghost pill, but I don't know the origin of this ghost pill.

After the tiger Xuanqiao trembled twice, it did not move again, and a cold and tyrannical aura appeared from the Xuanqiao, and a tiger black tiger appeared next to Shen Xuan.

The hideous tiger face had fangs on it, and Zhu Laoque, who had been scared enough by Lao Huang, saw this scene again, rolled his eyes, kicked his calves, and fainted.

Shen Xuan also felt the tiger's appearance, took out the ghost pill on the table from the box, and threw it towards the black tiger.

Black Tiger had been coveting this ghost pill for a long time at this time, and when he saw Shen Xuan throwing it, he jumped and opened his mouth, and he ate this ghost pill into his stomach.

Seeing that the black tiger swallowed by the ghost pill turned into a tiger again and drilled into the Xuanqi, Shen Xuan also knew that his trip was not in vain.

Seeing that Zhu Laoque, who had fainted, was unconscious at this time, Shen Xuan searched the room again, but turned over the small objects he saw on the ground stall last time.

However, there was no value, and Shen Xuan didn't pay much attention, and then Shen Xuan found a human head-sized cloth wrapped under a wooden bed next to him.

Seeing that the cloth package was hidden under the bed by Zhu Laoque, he was also curious that he couldn't stop it, looking at the appearance and weight of the package, neither money nor food.

Being able to be treated as a treasure by this beggar Zhu Laoque, hidden under the bed, and it was not money, Shen Xuan was even more curious.

Placing the cloth package on the table, Shen Xuan opened the package layer by layer, and in an instant, a strong cool aura filled Shen Xuan's surroundings.

In front of him, in that package, one, two, three, and four ghost pills appeared in front of Shen Xuan, making Shen Xuan stunned.

He should have thought long ago that how could Zhu Laoque, an old traitorous beggar, tell him the truth, he must have hidden private goods for himself, but he didn't expect that this private goods were hidden by Zhu Lao Que so much.

Originally, Zhu Laoque was a little pitiful, and wanted to let go of his Shen Xuan, and then after seeing this scene, the murderous intention in his heart rose again, well, I originally intended to let you go, but now it's okay, you still play tricks with me.

Seeing that Zhu Lao Que was frightened by himself, he didn't expect that he was in horror and brought snack eyes.

This Zhu Laoque is also a confused teacher, this is confused after drinking, this confused, hey, he is not honest.

At this time, a black shadow once again pounced in the Tiger Xuanqiao, which had been silent, and Shen Xuan did not stop it, and the Tiger Black Tiger directly ate all four ghost pills on the table.

The black tiger that ate the four ghost pills exploded directly for a while, and the already rich tiger qi burst out, permeating the surroundings of the room, and the cold and tyrannical aura was overwhelming.

Of course, Shen Xuan, as the master of the Tiger Xuanxuan, would not be affected, he only felt the unusual changes around him through his own sense of qi.

At this time, the wooden table closest to Xuan Gong was directly crushed into a pile of wood chips by the tiger qi, and the dishes on the table also turned into powder.

Shen Xuan also knew that after this time, the Tiger Xuan Gong would definitely have another huge improvement, and as soon as his mind moved, the Tiger Fu Qi that had been raging in the room was collected and returned to the Xuan Gong again.

It's just that not all of the tiger qi has returned to Xuanqi, and at this time, after absorbing a part of the tiger qi, it seems that it can't eat it, and the rest of the tiger qi is wrapped around Xuanqi.

The current Tiger Xuan Gong looks like a rectangular black smoke, Shen Xuan did not stop holding the Xuan Gong, this time the movement of the Tiger Fire Xuan Gong is a little bigger.

And the animals in Ma County seem to be extremely sensitive to this movement.

He seemed to hear the barking of dogs outside, east, west, south and north, Shen Xuan was also puzzled, usually did not see dogs.

Now whenever there is movement, all the dogs bark, then will the people of the Zhao family and the Qian family watch their own dogs, this is a bunch of waste.

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