"Lord Qiuyun was originally a person who had no father or mother in the mortal world, but he was born unable to speak, but later he was favored by my master of the sect and accepted him as an apprentice, and only then did he enter the cultivation."

"As for the makeup on the face, it is necessary for practice, and it cannot be changed at will, so there is no change."

After listening to the old man's explanation, Shen Xuan understood the reason for this, the practice of this sect is really strange, and he actually has to wear makeup all the time.

However, Shen Xuan is a little envious of the drama girl, although people are congenitally dumb, but people's luck is really good, and they are accepted by the sect, and they have such a big background.

Unlike himself, from the beginning to now, he is also alone, although he is a little free, but he has no background, no resources, everything, all rely on himself to work hard.

"Hmm", replied faintly, Shen Xuan got up and prepared to go outside the temple to take another look, here he was also idle.

As soon as he reached the dispensable temple door, Shen Xuan noticed a trace of movement, although it was very small, it was still detected by Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan did not hesitate at all, and the flame talisman took his hand and flew directly towards the place where the movement was made.

A flash of fire hit a bush outside the temple, and the burst of fire directly ignited the bush.

In the bush that was ignited by Shen Xuan, there was also a "whoops" sound, and then a figure also burst out, how could Shen Xuan wait for the figure to react, and the tiger behind him smashed towards the figure.

Compared with the fire in the temple, the outside of the temple was obviously a little dim, and Shen Xuan did not see who this person was, but this did not affect Shen Xuan to directly kill him.

If he can't die, count his life, and if he dies, then count him unlucky.

That black shadow was clever, taking advantage of this gap in Shen Xuan's hand, he flew back and directly flashed the Xuanqi that Shen Xuan smashed.

And a half-human-tall stone next to the place where the figure was standing just now was directly beaten apart by Shen Xuan's sword, turning into a pile of rubble.

The figure also gasped when he saw this scene, just now, if he hit himself, I am afraid that he will be paralyzed on the spot.

However, after Shen Xuan finished this fight, seeing that he did not hit the figure, he just wanted to raise his hand and come again, the figure saw Shen Xuan's posture, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly spoke out:

"Slow, slow, slow, brother, brother and slow hand."

Although he heard it, when did Shen Xuan become so obedient, the movement in his hand was not slow, and Xuan Xuan slammed towards the person who spoke.

The figure also knew at this time that the person in front of him was really not an ordinary fierce, and said that he couldn't move.

There is no way, I can only continue to dodge, fight, definitely can't beat, can only wait for this person to spend some strength.

Shen Xuan naturally did not relax, how could he relax without understanding and not even seeing the other party's face clearly.

Either you yourself obediently surrender and admit defeat, or, stubbornly, wait for me to kill you, and take a good look at who you are.

Chasing the up and down, left and right, the figure jumping alive was smashed, the person did not hit, and the trees and stones next to it were overturned by Shen Xuan.

In the end, the figure couldn't stand it, so he could only jump to the tree to dodge, Shen Xuan could get used to him, and directly smashed the tree with a large and thick bowl.

When that figure saw Shen Xuan so fierce, he no longer had the mind to pull.

In fact, Shen Xuan is not a rule, purely by smashing, but there is only one sentence, I can make mistakes many times, but you can only make a mistake once.

But if you are smashed once by Shen Xuan's iron hammer, it will directly make you crush the fracture and fall to the ground.

"Brother Tai, Brother Tai, slow, fast and slow, the little brother knows the mistake, knows the mistake, raise the noble hand, raise the noble hand."

Shen Xuan also knew at this time that the person in front of him basically had no strength, otherwise he would not have blindly avoided it.

also did not continue to kill, raised his hand to recall the flame talisman, and then said to the figure:

"Life, identity, intention, if you don't explain, you will die."

After speaking, Hu Xuanqiao raised it again to the figure, and the flame talisman was also held in his hand.

"Slow and slow, little brother Xu He, a painter, just want to come to this temple to spend the night, there is no other meaning, brother Tai Mingcha, brother Tai Mingcha."

"Oh? Artist? Your ability is not like that of ordinary painters, and you still want to deceive this seat and find death. As

soon as Shen Xuan heard it, he knew that this person in front of him was deceiving himself, what kind of painter came here in the middle of the night, and he could still have such a good kung fu, and he could avoid his own Xuanqi three times and twice.

"Slow and slow, I said, I said, nine scattered people, upper third rate, Danqing, except for this, the rest is true."

Hearing this answer, Shen Xuan only stopped, this is right, honestly explain, don't fix your heart and eyes day by day, otherwise, you will go down and play with Yan Wang with your heart eyes.

At this time, the drama girl and the old man also rushed out of the temple, and as soon as they came out, they saw Shen Xuan greeting the other person vigorously.

At the moment, he naturally heard the words of the figure, and hurriedly rushed out, standing with Shen Xuan on the side, looking at the person in front of him.

Shen Xuan also saw the person in front of him clearly through the torch held in the old man's hand at this time.

Through the firelight, the face of the person on the opposite side appeared in front of Shen Xuan's eyes, a beautiful face, a somewhat thin figure, plus a green shirt, giving people a feeling of being thin and young.

Shen Xuan saw how this person looked like Sven, how could he feel weak, of course, this person's appearance was only a little better than Shen Xuan.

"Hehe, I've seen Brother Tai, Brother Tai is good at it."

Shen Xuan didn't pay attention to this flattery, he didn't care if this person was a threat now, after all, the drama girl was also here, and it was naturally not Shen Xuan who had to worry about it now.

Ignoring him, Shen Xuan turned around and returned to the broken temple, this person is no longer important to him now, whether to leave the question or leave it to the playgirl in charge of the caravan.

Back in the temple, those guys had already picked up a pile of firewood, and were lighting a fire, Shen Xuan stepped forward and flicked it, directly using the flame talisman to emit a small fire, directly igniting this pile of firewood.

The guys watching on the side were shocked by Shen Xuan's hand, in their impression, Shen Xuan was a murderer who killed without blinking, but they didn't expect that this murderer would also spell.

Well, the guys who were originally a little afraid of Shen Xuan are now even more afraid of Shen Xuan.

However, Shen Xuan didn't care about this, sat down by the fire, took out the dry food and continued to nibble on it.

But after a while, the drama girl and the old man also came in with the nine-rate Danqing Xu He who was beaten by Shen Xuan before, and it seemed that this person was allowed to spend the night in the broken temple together.

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