Shen Xuan didn't listen anymore, instead of listening to what they said, today Shen Xuan was interested in going there to see what the situation was.

After drinking the tea on the table, Shen Xuan patted his sleeves and left the teahouse.

Shen Xuan is also idle today, so he wants to go to the east of the town to see, although he also went yesterday, but yesterday he went to kill Zhu Laoque, the specific loss after the fire of this caravan, Shen Xuan has not seen it.

In short, Shen Xuan is idle farting at home.

Walking slowly towards the east of the town, but after a while, Shen Xuan saw that there were still wisps of black smoke entangled in the street in front of him.

It should have been after yesterday's fire, and the fire that had not yet had time to extinguish was just extinguished under the rescue of everyone.

Shen Xuan also sighed that this fire came suddenly, and no one reacted at first, and by the time someone in the caravan reacted, the fire was already very large.

In the east of the main town, there are no people living in Ma County, which will leave a place for that caravan to stay, of course, this also has advantages and disadvantages.

The good thing is that a large area of uninhabited areas in the east of the town can be inhabited by caravans, and the bad thing is that just like yesterday, there was a fire, but there were not many people to put out the fire, and most of the people who put out the fire were people in the caravan.

However, this has little to do with Shen Xuan, the only relationship is that taking advantage of yesterday's fire, he asked Zhu Lao Que for the life of this dog thief overnight, and also got the five ghost pills hidden by this dog thief.

Two steps closer, Shen Xuan walked to the entrance of East Street, and the street in front of him that was originally quite prosperous was a mess at this time.

Today is the third day that the caravan came to Ma County, and Shen Xuan came here on the first day to watch a play, and he also got the book of "Lingfa Black Mountain Rampant Altar Law", the method of the left way.

The next night was yesterday's fire, of course, it is not ruled out that God also wants Shen Xuan to slaughter Zhu Laoque.

In front of him, the small houses were dark, and the shops next to them that were still crowded were sparsely populated at this time, and only a few people were walking on the entire East Street.

And the second house counted in at the left street entrance of East Street is the courtyard where Zhu Lao Que lived yesterday, Shen Xuan looked at this coke ruin in front of him, and also nodded appreciatively, Lao Huang did things, it was really deep in Shen Xuan's meaning.

Resolute, thoughtful, and adaptable, that is, without leaving traces, such subordinates are the subordinates that Shen Xuan really needs.

Kicking the blackened wood at his feet into the ruins, Shen Xuan continued to walk forward, the more he walked inside, the more the traces of the street in front of Shen Xuan were burned, it seemed that this fire was burned from the inside of the street to the outside.

Seeing that the front was the stage of the play that Shen Xuan had seen when he came on the first day, on the originally empty place, the stage stood quietly.

The stage was not burned down, but the houses next to the stage were all similar to Zhu Laoque's yard, and they were all in ruins.

It is estimated that this fire began to burn from here, hey, it is a pity that the old houses next to it have all turned into nothing.

Shen Xuan bypassed the stage, but saw the carriages he saw that day, and stopped in the open space not far behind the stage, forming a line.

Next to the carriage were boxes of goods, which should have been rescued from the fire.

Looking at the traces of smoky fire on the box, it seems that the loss of this caravan fire should be not small.

There were still a few people standing next to the caravan talking about something, and there seemed to be people in the carriage talking.

Shen Xuan was also idle, so he walked towards the few people who were talking.

It was an old man with gray hair, talking to three young people, looking at the expressions of the four people as they spoke.

The old man's status was obviously much higher than that of the other three, and the three gathered around the old man, nodding and bowing while talking.

Shen Xuan approached, and one of the three people who was talking to the old man noticed Shen Xuan's approach, and then came directly in the direction where Shen Xuan came.

Before Shen Xuan could get close to a few people, the young man who came over took the lead in speaking:

"This little brother, this is where our caravan is temporarily stationed, this has been discussed with your county order in advance, I don't know what happened to the little brother here?"

This person is about the same height as Shen Xuan, which is only one meter seven or eight in size, but this person has a lot of tendon flesh, wearing a short gown, but he looks very strong.

However, listening to the meaning of this person's words, it was obvious that Shen Xuan was regarded as a person like the young son of this horse county, after all, the current Shen Xuan was indeed dressed a little like the son of the Qian family and the Zhao family.

Wearing a dark gown and stepping on a pair of cloth shoes, this is nothing, mainly on the hands and waist, one is a gold-encrusted wooden bracelet sent by Zhao Yuan, and the other is tied with a leather belt, and there is a hanging jade pendant sent by the money clerk on it.

The whole person has a pocket in one hand, swings with the other hand next to him, walks, shakes his head, and flutters lightly, giving people a feeling of "Laozi has money".

Of course, this is not to blame Shen Xuan, mainly because Old Man Cao walked like this before, Shen Xuan was taught by him from childhood to adulthood, and this walking posture was naturally passed down.

However, Shen Xuan did not feel that there was anything wrong with this walking posture, but he felt that his posture was quite low-key, and there was a feeling of "hiding in the city".

Shen Xuan listened to this person's words, and also looked at this person's face, a pair of old hanging eyes, garlic nose, as if this mouth is still a little crooked, overall, it doesn't look as good as Shen Xuan.

Although Shen Xuan prides himself on not being a beautiful man, he can also see the past, his nose is not upturned or deflated, his mouth is not big or small, and the face of passers-by is a little deep.

Looking at this person, Shen Xuan did not reply, turned his head and left, since this place is the territory of the caravan, then there is no need to cause any trouble.

The old hanging eye saw that Shen Xuan did not answer, turned his head and left, and also scratched his head.

"Why doesn't this man speak, what's wrong."

Who knew that this person just said this, Shen Xuan, who had just turned his head, his eyes froze, he didn't bring a tiger now, but with his physical fitness, it was not a problem to single the few people behind.

Hearing this person say bad things about himself in the back, Shen Xuan couldn't bear it, didn't look back, turned over and kicked directly towards the back.

The old hanging eye who had just finished talking about Shen Xuan had not reacted, and he saw Shen Xuan kicking, and at this time, where did he have time to react, he was directly flown out by this powerful kick and fell to the ground.

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