At this time,

Shen Xuan also knew that this place should not stay for a long time, but he looked at the fallen Zhu Lao Que, his eyes flashed, and he ordered Lao Huang to deal with the future of that Zhu Lao Que here, and he went home from the trail first.

For Lao Huang to do things, Shen Xuan is still very relieved, don't look at this thief-eyed guy, he is oily and slippery on weekdays.

But in terms of doing things, it still has a set, such as killing people and destroying corpses, destroying corpses and destroying traces, let it be done, Shen Xuan is a hundred rest assured.

Holding the black qi Tiger Xuanqi, Shen Xuan came out of Zhu Laoque's house, then jumped on the courtyard wall and went home from the path.

Lao Huang, who had received Shen Xuan's orders, stayed in front of that Zhu Lao Que at this time, looking at the mess in front of him, and also thinking about how to remove all traces without fail.

The thief-eyed Lao Huang looked through the window at the already small fire outside, and the green bean's eyes turned, already having a plan.

Turning around, he grabbed Zhu Laoque's throat, and this time, Zhu Laoque, who was still in a coma, was also forcibly awakened by the pain of scratching through his throat and the occlusion of losing his breath.

But when he woke up, he couldn't say anything at this time, and his trachea and vocal cords were all scratched by Lao Huang.

That Zhu Laoque was lying on the ground at this time, raising his head, staring at a pair of eyes, looking at Lao Huang, wanting to speak, but unable to speak, blood kept gushing out of his mouth and throat, and after a while, his head was tilted, and there was no breath.

Lao Huang looked at Zhu Laoque, who had died, and there was also a burst of disdain in his heart, if he wanted to blame, he blamed himself for carrying a heavy treasure, and he didn't know how to converge.

Knocking over the oil lamps and candles on the side of the bed and on the table, Lao Huang floated into the backyard and watched the house in front of him slowly catch fire.

The corpses of that Zhu Laoque and the other two dusty women were burned all over the inside, and they also shook their heads, looked for the path, and went home.

When Lao Huang finished dealing with everything, Shen Xuan had already arrived home, a flying body, and came directly to his backyard from the path, and Shen Xuan was relieved.

Put the Tiger Flame Xuan Gong in his hand on the table, and at this time, the amazing Tiger Fire Qi has converged, and does not emit that amazing momentum again.

Most of the pervasive Tiger Qi on the Tiger Flame Xuan Gong has now been absorbed by Xuan Gong, and only a small part is left wrapped around Xuan Gong.

However, as time passed, the unabsorbed tiger qi was also slowly decreasing.

Shen Xuan watched the changes at the table, and when Lao Huang also came back from outside, the changes in the tiger Xuanqiao had just ended.

At this time, the tiger Xuangong can be said to have undergone great changes, the original weight of six or seven catties, at this time there are already more than twenty or thirty catties, the original length of 78 centimeters, at this time is already about one meter long.

On it, the edges and corners of the body became more distinct and fierce, and a black tiger head embedded in it also appeared at the handle.

The hideous expression and the exposed fangs all showed the lifelike nature of this tiger's head, as if it was about to jump out of the handle.

Just as Shen Xuan picked up the Xuan Gong, a black qi flew out from the Xuan Gong and fell on Lao Huang on the side, directly fusing with Lao Huang.

Lao Huang also directly absorbed this black qi, but it may be because this black qi is too large, and it took six or seven seconds to slow down, and at this time, Lao Huang's eyes flashed with joy, and he also waved towards Shen Xuan.

"Master, the things you have explained, the small ones have already been done steadily, and this Xuanqi promotion has also added a full twenty years of Dao practice to the small ones, and now, the small ones can also be like the old ghosts, using various means of ghosts."

Shen Xuan listened to Lao Huang's words, and also nodded, Lao Huang did things, he was still relieved, hearing Lao Huang say, this matter has been secured, Shen Xuan naturally will not ask more.

"Well, this time Xuan Gong has been promoted, and you are also quite credited to Lao Huang."

Lao Huang was happy because he had increased his Dao practice, and when he heard Shen Xuan's words, he also hurriedly patted the horse.

"This opportunity, thanks to the master's insight, the little one just did his duty."

Shen Xuan listened to Lao Huang's, although he didn't say it on his face, but he was also extremely useful in his heart, he just took a fancy to Lao Huang not only did things well, but also shot a good.

At this moment, at the tiger's head at the handle, from the tiger's open mouth, a large stream of tiger fire flew out, fell to the ground, and turned into a tiger black tiger again.

Only this time, the black tiger changed from the size of a calf to the size of a carriage, directly flattening Shen Xuan's table, and the room was almost unable to fit it.

Moreover, the movements of the black tiger are more flexible and sharp than before, and the white "king" character on its black head has become more vivid than before.

Shen Xuan looked at the behemoth in front of him, and his heart was also agitated, of course, it was not because of its appearance that he smashed his own table.

Instead, I thought of how pressing it was to ride such a fierce and powerful black tiger when I went out to walk the rivers and lakes in the future.

That's right, Shen Xuan was no longer satisfied with living in a small horse county, he wanted to see other places in this world.

Nowadays, his understanding of this world is still too shallow, and the masters and methods of turning mountains and seas in those notes, he Shen Xuan also wants to see and see.

Moreover, the practice of "Yanyang Fire Talisman", "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi", "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa", and "Lingfa Black Mountain Rampant Altar Method" has already fallen into a bottleneck.

If there is no external help, Shen Xuan will not be able to go further even if his understanding is superb, after all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and without resources, it means that you have no strength.

What he practiced was the method of the left path of the side door, and there were no resources supplied by himself like those orthodox sects, nor did he have a superb teacher, nor did he have a guide to guide him.

All of Shen Xuan's current cultivation is only relying on himself, so he has to go to other places to see.

Go to that rivers and lakes, know more people, know more things, Shen Xuan is only eighteen now, the young man is full of spirit, how can he be trapped by a horse county.

There is a way:

lift the bottle and look up at the blue sky, like a bright moon walking among the clouds.

The son of the Xiqu Jade Sword Liang family, the unruly hero is too white.

The spirit is full of bullfighting, and the silver saddle and white horse step on the rivers and lakes.

Why don't the young man dream of picking stars and dare to shoot the sky wolf with a flying bow.

After dealing with all the affairs in Ma County, Shen Xuan planned to go outside to break in.

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