Shen Xuan also did not continue to wander around East Street, seeing that it was almost noon at this time, he just went back to take the Qingxin talisman and went to Zhao Yuanwai's house to have a meal by the way.

When he returned home, Shen Xuan saw Lao Huang who was lighting incense next to the altar of the Black Mountain, and beckoned to it.

Every day when Shen Xuan went to Zhao Yuanwai's house to eat a working meal, he would take Lao Huang with him, and when Zhao Yuanwai saw Lao Huang, he would naturally prepare a meal for Lao Huang in an uninhabited corner.

I have to say that at the point of eating, Lao Huang regretted a little about the fact that when he went down the mountain, he was the first to harm the Zhao family in Ma County.

After eating, Lao Huang himself got into Shen Xuan's tiger Xuan, it is noon, if Lao Huang wants to travel, he must stay in Xuanqi, and Shen Xuan takes Xuanqiao, so that it can safely come out to see the streets of Ma County.

Today's Shen Xuan still stayed in the teahouse that he must go to one day to drink tea, and the shop Xiaoer in the teahouse was also familiar with Shen Xuan after seeing Shen Xuan come here to drink tea many times.

Now every time Shen Xuan came, the shop Xiaoer would take the initiative to step forward to make tea for Shen Xuan, and the tea Shen Xuan asked for was naturally different from those other idle men.

Because those idle men have no money left at home, they come to this teahouse, and they are purely looking for a place where the big guys sit together and chat.

So the tea they want is all tea brewed from crushed tea leaves, the taste is sour, the quality is relatively poor, but the price is very cheap, a copper plate can be drunk several times.

Shen Xuan is different, he drinks the local Bailu tea in Ma County, and it is also the tea plants planted by the people of Ma County to make tea.

Shen Xuan prefers to drink this kind of tea, as for the price, Shen Xuan did not ask, anyway, he is not poor in money, just make it.

Shen Xuan just sat down, took a sip of the tea from the small second end, put the white cloth-wrapped tiger Xuanqiao on the chair on the side, and began to listen to today's gossip again.

"That Mistress, you know what? Zhang Dashuai suffered a defeat and was beaten by the combined army of the marshal on our side.

"I don't know, it is said that ah, it was the marshal on our side who invited a master with profound mana from the Yunzhou side, I don't know what method was done, the army on the side of Marshal Zhang, overnight, suffered heavy losses."

"Hey, I also heard that when the master practiced it, the ground shook, the river turned over the sea, and the water of the Yangtze River poured directly into the north, washing away Zhang Dashuai's camp."

"I heard that the master is still a steward in the temple, it seems to have come out of a temple called Erniang Temple on the Yunzhou side, and I heard that the Erniang Temple over there in Yunzhou is very spiritual."

"That's not it, last year, the daughter-in-law of my second aunt's cousin's family and the third uncle's family lived in Yunzhou, and I heard her say that most people in Yunzhou believe in this Erniang Temple."

"Huh? Mistress, aren't you an orphan? When you were three years old, you fled famine and came to Ma County, the grandfather who brought you here died, you yourself grew up eating a hundred family meals, where did you come from the second aunt, cousin, and third uncle?

"You don't care where I came from, anyway, what I said is true."

"Okay, well, you have to say so, my aunt's seventh grandfather's brother-in-law's sister-in-law is not also over there in Suzhou, and the people over there have heard that they can make insects do things."

"You're still energetic, my third uncle's grandfather's neighbor's distant cousin's fourth is still working as a cook in the Changji Temple in Yanzhou, and the monks over there heard that they can beat ten of them one by one."

"Okay, okay, you can, I'll ********."

"I thought I was afraid of you, I ********."

Okay, no need to listen, these people are still anxious when they say it, and they scold directly, Shen Xuan did not listen to it anymore, for this situation, sometimes Shen Xuan really wants to go up and give a few of them a smack on the head.

After drinking the tea, Shen Xuan carried the white cloth-wrapped Xuanqiao, left the teahouse, calculated the time, and went home now, just before burning the incense.

Back home, Shen Xuan began another day of cultivation, but now he had a Clear Heart Talisman on his body, and this talisman did have some effect, and as soon as Shen Xuan wore it, the anger that had just killed people in the morning dissipated a little.

Now Shen Xuan only felt that there was a trace of coolness in his heart, which was still a little angry, and this was the magic of the Heart Clearing Talisman.

Lao Huang also continued his incense burning business next to the Black Mountain altar, and it was gone every day except to help Shen Xuan burn incense, and the rest of the time was either to go to the courtyard to serve flowers and plants, or wait for the sun to go down, go outside.

Shen Xuan was sitting next to the altar at this time, and he was also silently reciting the Beidou Divine Charm in his heart, in the past few days, he would practice the "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique" every day, and the divine curse in his heart kept silently, so that his Beiju Demon Slashing Qi was improving every day.

Now that he was under the altar of law, under the breath of fragrance and the action of the Pure Heart Talisman, his heart was also calm.

It was an afternoon to practice, and when Shen Xuan opened his eyes again, it was already late, Lao Huang was no longer at home, and incense was still burning in the altar next to him, it seemed that Lao Huang had just left.

Looking at the bright red colorful light in the sky, Shen Xuan also sighed in his heart:

There is a way that

the light shines on everyone and everyone looks at the sky, and Chu Feng does not slack off in the city.

Noble people often visit their homes, and they do not think about the outside world.

Dissatisfied with his own time wasted time, he searched for fellow people from all over the world.

When people do not have a small pool in the water, you may wish to have a crouching dragon in the shallow.

I think that the day when he left Ma County is coming soon, Shen Xuan is waiting, waiting for an opportunity when he really wants to leave Ma County.

"Bong" came with a loud noise, which could startle Shen Xuan, who was full of melancholy, listening to the direction where this voice came from, it should be on the east side of the town.

Could it be that the foreign caravan began to look for nothing again? Shen Xuan also looked puzzled, he only went to make trouble this morning, why did he start looking for trouble at night.

However, Shen Xuan did not go to see the lively mind, according to the current time, the meals in Zhao Yuanwai's house should be about the same.

Instead of going to see the affairs of that caravan, it is better to go to Zhao Yuanwai's house to eat a bite of food first, now Shen Xuan's food intake is not small, since he began to practice, his food intake has increased almost every day.

Now he needed at least four young and strong young men to add up to his meal, so the sumptuous meal of Zhao Yuanwai's house just met Shen Xuan's needs.

Seeing that Shen Xuan put incense on the Black Mountain altar, he was about to go out, but at this time, Lao Huang floated in from outside the window again.

"Master, master, something happened over there in the east of the town, and a lot of ghosts appeared."

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