Shen Xuan also did not hesitate, recalled the fire talisman, and directly faced the fire ghost's hammer and stiffened it, and he was now wrapped in the Beijuku demon qi.

It is equivalent to adding a layer of shield to himself, the key is that this shield also has a counter-injury, as long as Beijuku's demon qi is not broken, he is invincible, this can not be just, it will be done.

A punch went directly towards the copper sledgehammer the size of the fire ghost's head, the sledgehammer and the fist collided in the air, only listening to the sound of "pang", the fire ghost's sledgehammer was directly shocked out by this powerful countershock force.

Even the fire ghost also took a few steps back, which was able to stand firmly, and Shen Xuan was no better, and was shocked by this force and flew out sideways, but fortunately, Shen Xuan's own movements were sensitive, and he forcibly twisted his body in the air, and after turning a few more times, he landed steadily.

The Beijuku Demon Qi on the right hand that collided with the sledgehammer was also a little collapsed at this time, but it was not a big deal, and as soon as his mind moved, a steady stream of Beijuku Demon Qi erupted from his body, once again completing the collapse of the breath on his right hand.

Since Shen Xuan obtained the "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique", he has been chanting the Beidou Du Divine God Mantra almost every day, and these recited spells.

After Shen Xuan really refined the first wisp of Beisu Demon Qi, it was directly fused with the breath, coupled with Shen Xuan's own aura, this will have a steady stream of Beisu Demon Qi emerging from his body now.

Therefore, Shen Xuan was not worried that this Beijuku Demon Qi would not be enough, his Spiritual Qi was stored in his own dantian, and the Beijuku Demon Qi was a combination of his own qi sense, corresponding spell power, his own aura, and his own breath.

Your own breath and sense of qi are the foundation of the Hokujuku Demon Qi, and if you want to use the Hokujuku Demon Qi continuously, you need to fill it with the corresponding spell power and your own aura.

These spells and auras used to fill are naturally taken from the Beidou Du Divine God Mantra and their own cultivation, and the generation of a Beijuku Demon Qi requires the use of a ratio of spell power and aura to two to one.

That is, one aura plus two spells of the same share can fill a part of the Beijuku Demon Qi.

This also made Shen Xuan's demand for spell power very large, so Shen Xuan also had his own unique insight into spell power.

Every day, in addition to sleeping, as long as he was awake, he was chanting this Beidou Divine Spell in his heart every moment, which made Shen Xuan's spell power grow every moment.

Therefore, Shen Xuan's Beijuku Demon Qi can be continuously used at critical moments, which is all derived from his usual accumulation.

The man in black saw that his ghost was not able to take advantage of Shen Xuan's hand, and he knew that this person did have some skills, and his movements in his hand were not slow, and the ring head knife was a horizontal slash towards Shen Xuan's face door who had just stood firm.

Seeing the slashed ring-headed knife, where can Shen Xuan get used to him, and he doesn't hide, on one side, the whole person's chest is sharply aimed at the cut ring-headed knife, and Shen Xuan also has a certain understanding of this ring-headed knife.

This ring sword must be the weapon that the black-clothed man in front of him chose to practice the "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Devil Dafa", which belongs to the same weapon as his own Tiger Burning Xuanqiao.

There was a tiger qi wrapped around it, but the tiger qi on the ring knife in front of him was far less intense than the tiger qi on Shen Xuan's tiger sword, and it could even be said to be a little thin.

Therefore, Shen Xuan will choose to use his Beiju Demon Qi to directly harden this slashed

ring head knife, it is precisely because Shen Xuan's control of the power of the tiger qi is very accurate, this is the scene of not defending now, hard to carry a knife, the ring head knife "basket" slashed on Shen Xuan's chest, but the scene where the man in black expected him to cut Shen Xuan was different, the ring head knife did not break the Beiju demon qi on Shen Xuan's chest, but was directly bounced off.

The tiger qi on the knife body was also directly consumed after contacting the Beijuku demon qi, and now the tiger qi that was originally thin on the ring head knife was even thinner, leaving only a shallow layer around the knife.

The man in black only felt that he had cut on a piece of fine iron at this time, and the countershock force directly shocked the man's tiger mouth holding the knife out of a bloody mouth, causing the man to grin his teeth, which made the man also show a flaw.

Shen Xuan also did not miss this opportunity, as soon as he stood up, directly towards the lower abdomen of the man in black, it was a reckless punch, the man was already unable to react at this time, seeing Shen Xuan imposing punch almost hit up.

At this moment, the fire ghost also picked up the sledgehammer that he flew out from the side, and saw Shen Xuan's punch directly towards his master, and it was also the protector's heart, and a hammer smashed towards Shen Xuan.

Then now Shen Xuan is faced with two choices, either ignore the sledgehammer and give the man in black a heavy blow, or, turn around and defend the sledgehammer smashed, and give up this punch to the man in black.

The battlefield changed, and in an instant, Shen Xuan did not have much time to hesitate, in his own safety and the attack on the enemy, Shen Xuan chose to keep his safety first.

Retracting the right fist that hit the man in black, one turned over, kicked the sledgehammer, and at the moment of collision with the sledgehammer, with the power of the sledgehammer, the foot kicked, directly into the air.

The man in black was originally a little frightened when he saw Shen Xuan's punch, and after seeing Shen Xuan retract his fist, he did not continue to attack, but retreated first to ensure his safety.

From this point, this man in black had already missed an opportunity to win, if he didn't retreat just now, but raised his knife and slashed at Shen Xuan, then Shen Xuan would have fallen into a dilemma, and he was bound to fall into the downside.

However, this man in black also has the same psychology as Shen Xuan, no matter when, it is most important to keep your own safety first, and then consider other things.

However, Shen Xuan used the force of the sledgehammer to smash towards himself, and stepped on the sledgehammer downward, and the more he borrowed the force in the air, the fire ghost was stepped on by Shen Xuan because of the sledgehammer, and also followed the inertia of the sledgehammer to step forward.

But because of the untimely reaction, the body was unstable, and he was directly taken down by a sledgehammer and fell to the ground.

How could Shen Xuan let this black-clothed man retreat, unable to attack his chance, the Beijuku demon qi in his hand condensed into a ball again, and the fire ghost who turned around and fell to the ground below was smashed down with a punch.

At this time, Shen Xuan used the power of the fire ghost, he was four or five meters in the air, and by the inertia of his body, Shen Xuan's own weight, coupled with the physical effect of the blessing of the Beijuku demon qi, this blow directly pierced the fire ghost who fell to the ground.

The chest of the fire ghost was directly penetrated into a big hole by Shen Xuan at this time, and without even shouting, it turned into a burst of black ghost qi, and returned to the ring head knife of the man in black.

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