The team was walking towards the south of Ma County, that is, in the direction of Lianzhou, Shen Xuan was sitting in the carriage, the road was not very smooth, and it was upside down.

Opening the lid of the wooden box containing the altar of the Black Mountain, Shen Xuan once again lit a clear incense for the altar, and he could walk around, but this incense could not be broken casually.

Lao Huang also flew out from the tiger behind Shen Xuan at this time, although it was daytime at this time, the Yang Qi was abundant, but there was still a curtain in the carriage to cover the sun, not to mention the Yin Qi Maker of Ghost Huaxin.

As soon as Lao Huang flew out, he found a comfortable position in the carriage, stretched, and lay down.

I was just in the tiger, but I was about to suffocate Lao Huang, and now I can be considered to be able to come out.

Shen Xuan naturally ignored Lao Huang, he was now in the carriage, and there was nothing else he could do except practice.

On this road, except for noon, when the carriage stopped to give everyone a little time to rest, they basically kept rushing.

Shen Xuan naturally didn't pay too much attention to it, and the old man and the drama girl would not come to disturb Shen Xuan's practice.

In this way, the caravan drove until night, it was a little dark, and it was not safe to rush at night, after all, with a carriage, it was impossible to see the road ahead.

So the team began to look for a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and if there was none, it would have to be repaired in place.

But this big night, although there are many people, not to mention whether it will be windy and rainy, if you sleep in the wild, no one can rest well.

Shen Xuan doesn't have much to do with it, with his current physical fitness, even if he doesn't sleep for three days, there is no problem, the drama girl is also a cultivator, naturally it doesn't matter, that is, Old Man Wang and other ordinary people may have some inconvenience.

However, the drama girl obviously feels a little sorry for Old Man Wang, after all, he is also an old man, maybe he will burp one day, which will make people find a place to rest.

Don't say, you really found him a place, a dilapidated temple.

Shen Xuan still objected to the suggestion that the opera girl should repair in the broken temple, after all, this Huangshan broken temple, no matter how Shen Xuan looked, he felt that something was wrong.

But looking at Old Man Wang's old and weak appearance, Shen Xuan still didn't say anything. Who let himself invite Old Man Wang to eat big money before.

At the moment, the caravan stopped its carriages in front of the broken temple.

In fact, this thing in front of you is called a broken temple, or lift it, this corner building covers an area of less than one hectare, the surrounding wall lacks a piece in the east, a piece in the west, and even the four feet are broken.

The surrounding area was full of weeds and trees, and even the roof was pierced by a large hole by the branches of an old tree, and Shen Xuan was a little doubtful that this place would collapse in the middle of the night.

However, since they have all come, let it be all at once, and everyone walked into this broken temple, as to why they could still recognize this garbage-like building as a temple.

This is also thanks to the faded wooden plaque at the door, which has faded into shape, and the word "temple" can be distinguished.

Shen Xuan looked for everyone's footsteps, and was the last to enter the temple, this is already Shen Xuan's habit of going out, if he can walk last, he will never go ahead.

This is also a good habit that Shen Xuan brought out of the tomb of General Zhenyuan, which can not only save his life, but also facilitate Shen Xuan to perform the "running away" of his two most skilled divine skills.

In front of him, surrounded by light and leaking walls, mottled bluestone bricks under his feet, and in a small place, there is only a wooden table that looks like an incense table.

All of them show the strong atmosphere of time here, not to mention that no one has been here for decades, and there is not even a Buddha statue in this temple.

Looking at the empty surroundings, everyone also immediately cleaned up, of course, not the kind of comprehensive cleaning, just to clean up a place where people can live.

These dirty and tiring work, Shen Xuan naturally does not need to do it, he only needs to sit outside now, waiting for those guys inside to finish the work, no way, who let himself be invited.

Open the box where the Black Mountain altar is placed, first put on the incense, these jobs were originally Lao Huang's, but now that he got off the carriage, Shen Xuan naturally didn't want to release Lao Huang at will, so he could only put incense himself.

Looking at the messy bushes in front of him, Shen Xuan also sighed, there is another bad thing in this era is that there is no good road to take.

Or there is no road to walk at all, even a horse-drawn carriage can only take some mountain roads, and it is still a rough mountain road.

On this road, except for the fairly smooth dirt road at the beginning, he basically walked mountain roads, causing Shen Xuan to not even know which mountain he was on now.

In fact, Shen Xuan really didn't know these mountains, except for some familiarity with the surroundings of Ma County, when he went outside, he couldn't even recognize the southeast, southwest, and northwest very clearly.

The sky was getting darker, and the guys inside were basically cleaned up, and Shen Xuan returned to the broken temple with his wooden box.

The dust that had been piled up for a long time in the broken temple had been cleaned up for most of the time, enough for everyone to rest here for the night

, Shen Xuan found a relatively clean place to sit down, opened the baggage he brought, inside was the dry food rice cake that Shen Xuan had prepared in the morning, took out a piece, and Shen Xuan ate it all over.

But at this time, the guys were looking for firewood branches, and if they didn't light a fire this night, not only could they not provide heat, but they also had nothing to illuminate.

Shen Xuan naturally did not have these concerns, even if there was no fire, he still had the flame talisman, lighting, and trivial things.

The old man and the drama girl walked towards Shen Xuan, it seemed that they were going to say something, the two came to sit next to Shen Xuan, and the old man spoke:

"Young man, we will rest here tonight, what do you think?"

Shen Xuan did not refute the meaning of the two, he felt from the beginning not to live in the temple, but everyone unanimously wanted to rest in the temple for one night, even if Shen Xuan did not agree, what could he do:

"Okay, this kind of thing, there is no need to ask me."

The playgirl also smiled at Shen Xuan at this time, obviously he also knew Shen Xuan's true thoughts, but in order to take care of others, he did not listen to Shen Xuan's meaning.

This made Shen Xuan a little interested in this drama girl, since he saw this drama girl, the makeup on the other party's face has not changed, and he is still a dumb, how did this kind of congenital deficiency enter the Qiao Sect, and how did he practice:

"Hey, by the way, what is the situation of you dumb, born?" And the makeup painted on your face, why don't you necessarily wash it off? When

the girl heard Shen Xuan's words, she was also stunned, as if she didn't expect Shen Xuan to ask like this, she also hesitated, and then began to gesture sign language to the old man.

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