For the old man's words, Shen Xuan did not care, all his attention now was on the man on the field.

How could the big knife in this man's hand and the fire ghost beside him be a bit similar to his own Xuan Gong and Lao Huang?

Just now, Shen Xuan noticed that the black qi bubbling on the ring-headed knife in the man's hand, a trace of it, was extraordinary, wasn't it just a mess?

Lao Huang also seemed to react at this time, and said in Shen Xuan's ear:

"Master, that fire ghost's body also seems to be a little tiger, as if like me, it is also a ghost."

Hearing Lao Huang's words, Shen Xuan also reacted to the man in front of him at this time, I am afraid that he has also practiced the "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa", otherwise, how can he have a tiger qi on his weapons and ghosts.

However, this also made Shen Xuan feel wrong, his "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa" was obtained by killing people and crossing goods, and that person was dressed in black like this man, could it be that there was also some relationship between these two?

Seeing that the man was about to win at this time, the speculation in Shen Xuan's heart became more and more intense, if this person had something to do with the man in black that Shen Xuan killed, then if he saw that Shen Xuan would also "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa", the matter of killing the man in black by himself was not self-defeating.

No, this man in front of him definitely can't survive, Shen Xuan thought of this, his heart was also a wake-up call, thinking about it, instead of sitting still, it was better to take the initiative to attack.

It just so happened that Shen Xuan also heard the old man's words, and his mind turned, anyway, he also wanted to kill the man in black, it was better to get another reward.

Besides, if he killed the man in black, then the things in this caravan would not belong to him, after all, he was not a trustworthy person.

With a "hmm" to the old man who spoke, Shen Xuan walked out of the side of everyone, but he was not in a hurry to join the battlefield in front of him, or that sentence, the benefit of the fisherman.

Shen Xuan agreed to the old man's conditions, but when to help, this depends on Shen Xuan's mood.

When the old man just saw Shen Xuan, he wanted to get Shen Xuan's help, so he stepped forward and said that, not wanting Shen Xuan to promise to be so decisive, which made him a little unable to react.

The old man originally meant that he couldn't beat the man in black anyway, it was better to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, beg Shen Xuan, see if he could help, don't want Shen Xuan to be so sharp, make him think he was deceived.

However, after seeing that Shen Xuan was not in a hurry to make a move, he understood that people only agreed with their lips.

Looking at the drama girl on that scene, she was already at the end of the crossbow, and the white light on her body that could still resist the attack was already gone at this time, and she could only dodge embarrassingly under the attack of the fire ghost and the man.

The man also laughed at this time, and while saying "die quickly", he accelerated the speed of the ring-headed knife in his hand.

The drama girl did not say a word at this time, even when she was in danger, but her clenched fists explained her psychology at this time.

Shen Xuan, who was watching the play on the side, also admired the woman a little, who was in danger, and could still insist on his own style, what a lonely person.

Although Shen Xuan is not a person with a wind backbone, even Shen Xuan himself evaluates himself as an opportunistic person who sees the wind and steers, but this does not affect him to admire other people.

However, this admiration did not let Shen Xuan help the drama girl, admiration to admiration, but this is not directly related to his own behavior.

Watching the playgirl being beaten back by the man in black and the fire ghost, finally the man in black caught a flaw in the playgirl, stepped forward, and slashed diagonally with the head knife in his hand, directly slashing on the right shoulder of the playgirl.

In an instant, the drama girl was directly cut to the ground by this knife, covered her right shoulder, and fell to the ground.

The man in black also took this opportunity to put the ring head knife directly on the neck of the drama girl, and the fire ghost was also shouting on the side, obviously very excited about this victory.

Just as the man grinned and wanted to release his victory speech, at this moment, a fire talisman flew towards the man.

The fire ghost next to him was too excited to take this move for his master, but the man reacted quickly, rolled over, and dodged this fire talisman.

That drama girl also took this opportunity to get out of danger to her life, stumbled up from the ground, covered her shoulders, and slowly walked towards Shen Xuan.

The man and the fire ghost who had been on alert beside him did not chase the drama girl, in the eyes of the man, the drama girl no longer had the power to fight again, and the remaining danger was only Shen Xuan, who had just flown out the fire talisman.

When the drama girl came to everyone behind Shen Xuan, the man slowly spoke: "

This Daoist, I don't know what you mean?"

Shen Xuan didn't answer him, or rather, Shen Xuan didn't know what he should say, he could only be ambiguous, but he said without losing his strength:

"This seat has to do things with your consent?"

When the man in black heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, although he was also a person from the side door, and he knew that in the side door, there were also many people who bragged about calling themselves "Honza" and "Buddha-figures".

But all of them are people who have some skills, but they don't know how much strength this young man in front of him has.

The man in black did not rush to make a move, but continued to ask:

"Daoist, do you really want to take care of my Tiger Summoning Sect?"

When Shen Xuan heard this, his face was silent, but his heart was full of muttering.

It seems that his guess is not wrong, the "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa" he obtained and the man in black who was killed by himself really have something to do with the man in black in front of him and the Tiger Summoning Sect he said.

However, Shen Xuan did not show his horse's feet, but continued to deal with the man in black, and by the way, a little news came out of his mouth.

"What tiger summoning faction, this seat is traveling today, go here, see you two fighting, how can a man bully a woman at will, I am good by nature, when I encounter this kind of thing, I naturally have to take care of it"

Shen Xuan's words are also quite meaningful, not only explaining his relationship with this gang clearly, but also making himself a little person in the heart of the man in black.

The man listened to Shen Xuan's words, but he was relieved, it seemed that this person was just a short-sighted person, he didn't even know his own Tiger Summoning Sect, and he didn't seem to be a knowledgeable master.

Moreover, people who can be seduced by women and have great skills are nothing more than some people who have obtained small magic and small techniques, and they are just bragging here.

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