Shen Xuan took out the short stick from behind his back and handed it to Uncle Luo, and told Uncle Luo that he would use this short stick to create it.

Luo Daniu's eyes narrowed, and he slammed the short stick for a while, then agreed to come down, and promised to personally come to play this hammer, so that Shen Xuan could take it three days later.

Shen Xuan did not have too much politeness, and after paying the deposit, he went home.

He had to think about it, how to complete the daily killing thing in the Dharma?

Is it impossible for him to kill people every day? It is also necessary to kill a tiger every seven days, killing twenty-eight tigers, there are many tigers in the wild, but holding an iron hammer and singled out the tiger, Shen Xuan asked himself, it is still impossible to do it.

Shen Xuan thought about it again and again, thinking that the daily killing thing mentioned in the Dafa should be to kill the cultivator, and as for what to kill, there was no hard requirement.

And if you have to kill a tiger every seven days, you can actually consume it with a fire talisman first, and then harvest it with an iron shovel.

Having made up his mind, Shen Xuan began to practice the set of breathing methods attached to the Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa.

Sitting under the mouth of the altar, Shen Xuan closed his eyes and stared, changing his breathing method little by little as he said in the breathing method.

Call...... Suck............ Call............ Suck... Call......... Suck.

The unique breathing method made Shen Xuan a little uncomfortable, but slowly, Shen Xuan began to get used to it.

Slowly, Shen Xuan began to feel a little cold gas surrounding him, and his heart also began to sense the mouth of the altar.

The cold gas slowly began to enter Shen Xuan's body again, and Shen Xuan suddenly felt a warm feeling on his body, which was extremely comfortable.

When the cold gas was almost absorbed, the altar mouth above the head emitted another gas, and it turned out that this altar mouth could also assist cultivation.

Shen Xuan was overjoyed, he originally only knew that this altar mouth could transmit spiritual energy to himself to use the Yanyang Fire Talisman, and after that sneak attack on the cloaked man, Shen Xuan felt that the spiritual energy in the altar mouth began to become a little less.

This altar mouth can not only automatically absorb spiritual power, but also emit spiritual energy to assist one's own cultivation.

After absorbing the spiritual energy released from the mouth of the altar, it was already a little late, Shen Xuan got up, thinking that he had been practicing all day, he had not eaten, and he did not feel hungry.

As soon as he thought of this, Shen Xuan's stomach "growled", it turned out that he didn't feel hungry, but he was hungry.

Shen Xuan also thought that if he practiced for a day, he would be able to directly open the valley.

After searching all the ingredients at home, it was only enough for Shen Xuan to eat a clear noodle soup.

For food, Shen Xuan does not pick, can eat, in this era, the hungry people outside change their children to eat, and the rich people in Ma County are still luxurious.

After eating the noodles, Shen Xuan did not continue to practice at home, and went out to wander around first.

Walking on the streets of Maxian, there are not many people on the street, all of them are farmers who have just returned from farming, and the rest are idlers who are fed and the whole family is not hungry sitting in the teahouse and chatting.

Before, Shen Xuan went to the Zhangjia poisoning case because of Old Man Cao, and it was here that he heard the news, and I have to say that in this small teahouse, there is the largest intelligence transaction in the entire Ma County.

All kinds of true and false gossip, gossip can be heard here, which can be called the first intelligence organization in Ma County.

When Shen Xuan has nothing to do, he will also come to this teahouse, make a cup of tea, sip melon seeds, pass the time, and inquire about the latest news by the way.

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