The man was no longer polite at this time, and directly scolded this Shen Xuan:

"What kind of thing are you, dare to care about the affairs of my tiger summoning faction, if you retreat at this time, hmph, if you don't know how to be a villain, I want your soul to be scattered."

Shen Xuan also knew at this time that this man was the person of the Tiger Summoning Sect, but he didn't know what the relationship between the black-clothed man and the Tiger Summoning Sect he killed before was.

However, at this time, Shen Xuan naturally had no other mind to care about anything else, and the man in black in front of him also directly indulged after thinking that Shen Xuan did not have much strength.

Where would Shen Xuan spare him, instead of slowly saying things in this person's mouth, it was better to directly break his hands and feet and slowly torture and torture himself.

Shen Xuan just watched this man, the battle between the fire ghost and the drama girl, and found that he also looked up to these two people and a ghost before, and the fighting skills of this man in black were simply garbage in Shen Xuan's opinion, in addition to using a handful of brute force to suppress the drama girl.

For the rest, it is estimated that he doesn't even know where the basic human body is injured the deadliest, otherwise, just the flaw that the drama girl revealed, if Shen Xuan, as the opponent of the drama girl, grasps this flaw, he can directly kill her, where there will be so many twists and turns.

That fire ghost is a little better than its owner, at least in terms of combat skills, the two flaming sledgehammers make it a tiger and tiger, and the grasp of the battle situation can also be called a "good talent".

It is that it seems that it cannot control its temperament, and before the enemy is really dead, it has begun to relax, which is the deadliest of any battle.

That drama girl is also, in addition to the costume on her body is a little strange, can help her block the attack, its combat skills are not much better than the man in black, both of them are half a pound and eight taels.

Although Shen Xuan's self-proclaimed combat skills could not be called superior, the day and night fighting in the stone mountain had already made Shen Xuan's body have a strong basic reaction, not to mention any combat skills.

Just relying on this basic reaction, with both sides on the same basis, it would not be a problem for Shen Xuan to hit both of them one by one.

The reason why that man could crush the drama girl, except that he also had a fire demon to help, Shen Xuan could no longer see any other advantages for the man in black.

Seeing that the man was already arrogant at this time, Shen Xuan naturally would not let go of this opportunity to take him down, and did not speak, Shen Xuan raised his hand to recall the flame talisman, and slowly walked towards the man, Shen Xuan did not take the tiger Xuanqiao with him, but let Lao Huang hide in the shadows with the Xuanqiao.

The reason why he didn't directly show Xuanqi was to hide part of his strength first, but also to prevent the man in black from being alert, the enemy's underestimation was always what Shen Xuan wanted most, and said to the man in black who was already on guard:

"Hmph, then the honza won't talk nonsense with you, let's sit down."

The man in black was already a little angry with Shen Xuan, and when he heard Shen Xuan's provocative words, he couldn't bear it, and pointed at Shen Xuan with his hand.

The fire ghost next to him also smashed towards Shen Xuan with two sledgehammers, and the man in black also stepped forward with a knife, following the steps of the fire ghost, one person and one ghost rushed towards Shen Xuan.

Seeing that this man and the fire ghost converged, he also wanted to bully the less with more, and beat Shen Xuan one by two, but how could Shen Xuan be afraid, he had already expected this man's thoughts.

Therefore, Shen Xuan did not pull anything with the man in black again, his mind moved, and the Beisu demon qi that had been hidden in his body for a long time burst out, and the powerful aura rushed straight up, rushing out of the clouds above his head.

The strength of the momentum directly shocked the black-clothed man and the fire ghost who rushed towards him, Shen Xuan's heart moved, and the originally majestic aura turned back to the side, directly covering the body.

Shen Xuan's whole body was like a layer of blue-silver light armor, and in terms of momentum alone, it had already overwhelmed the man.

The man was also frightened by the situation in front of him at this time, he originally only felt that this young man was just a fledgling, and he didn't know the sinister stunned blue in the world, and he didn't want the momentum exuded by this person to be so strong, so that he couldn't react for a while.

Where would Shen Xuan give him a chance, the Yanyang Fire Talisman in his hand was dissatisfied, and flew towards the man, and the fire ghost spirit saw that there was an attack towards his master.

Just wanted to block this move for his master, where would Shen Xuan let the fire ghost get his wish, one step forward, and then sideways, that is, a punch to the fire ghost's head.

That fire ghost was also loyal, and between resisting Shen Xuan's punch and blocking the Flame Talisman for his master, he did not hesitate to choose to save his master first.

In this way, the fire ghost ate Shen Xuan's punch, causing its hideous head to be knocked out by half, but it also blocked the flying Yanyang Fire Talisman.

The fire talisman hit the chest of the fire ghost, but it did not play the slightest role, the flame talisman was ejected, and the yang fire talisman only slightly burned the body of the fire ghost, and it was also ejected.

The man in black also reacted, backhand slashed at Shen Xuan, Shen Xuan also knew that the blow was not hit, temporarily retreated, one turned over, dodged back, escaped this time the slash The fire ghost also mobilized his own ghost qi, and slowly recovered his half of his head that was beaten.

This ghost thing is good at this, and when it is attacked by a physical attack that is not fatal, it can use ghost qi to make up for its gap.

But just when the fire ghost's head was about to solidify again, a violent blue-silver aura burst out, causing the ghost qi used by the fire ghost to condense the head to be directly blown away.

Moreover, this breath was still wrapped around the vacant position of the fire ghost's head, and the man in black also reacted when he saw this scene.

The blue-silver aura wrapped around this Shen Xuan's body was actually so difficult to entangle, not only could it be attacked and defended, but it was also like a maggot with bones, entangled with the enemy.

This person is difficult to deal with, this is the man in black's evaluation of Shen Xuan now.

Shen Xuan was also surprised at this time by the loyalty of this fire ghost, and was willing to give up his own safety to save his master, it seems that this fire ghost is definitely the ghost that the man in black has accepted, otherwise how could he be so loyal.

However, Shen Xuan's Beijuku Demon Qi is not so easy to deal with, not only can it bless itself, but also the damage to ghosts and demons is also very huge.

It is equivalent to this Beijuku demon qi can only play a physical role when dealing with ordinary people, but when dealing with ghosts and demons, it not only has a physical effect, but also attaches this spell attack.

At this time, Shen Xuan used the Beijuku Demon Qi to deal with this person and a ghost, which can be said to be the right medicine.

After the fire ghost mobilized his own ghost qi many times, but he couldn't get rid of the Beijuku demon qi wrapped around his head, he was also angry and attacked, no longer caring that he only had half of his head, lifted the sledgehammer, and smashed towards Shen Xuan again.

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