Shen Xuan listened to this, and also frowned, how come this caravan did not stop for a day, the first day was fine, the second day was on fire, and now on the third day, it is haunted again, what's the matter, stabbed the nest.

Looking at Lao Huang floating in the air in front of him, Shen Xuan also asked:

"Don't sell Guanzi, what's going on?"

Lao Huang also slowed down at this time, and circled around Shen Xuan, looking extremely excited.

"I just went to the east side of the town to see the three people who were beaten by your master in the morning, but as a result, before I got there, I felt a powerful ghost qi, and then when I rushed over there, I saw a fire ghost and a playgirl fighting over there, and the fight was dark and the house collapsed."

Shen Xuan listened to this, he was also energetic, fire ghost, drama girl, it's really interesting, these two things can still get together, how can this not go to see.

At this time, Shen Xuan also had no intention of going to eat, kicked on the Yanyang Fire Talisman, took the Tiger Xuan Gong, and the Beijuku Demon Qi in his body ran to the extreme, came to the courtyard, turned over and came to the path, and one person and one ghost rushed to the east of the town non-stop.

Since Shen Xuan's cultivation until now, except for the vicious battle of the Taiping Corpse Demon in the tomb of General Zhenyuan, he has not used his full strength in fighting with people, so he does not know what his strength is now.

Of course, the purpose of this trip is not to fight, the main purpose is to see if there is anything that can be fished over, if you can, then what kind of fire ghost plays a girl, kill it.

However, when Shen Xuan just had the idea of "killing" in his heart, there was a trace of coolness in the Qingxin talisman in his arms, as if to remind Shen Xuan, but Shen Xuan did not notice this, he just felt that his anger seemed to be a little less.

A person and a ghost came to the east of the town after a while, and the east of the town at this time was already in ruins, or in other words, the east of the town was originally similar to the ruins, but now, it is more completely abandoned.

As soon as Shen Xuan came out of the burned ruins of Zhu Laoque's house, he saw a group of people gathered around in front of him, not knowing what they were doing.

Those people did not notice Shen Xuan's arrival, but instead looked at the front intently, and Shen Xuan also followed their gaze and looked ahead.

Lao Huang was also floating on Shen Xuan's left shoulder at this time, and when he saw the things in front of him, he also said next to Shen Xuan's ear:

"Master, master, those two, the fight is fierce."

Of course, Shen Xuan also saw the scene in front of him at this time, a blue-black ghost creature who was full of fire and three feet tall was holding his hideous fire claw and hitting a woman covered in white light.

Shen Xuan looked at the fighting person and ghost, and also fixed his mind, only to find that it was not actually one person and one ghost fighting, but the fire ghost and a knife-wielding man were fighting the woman in costume together.

The fire ghost was covered in flames, with green-faced fangs and red hair, floating in the air, his lower body was hidden in the smoke, and he had two copper-skinned sledgehammers tied to his side, which looked majestic.

The man with the knife next to the fire ghost was also tall, dressed in black, holding a large knife with a ring head, and the big knife was full of black qi, and he kept slashing towards the woman.

The woman was wearing this costume at this time, her face was painted with heavy makeup, and bursts of white light appeared on the costume, and that white light surrounded the woman's body, resisting the attacks of fire ghosts and men.

Shen Xuan watched carefully, of course, not at the woman, but at the situation of the three people on the field.

The fire ghost and the man obviously had the upper hand, and the woman was still struggling to support, seeing that the woman was almost unable to support it.

Shen Xuan also approached the crowd at this time, he didn't have the kind of heroic desire to save beauty, besides, the woman was wearing heavy makeup, and Shen Xuan couldn't see her true face.

However, compared to joining the battlefield, Shen Xuan now wanted to know the origin of these three people, so naturally he had to hear a little news from the group of people in front of him.

At this time, Shen Xuan's gaze also shifted from the battlefield to the group of people, and in this group, Shen Xuan still knew a few, that is, the old man and the person who was not male or female this morning, as well as the two people who were beaten by Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan slowly approached the group of people, and he could finally hear their voices.

"Elder Wang, what should we do now, Sister Yun has been restrained by the man and the ghost he summoned, and she can't beat it anymore."

"Now we can't do anything, we can only wait, if the goods are lost this time, we might as well die."

When Shen Xuan heard this, he also thought in his heart, it seems that this man came to this caravan, and that woman should also be a person in this caravan.

At this time, Shen Xuan had an idea in his heart, this caravan could attract a cultivator to grab it, it seemed that there were a lot of good things inside, it was better to take advantage of the fact that they were both defeated, and they sat on the benefits of the fisherman.

However, the people who were watching the battlefield also noticed Shen Xuan behind them at this time, and the rich children who were neither male nor female also noticed Shen Xuan's arrival, and opened their mouths with a sentence/

"Why are you dog thieves?"

Hearing this, Shen Xuan's face was also dark, if this morning, Shen Xuan would have to open this person's head, but he now has a Clear Heart Talisman on his body, but he does not have the anger of the morning.

Therefore, Shen Xuan did not pay too much attention to this person's words, and continued to look towards the field.

The drama girl on the scene was no longer able to support it at this time, and the white light shrouded in her body was also beaten a little loosely at this time, and the man and the fire ghost saw this scene, and the attack on their hands became more and more fierce.

At this time, the old man also saw Shen Xuan on the side, pulled everyone away, quickly stepped forward, and saluted this Shen Xuan first:

"This young man, the old man also knows that you are not a mortal, can you help the woman on the field, after the matter is completed, the old man will have a heavy thanks."

The rich boy who was neither male nor female listened to the old man's words, and also hurriedly stepped forward to grab the old man:

"Grandpa Wang, why are you begging him?" This dog thief only killed Brother Shi in the morning, let's not go to his trouble, why do we want him to help. When

the old man listened to the words of this rich child, he also hurriedly pulled him down, and apologized to this Shen Xuan one after another:

"I'm sorry, young man, my grandson can't speak, he bumped into you, you adults don't remember villains, spare him this time."

Then he hurriedly pushed the rich boy back, and while pushing, he said:

"What do you know, the stone he has eyes that do not recognize Mount Tai, he collided with people who should not be collided, and he deserved to die."

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