The ambition in his heart has been decided, it is already late at night, after Shen Xuan dealt with that Zhu Lao Que's affairs, there is nothing to do, waiting for the changes in the tiger to be completed, and Shen Xuan also began the day's practice.

Lao Huang was also on the side to consolidate the Dao that Xuan Gong passed on to it little by little, which made its soul body more and more solidified.

The Tiger Black Tiger was also taken back by Shen Xuan, after all, its current volume is too large, and it can no longer be placed in the room.

Under the moonlight, Shen Xuan finished his practice and went to bed.

In the morning, when the sky was dark, Shen Xuan woke up, looked around, and the cabinet was full of Shen Xuan's harvest for a while.

Sun commanded the Clear Heart Talisman there, the cyan silk that Shen Xuan had not understood now, and the Ghost Locust Heart that had been absorbed by Xuan Gong and Lao Huang, and the remaining four methods were burned by Shen Xuan.

The so-called "law is not passed on lightly", if you get the method yourself, it is your own chance, and these things cannot be left to others.

The Tiger Fire Xuan Gong and the Yanyang Fire Talisman were both placed by Shen Xuan's side, not only to ensure his own safety, these things are Shen Xuan's own heritage, and it is naturally best to put them by his side.

Lao Huang did not go out again, it is now a good old ghost, and while the sun has not yet risen in the morning, it has already gone out for a walk.

Looking at the fragrance that had been burned out in the altar, Shen Xuan lit the three pillars again, opened the window, and the fresh morning air with the fragrant smell of lotus flowers made people smell also unique.

Walking out the door, looking at the front yard in front of me, the morning dew stained on the rape flowers that Lao Huang usually guarded, and on a mulberry tree next to the yard, the branches and leaves were luxuriant, a striking sketch of dew flowers.

A breeze hit and blew on Shen Xuan's cheeks, so unpleasant, but just when Shen Xuan was attracted by the beautiful scenery in the courtyard.

That breeze blew through the window to the cabinet where Shen Xuan put his things, and the fluttering silk was also blown away by the wind.

This green silk in the room followed the direction of the breeze, constantly fighting in the air, moving, I don't know if it was a coincidence or what, this green silk flew in the air for a while, and then fell in the direction of Shen Shenxuan's altar.

And in that altar, there was still the three-pillar incense that had just been lit burning, and I saw that the green silk swayed left and right, and coincidentally, it fell on the three-pillar incense.

In an instant, the green silk was ignited by the flame on the fragrance, burning above this altar, and this originally small green silk, coupled with the breeze, burned faster.

Until Shen Xuan, who was at the door, smelled a smoky smell coming from the house, at this time, it was already late.

Shen Xuan also reacted quickly, and as soon as he turned around, he saw a bunch of flames burning in his altar, and quickly stepped forward, ready to save his own life altar first.

Who knows, Shen Xuan just arrived next to the altar, and the flame that was originally burning was slowly extinguished at this time, leaving only the fragrance of the three pillars burned to half.

Shen Xuan was also puzzled at this time, he had just clearly seen something burning on the altar, how could he get closer, but he didn't find anything.

And at this moment, on that clear fragrance, a wisp of green smoke floated up from nowhere, slowly rotating around that fragrance, Shen Xuan's own eyesight was already extraordinary, plus he also had this sense of qi from his own cultivation, naturally he also found this unusual wisp of green smoke.

However, Shen Xuan did not touch it curiously, there must be a demon when this thing went wrong, who knew whether this wisp of green smoke in his home was good or bad, and when he did not understand the origin of anything, he tried not to touch it.

Shen Xuan naturally also held this mentality, but at this time, that wisp of green smoke was wrapped around his Origin Altar, which made him a little uneasy.

Shen Xuan was also heartbroken at this time, holding the flame talisman in his right hand, injecting spiritual energy, the flame talisman instantly began to burn, just when Shen Xuan was about to give this green smoke a look, the wisp of green smoke seemed to feel wrong, and floated down towards the altar.

Before Shen Xuan could react with the fire talisman, the wisp of green smoke disappeared in front of Shen Xuan's eyes, just when Shen Xuan wondered where this green smoke came from.

A huge breath suddenly came from the altar of law, and Shen Xuan quickly put down the fire talisman, sat down on the spot, and calmed down to feel the incense space in the altar.

And that breath came from the incense space, Shen Xuan just felt this, he realized that something was wrong, the previous incense space was in the illusion, not yet solidified, can only rely on Shen Xuan to burn incense every day to obtain incense.

But now, most of this incense space has been condensed, and in Shen Xuan's feelings, this space is still constantly condensing.

Just as Shen Xuan was stunned by this sudden change, the incense space had already condensed a little again, and it was only a little short of all condensation.

Shen Xuan was a little confused, he couldn't tell whether this was a good thing or a bad thing now, according to the efficiency of Shen Xuan burning incense all day long, if this incense space was truly condensed successfully, it would take seven or eight years.

But now, somehow, this incense space has been condensed.

Shen Xuan is stupid, and now he also reacted, all these changes should come from that wisp of green smoke, and this wisp of green smoke, Shen Xuan does not know its origin.

Shen Xuan couldn't do anything now, so he waited like this, seeing that the last trace of the incense space condensation was about to be condensed.

Suddenly, Shen Xuan felt that there was a change in that vast breath, and in the originally vast breath, there was a trace of incense and a sense of freshness that did not know the origin.

Shen Xuan had some doubts, but in this doubt, the last trace of the incense space was also condensed, and in an instant, Shen Xuan's head "boomed".

An unusual point of light appeared in Shen Xuan's feelings, yes, it was a feeling, Shen Xuan felt the existence of a point of light next to him.

This feeling, Shen Xuan can't explain, it's like you close your eyes, in the darkness, but you can see a striking point of light.

Although Shen Xuan could only look at that point of light blankly, a thought appeared in Shen Xuan's heart, this Black Mountain altar had been successfully refined.

And this point of light is the incense space in the altar of law.

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