Shen Xuan also had no sleepiness at this time, slowly sat up from the corner of the wall, the flame talisman was already pinched in his hand, only waiting for something outside the door to make a move, and he came to a later strike.

After a second and a second, Shen Xuan looked outside the door and sweated a little nervously.

Come, come, come, come, I want to see today what it is, dare to come and scratch the tiger's whiskers.

Suddenly, the two guys who were sleeping in the temple gate stood up directly from the ground, and Shen Xuan was also surprised, what kind of thing, how is it the same as that fraudulent corpse.

The two guys who got up from the ground just stood motionless, and Shen Xuan wondered if these two people had any symptoms of sleepwalking.

But Shen Xuan still didn't move, the so-called "the enemy doesn't move, I don't move," the thing that really wants to shoot, has not yet shown the horse's feet, don't worry.

Taking a deep breath first, Shen Xuan's eyes once again focused on those two guys.

At this time, the two guys also moved, but not normal actions, but stunned and walked towards the other people in the temple, their movements were stiff, Shen Xuan knew at a glance that these two people were afraid that they were not caught by some means of the outside thing.

But seeing that those two guys did not come towards him, Shen Xuan was still relieved, the last thing he wanted to see was that he became the first target, and now those two guys obviously did not have a tendency to come towards him, Shen Xuan was also relieved.

As long as it is not coming towards me, the rest, you can move at will, dead or alive, it doesn't matter.

Although Shen Xuan promised the two women to escort the caravan, isn't it the one who asked for the god scroll, but the other people in this caravan

are not about Shen Xuan's business, then since it is not Shen Xuan's business, as long as these things do not provoke his head, then Shen Xuan will still not be nosy.

Seeing that the two guys walked to the other guy who was lying down and sleeping, and then stopped moving.

Shen Xuan was also a little anxious at this time, no, what are you going to do, do it, you do it, now it's not moving.

At this time, it was already the middle of the night, except for Shen Xuan, everyone in the temple had already fallen asleep, where would they notice the two guys on duty at night.

Shen Xuan still didn't make a sound, it didn't matter to him to hang high, and watching the play was over.

In Shen Xuan's expectant and secret gaze, the two stunned guys finally moved, and one of them closed his eyes and directly raised his hand towards the guy who was already asleep under him.

The other stunned guy also pinched the guy under him, Shen Xuan looked at the two guys who were still dumbfounded just now, and at this time he pinched the necks of the other two guys, that is dead and refuses to let go.

Looking at the two guys who were pinched by the neck and couldn't make a sound, Shen Xuan still didn't make a move, he wasn't in a hurry, look at it for a while, anyway, it's not me who died.

Just the two guys who were choked by the neck could not make a sound, and they were woken up because of lack of oxygen and continued to struggle.

One of the guys, in the struggle, directly kicked over the fire that still had residual fire.

Snap, in an instant, the fire was directly kicked and scattered, sparks splashed, and directly scalded up a few sleeping guys, this moment, directly alarmed everyone in the broken temple.

Of course, this must not be Shen Xuan, who has been watching the play.

However, Shen Xuan still pretended to be awakened just now, and by the way, Lao Huang was also included in the tiger Xuanqi.

As soon as everyone in the broken temple woke up, they saw that the four guys were already scuffling together, and they saw that the two guys who were pressed under them were about to roll their eyes.

Xu He, who was lying on the side, also woke up and saw the four caravan guys fighting together in front of him, and he was a little confused for a while.

The old man also saw the guys who were torn together at this time, and just wanted to say something to reprimand, but was stopped by the drama girl.

Shen Xuan naturally saw that there was something wrong with these two guys who were on duty at night, and it was because he hadn't slept all along.

Unexpectedly, the drama girl also saw it for the first time, and there was really something outstanding in this sect.

At this time, Na Xu He also seemed to see that something was wrong, but he did not act rashly.

Seeing that the two guys who were suppressed, their faces were already red, and the drama girl rushed directly and kicked the two guys who were pinching their necks and flew out.

After all, it is also a cultivator, and it is still okay for the drama girl to hit Shen Xuan, and it is still okay to hit two ordinary people.

Watching those two guys who were a little wrong being kicked and flown directly by the dramatist, then grunted twice and rolled twice on the ground.

Then, the two guys who were kicked and flew up again stunned and flew towards the playgirl.

Shen Xuan also saw the appearance of the two guys who were a little wrong with a little fire at this time.

Ho, on the faces of those two guys, there were large and small cyan meridians exposed, which seemed to be mixed with some black meridians.

This face is blue and black, and it is pale, without the slightest blood.

No wonder this drama girl noticed something was wrong at a glance, who can look like this.

The two guys were also rushing towards the drama girl at this time, and they were hideous-faced, just like a madman who didn't know the pain.

Shen Xuan's eyes narrowed, it seemed that this should be the handiwork of those things outside, but there were also some skills.

Shen Xuan looked at the drama girl who was already glowing white and had already started with the guys, but still did not choose to make a move.

Don't worry, wait, wait until those things outside are exposed.

At this time, in the broken temple, the drama girl had already knocked the two guys to the ground, and the other guys also reacted, and one by one they helped the theater girl tie up the two wrong guys.

Seeing that the two wrong guys were already struggling at this time, suddenly, the bodies of the two guys who had been constantly moving suddenly quieted down and stopped struggling.

This is also to see the other guys who helped, how the companions who were originally a little crazy, suddenly, did not move, these guys have not yet noticed that something is wrong, just thought that the companions were tired and suddenly fell ill before, and now some are better.

At this time, Xu He, who had been in the corner of the wall, spoke:

"No need to move anymore, the two of them are dead."

This somewhat angered the other guys, how can you, a young man with the appearance of a scholar, talk so badly, and your companion is not okay, how can you die.

Just as a guy wanted to step forward and scold Xu He twice, he heard a scream behind him:

"This, this, this, Xiao Liuzi has no snort, this, Xiao Liuzi is dead, Da, Da Bin is too, they, both of them are dead."

Those guys who wanted to scold Xu He were also shocked in their hearts after hearing this, their companions would not lie to themselves, then, their two companions were really dead.

A strong sense of horror instantly wrapped around the broken temple.

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