Shen Xuan sat down here, served a cup of tea, grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and a few idle men over there began to chat.

From time to time, Shen Xuan heard a few tone words such as "boom" and "ho".

What the few idle men closest to Shen Xuan said was clearly heard.

"Hey, you know what? The house of the king widow in the east of the town has been in and out of the house lately."

"But no, that old Li Tou, who does not do the farm work at home every day, rushes to the field of the king's widow's house to cut grass and catch insects."

"Listening to you say this, it seems that this is really the case, then the housekeeper of Zhao Yuanwai's family also always goes to the house of the widow Wang."

Speaking of this, the idle men laughed again, and seemed to plan to try it themselves.

For this kind of topic, Shen Xuan has already heard of it repeatedly, there are always some people in the town, talking about the gossip of this family all day, and the gossip of that family tomorrow.

Today's widow Wang, tomorrow's daughter-in-law of whose family, talking about this kind of non-nutritious topic, Shen Xuan is "scoffing" at this matter.

After listening to the gossip of this widow Wang, Shen Xuan moved his butt and turned to listen to the other piles of idle men and what they were talking about.

"Have you heard? That Zhang family poisoning case is completely over today."

"What Zhang family poison murder case, that is, the county master could not find the murderer, made up to deceive people, what poison can poison a large number of people, up and down hundreds of people."

"That maybe, this Ma County has three big households, Zhao Yuanwai and Zhang Yuanwai, I have heard, this Zhao Yuanwai family and Zhang Yuanwai's family have always been at odds."

"This is also, in addition to the county master in Ma County now, there will only be the Qian family and the Zhao family down, and in the future, you have to be careful."

"A few days ago, those old beggars were not caught by the county master to apologize, and I heard that they were beaten miserably by that servant."

"In this world, beggars are not easy to beg for food, don't let the county master arrest a few of us that day to apologize."

Hearing this, Shen Xuan was also silent, the Ma County where he was located belonged to the Jiangnan region, although the group of heroes was now divided and the artillery was full of fire, but this war had not yet reached Jiangnan.

Jiangnan's side heard that several warlords joined forces to form an alliance to fight foreign enemies together.

After listening to a circle, Shen Xuan ate all the melons in this horse county today.

In addition to that Wang widow, and how is the new daughter-in-law of the old Li Tou's family so beautiful, then Zhao Yuanwai's eldest son has newly received a fourth-room concubine, what is the origin, how happy is Zhao Yuanwai's eldest son.

But what they discussed the most was undoubtedly that Qian Yuanwai had taken a thirteenth-room concubine, and that concubine looked like a closed moon and a sinking fish and a goose, and I don't know how many idle men were scolding how Qian Yuanwai was faceless.

The difference between the two people was a full thirty years old, saying that the old cow outside the money clerk ate tender grass, old and not dead, old and not ashamed, etc., anyway, he said what should be said, and said what should not be said.

Shen Xuan listened attentively... Ah no, scoff.

For this kind of topic, Shen Xuan has always righteously refused.

But I heard that the money clerk was very happy to get the concubine, and set up a banquet at home, and invited the whole town to drink this cup of happy wine, as if the money clerk would lead the concubine out.

Hearing this, Shen Xuan also had to go to see how beautiful the meal looked and how delicious the concubine had done.

Ahem, pure mistake, too lazy to change.

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