Shen Xuan also knew at this time that the Black Mountain altar in his heart was successfully refined, although he did not know that the wisp of green smoke could directly condense the incense space, but he did not pursue it too much, but firmly remembered this matter.

Nowadays, the incense space is directly condensed, and his own drop of essence blood is also condensed with the altar, or in other words, the use of this Black Mountain altar, in addition to the vital incense space, is this drop of his own essence blood.

The incense space and the brass altar mouth belong to two, in the same position in different spaces, the altar mouth is solid, the incense is virtual, and a drop of one's own essence blood plays a bridge role in these two different spaces.

Of course, the bridge function of essence blood is not only to connect the mouth of the altar and the incense, but also to connect Shen Xuan with the two.

If there were rampant soldiers in this incense space, then Shen Xuan could use the connection effect of this essence blood to summon rampant soldiers to his side.

This is the real use of the Black Mountain Altar, and it is also the true essence of the method of "Lingfa Montenegro Rampant Altar Law".

Shen Xuan felt this point of light again, and when he confirmed that this point of light was the incense space that had been condensed, Shen Xuan let go of his heart.

But at this time, Shen Xuan remembered the wisp of green smoke that did not know the origin, and also mentioned it again.

Opening his eyes, Shen Xuan looked at the Black Mountain Altar in front of him, it seemed that after the successful refining of this Black Mountain Altar, his originally ordinary brass altar mouth, although the appearance did not change, but at this time it also exuded a quiet and fresh feeling.

This Black Mountain altar is really different from his previous altar, although there is no difference in appearance, but this feels different.

After Shen Xuan looked at his Black Mountain altar, he also looked at the things in his house, and he didn't feel that the wisp of green smoke appeared in his home for no reason.

Everything happens without nowhere, something must have caused this result indirectly or directly.

After continuing to search at home, Shen Xuan found that the cyan silk that had been burned was gone.

At first, Shen Xuan didn't notice this, and thought that the silk had fallen somewhere, until Shen Xuan took the whole room and did not find the silk, at this time, Shen Xuan dared to be sure that the silk was really missing.

Combining the invisible cyan silk with the wisp of green smoke, Shen Xuan also realized that something was wrong.

There are so many similarities between the two, the same cyan, the same unknown origin, it is difficult not to connect the two.

In connection with the burning flame he saw before, Shen Xuan also had a certain guess.

I couldn't imagine that this silk of extraordinary origin that I got from Commander Sun could not imagine that it played a role here.

Although I don't know the specific origin and specific role of this cyan silk, at least this result is good.

But Shen Xuan also had a trace of concern about this matter, getting money and eliminating disasters with people, and helping himself complete such a big project for this cyan silk of unknown origin.

Shen Xuan still had a feeling of getting something for nothing, and it was this feeling that made Shen Xuan's persecution paranoia attack again.

Shen Xuan felt that there was danger around him again, and every time he felt this way, something bad would always happen, but Shen Xuan called his feeling persecution paranoia.

Before, whenever Shen Xuan was going to do something, this feeling would appear, and whenever this feeling appeared, Shen Xuan would also be mentally prepared first.

Just like Shen Xuan came to this world on the first day, he had this feeling, and then Old Man Cao died.

When I went to investigate the Zhang family poisoning murder case, I had this feeling and met the man in black who was ghostly.

When I went to the Qian family and the Zhao family to catch ghosts, I also had this feeling, and then the black hair ghost and Lao Huang appeared.

When I went to the mass grave to look for ghosts, this feeling appeared, and then I fought with two old ghosts.

Too many things like this have happened, so Shen Xuan also had to believe his feelings.

Of course, knowing that something was going to happen, Shen Xuan couldn't predict anything, so he could only take more precautions.

Although the Black Mountain Altar has been successfully refined now, Shen Xuan still does not have the kind of soul that has been contaminated with the anger of the military path of refining the Red Whiskers and Black Eyebrows, so the various wonderful uses of this Black Mountain Altar are still useless.

However, it is not necessary to use it, the daily incense is still indispensable, although this incense space is already solidified, but in the end it is still in the illusory, or need incense to continue to consolidate the stability of the space.

This is like those generals adopting soldiers, the so-called "raising soldiers for a thousand days, using soldiers for a while", Shen Xuan's Black Mountain altar is also this truth, although he does not use it now, but he still has to use incense to offer.

Giving this arduous task of offering incense to Lao Huang, who had returned from outside because the sun rose, Shen Xuan also went out to Zhao Yuanwai's house for breakfast as usual.

I have to say that this position of guest secretary of the Zhao family, Shen Xuan is really comfortable, he has nothing to do every day, and he can also eat a few "working meals" for nothing.

However, Shen Xuan did not have the same feeling of unearned heart as before, a huge Zhao family, raising so many people, it is still no problem to raise one more.

After eating, Shen Xuan sat in the teahouse for a while and listened to the gossip, of course, Shen Xuan wanted to hear about the fire in Zhendong yesterday.

"Hey, yesterday on East Street in our Ma County, that fire burned really fiercely."

"That's not good, I heard that several people were burned to death, and when the burned people were found, oh, there was only one bone left, and all the skin and meat outside were burned out."

"The few people who found the body were all disgusted and vomited at that time."

"Fortunately, a few of our brothers left early yesterday, otherwise, maybe there will be a few of us among the burned ones."

"What kind of obscure words, I heard that the few who were burned to death, except for a beggar in our Ma County, the others were all from the caravan from Yunchuan."

"Huh? No wonder I listened to what others said this morning, there was a lot of crying in the caravan.

"Hey, this is also strange, our horse county has not lost a fire for more than ten years, how come this caravan came, it burned an East Street."

"Hey, I've heard people say that this fire, it should be that the people in the caravan accidentally knocked over an oil lamp."

"What, it's clear that someone in that caravan wanted to make a fire to cook, and the fire was lost."

"Hey, where did you hear that?"

"You don't care where I heard that."

The rest is that those idle men have been entangled in the reason for yesterday's fire, and Shen Xuan has no heart to listen.

The idle men in this teahouse, this is not good, every time Shen Xuan still wants to listen, someone will always deviate from the topic.

Just like the last time they talked about the caravan, they talked about the unsuitability of children, and this time the fire began to entangle the cause of the fire.

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