The man in black had just stood still at this time, and before he could lift the knife again, he saw that his fire ghost was directly scattered by Shen Xuan, and the fear in his heart that had not yet subsided was already pervasive.

If others don't know, can he still not know? The man in black's own combat power is basically on that fire ghost, and he himself knows nothing about melee combat.

It's good to let him slaughter some ordinary people, if only in terms of knife skills and combat skills, he is not as good as a mountain thief from the wild road on the mountain.

The fire ghost was also a ghost that his father specially helped him find, this fire ghost was a former dynasty general named "Dong Lian", who made two sledgehammers, because when he led troops to fight, he was attacked by enemy fire and died, and then he turned into a fire ghost after death.

But its own spiritual intelligence seems to be very vague, and I heard my father say that this is because the fire ghost is a general, but a soldier, with a soldier's anger, and after death, these soldiers' anger has not dissipated.

Instead, he continued to change into a ghost with the owner, but the spiritual intelligence of the ghost was not high, and then he was rushed by this soldier's anger, and this fire ghost was basically only the basic reaction that he had practiced before his death.

And when the man in black refined this fire ghost into his own ghost, there was also a little accident, causing the fire ghost to dissipate almost the same as those battle foundation reactions he had practiced before his death after turning into a ghost.

Now the fire ghost can only throw the hammer, but only the idea of protecting the owner Of course, even if this fire ghost can only throw the hammer, it is much better than its master.

At this time, the man in black felt the weak thoughts coming from his own ghost in the ring head knife, and also knew that on the battlefield now, only he was left to fight with Shen Xuan.

But where is this man in black Shen Xuan's opponent, this point, discerning people can see that just now when this person was fighting one ghost and two fights, he did not have the upper hand, and now he is only left, how can he beat Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan looked at the fire ghost who returned to the ring head knife after being scattered by himself, and he was also relieved, thanks to his timely reaction just now, he took down this fire ghost.

Otherwise, this person and a ghost continue to fight a war of attrition against Shen Xuan, then Shen Xuan really can't bear it, of course, thanks to the incompetent master of the man in black.

Getting up from the ground, the bluestone ground that had just been hit by Shen Xuan had cracked at this time, looking at the gravel at his feet, and then at the man in black not far ahead, Shen Xuan smiled gently.

If you know the time a little, surrender at this time, and then say what to answer, maybe you are in a good mood and give him a happy way to die.

However, the black-clothed man in front of him who raised the ring head knife to his chest again seemed to want to break the cauldron and fight to the death.

This made Shen Xuangao look at him, originally thought that this man in black had no combat skills at all, not pampered, or what kind of soft egg, but unexpectedly, there was still some backbone.

Shen Xuan also had the intention to tease this black-clothed man who now looked a little silly, and kicked the gravel towards the black-clothed man.

When the man in black saw a piece of rubble kicked by Shen Xuan, he also reacted quickly, and slapped the rubble away with a knife, and then he looked at Shen Xuan viciously.

The piece of gravel just now could be dodged even by a child, but Shen Xuan used it to deal with the man in black, which was undoubtedly a great insult in the eyes of the man in black.

At this time, the man in black was also angry, and he slashed towards Shen Xuan with a ring-headed knife regardless, and Shen Xuan was waiting for his uncontrollable sword.

Directly stepped forward, sideways dodged this knife vertical slash, came to the side of the man in black, and faced his hands holding the knife, from the bottom up, it was a kick.

The man in black had already done his best, and at this time he wanted to draw the knife and turn around, just retracted his strength, and when his hand was bored, Shen Xuan's just right kick directly kicked the ring head knife in his hand.

After this ring of the first knife turned in the air a few times, it "banged" and fell to the ground, and the man in black had not yet taken off his weapon, and when he reacted, Shen Xuan's punch had already reached his face.

"Snap", the man in black covered his face, directly knocked over by Shen Xuan, in or Shen Xuan retracted his strength, if he used the power of hitting the fire ghost to hit this man in black, this blow, it would directly kill him.

Of course, in order to be able to ask something in the mouth of the man in black later, how could Shen Xuan end the life of the man in black happily.

The man in black covered his swollen left half of his face at this time, stumbled up from the ground, pointed at Shen Xuan with his left hand, and kept pointing his fingers, but he didn't see him say anything.

Shen Xuan saw that your kid still couldn't figure out the situation, and he dared to point to the main seat, and designated that there was no good fruit to eat.

Shen Xuan was also ruthless, raised his hand and pulled the black-clothed man pointing at his left hand, and the other hand was not slow, and punched the black-clothed man's left elbow.

Just listening to the "click", the elbow of the man in black was directly interrupted by Shen Xuan's punch, and in an instant, the arm that could still be pointed at Shen Xuan was pulled down.

"Ugh!" The black-clothed man's pig-killing cry resounded in the sky, but where would Shen Xuan let him shout wantonly, if at this time, he didn't cause a little psychological shadow to the man in black, his next question, I'm afraid it would be a little difficult.

Raised his hand and gave the man in black a big pocket again, this time, now the left and right sides of the man in black are symmetrical, and they are swollen and high.

Where did the man in black dare to speak at this time, covering his face with his remaining right hand, standing in place, he did not dare to move, even if there was a huge pain in his left hand, he was also held back.

Very good, is to this effect, Shen Xuan looked at the man in black in front of him, even if he was forced to sweat cold by the pain in his left hand, he did not cry out again, and Shen Xuan was very satisfied with this result.

If you want anyone to tell the truth to yourself, there are only two ways, either you are kind to this person, and you control everything about this person, so that he has no reason to betray himself, or, only use violence, conquer his psychology, so that this person does not dare to lie to himself from the bottom of his heart whenever he wants.

And Shen Xuan naturally used the second method, directly hit, hit him until he was soft, hit him until he didn't dare, hit him fearfully, hit him until he appeared as soon as he saw himself and dared not lie to the psychological emergency reaction.

This was Shen Xuan's simplest and most practical interrogation method for the man in black.

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