Shen Xuan didn't care about the scattered person named Xu He, but Xu He sat down next to Shen Xuan:

"Hello brother Tai, I also spent the night here, and I haven't asked Brother Tai for your honorific name?"

Shen Xuan looked at this somewhat familiar Xu He, how could he not teach him a profound lesson before, and he dared to talk to himself.

Shen Xuan naturally did not have the habit of telling his name to others at will outside, even the drama girl and the old man did not know his name, this person was good, opened his mouth and asked Shen Xuan what his name was, where would Shen Xuan tell him:

"Main seat, ceiling."

? That Xu He was obviously stunned, it seemed that he didn't think of Shen Xuan's name, surname Tian, name Huaban?

"Eh, Brother Tian, hello, you can just call me Xiaohezi, others call me that, by the way, Brother Tian, your skill is really powerful, several times, it almost cost me my life."


Shen Xuan didn't say much, he mixed outside, and if he said too much, he would lose this truth, but he still understood.

As for the fake name of that ceiling, it was casually made up by Shen Xuan on a whim.

Shen Xuan naturally didn't want to talk to others, but this Xu He didn't seem to notice it, and he was still chattering there vigorously, wanting to get close to Shen Xuan, and Shen Xuan was a little annoyed to hear it.

Waving his hand, Shen Xuan stopped Xu He from continuing to speak.

At the same time, put the tiger Xuanqiao between the two, the meaning is very clear, if you beep Lai Lai again, I will send you down.

Xu He was also so sensible that he didn't speak again, and also moved to the side, obviously shocked by Shen Xuan.

Looking at Shen Xuan, who didn't say much in front of him, Xu He's heart silently thought about why this brother's temper was so bad.

Not only does he like to do it, but he is also reluctant to talk, which is really strange.

However, he still don't provoke this brother, the murderousness of his body is really heavy, and he will die young.

Shen Xuan's ears also did not have the voice of forced nagging, and he was also happy, it seems that people outside, in addition to reasoning, force is also a good helper.

Carrying the tiger on his back again, Shen Xuan did not speak again, and nibbled on his own big cake seriously.

The mountain wind was howling, and everyone in the temple had long been unable to resist the sleepiness of a tiring day, and they all lay down on the spot and slept over.

Of course, if you spend the night outside, naturally someone has to be on duty for the night, and the two guys in the caravan are responsible for the night watch.

Shen Xuan lay in the corner of the broken temple, looking at everything that was empty around him, and he couldn't help but sigh "God and Buddha run away, all sentient beings cross themselves".

Xu He was also lying in the corner of the wall, but Shen Xuan was lying in the southeast corner of the broken temple, while Xu He was lying in the northwest corner, and the two were separated by a long distance.

No way, the current Shen Xuan's deterrent power on Xu He is too great, causing Xu He to be a little afraid to approach Shen Xuan.

The caravan crowd also fell down, lying down, the playgirl and the old man also rested, and in the entire ruined temple, only the crackling of the fire remained.

Shen Xuan did not fall asleep, holding the tiger Xuanxuan, Shen Xuan's heart was also a little worried.

Nothing else, this road is a little too quiet, quiet is a little wrong, you must know that the caravan just arrived in Ma County, it was chased and killed by the people sent by the tiger summoning.

How did he follow the caravan out of Ma County, and now there is no side door left road or scattered cultivation that chased and killed.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Xu He, who called himself a nine-stream Danqing, also came to hunt him down, after all, the so-called nine-stream scattered people, in the final analysis, still belong to scattered cultivators.

If it is a scattered cultivation, then there will not be too many cultivation resources, and naturally, the big cake of the Sect will attract these people.

These people belong to, the type of big brother who eats meat and they drink soup.

Relying on the premise that the Daomen wants to do something to the Sect, he also wants to bite off a piece of meat on the Sect.

The so-called "wall falls and everyone pushes", even if it was previously a state religion, it cannot avoid this end.

Shen Xuan didn't have this kind of thought, or rather, he hadn't found anything worth robbing from the Sect.

Of course, even if he wanted to grab it, he didn't know where to grab it.

It is impossible for the drama girl to tell him about the base camp of the Sect, and even if he did, Shen Xuan would not dare to go or not.

Moreover, in the current drama girl, not all those cultivation resources have already reached Shen Xuan's hands.

He didn't know the other Puppet Sect cultivators either, and he didn't know where to grab it.

In fact, for Shen Xuan, it doesn't matter if it is a puppet sect or not, as long as it helps him, then Shen Xuan will try his best to get it.

Robbery, in fact, is not a good way, sometimes, Shen Xuan is more willing to achieve some of his own goals through stratagem.

Force is definitely the last way Shen Xuan thinks, and it is also a way to do nothing.

Just when Shen Xuan was still thinking about his thoughts, Lao Huang flew out from the tiger in the ring.

But he didn't show his figure, but just stayed behind Shen Xuan and covered his body.

Shen Xuan was a little puzzled, this Lao Huang came out in the middle of the night, what to do, when he was in Ma County before, Lao Huang could go out and wave at will.

But now that he's all outside, this guy won't be able to restrain his stirring heart and want to go out.

Lao Huang flew to Shen Xuan's ear at this time, lowered his voice, and quietly said to Shen Xuan:

"Master, I smell the smell of weasels."

? What do you mean, aren't you a weasel yourself, you smell your own?

Shen Xuan didn't react for a while, and Lao Huang also used his two forelimbs to point outside the temple door:

"Master, something is wrong, now there is more than the smell of weasels."

Shen Xuan reacted now, Lao Huang meant that he smelled another weasel, and there were other animals.

However, Shen Xuan had some doubts, the weasel was a weasel, this wilderness, if there were no beasts and animals, then something was wrong.

Besides, it's not your kindred, and it's good to say hello to your fellow countrymen.

"Master, not an ordinary weasel, but a weasel like me."

Weasels like you, well, now Shen Xuan understands.

There is also a weasel with a ghost aura like Lao Huang outside the door, and listening to Lao Huang's meaning, it seems that Lao Huang's fellow clan is not good.

Shen Xuan also looked at the two guys on duty at night, good guys.

The two guys guarding both sides of the temple gate could not resist the surging sleepiness and fell asleep directly.

Shen Xuan didn't make a sound, but the hand holding the tiger Xuanxuan in his hand became even harder.

He wanted to see where the mountain spirit wild monster came from, daring to break ground on the head of Tai Sui Ye.

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