Almost everyone's hearts were filled with a cool breath, something could directly kill two people without knowing it.

Moreover, these two guys died strangely, not only did the incident happen suddenly, the faces of those two guys were already green at this time, their eyes were wide, and their death appearance was very ugly.

This frightened the other guys, although they belonged to the Sect, they were only supernumerary personnel of the Sect, and they usually did hard work, where had they seen such scenes.

Timid, looking at the two corpses, their pale faces kept muttering, even those who were daring, they were directly frightened and did not dare to move.

However, Shen Xuan didn't feel anything, there were only two people who died, and he killed more than two.

Not to mention the drama girl and Xu He, one is a person in the Sect and is well-informed, and the other is a ninth-rate Danqing, who can also be regarded as a cultivator, and it is just a dead person, and there is no big problem.

It is this method of death, it is indeed a little strange, it can actually make people die directly, and there are some unknown reasons.

It seems that those things outside do have some skills, and the way they do things is still a little elusive.

However, the problem is not big, as long as Shen Xuan is not taken as a target, then, first "take a look and then talk".

Besides, it's really not good, Shen Xuan still has a big skill, and it's over when he runs.

Xu He's face at this time was also not good-looking, the way these two people died, he also saw that there should be something strange, but he didn't see the details for a while.

The old man and the drama girl are not like the others, after all, one is a practitioner of the Sect, and the other is also old and well-informed.

However, at this time, a strong wind hit outside the temple gate, which directly blew off the wooden plank temple door that was only left, fell to the ground, and made a "click" sound.

Everyone's eyes were also attracted to the door, and the temple gate was already dark at this moment because there was no light from the fire.

Slowly, following the strong wind, there was a strange cry outside the temple gate, and at first everyone was a little inaudible, but the cry was getting closer and closer, and everyone heard it more and more clearly.

There are three voices in total, each with a distinct difference, one shrill and thin, one rough, and one charming.

"You yellow-skinned rat, the old lady has long told you, don't mess around with these people, now it's okay, it's really troublesome to make you and me all three come forward."

"That's it, that's it, you yellow-skinned rat just disobeyed, I said at the beginning, for these people, let's directly kill them and kill them."

"Hmph, white-skinned earthworm, hairless earth dog, you two are all here to talk about the wind and cold, which time is not my first move, if I want the two of you to come, I am afraid that it will not be until the year of the monkey."

These three voices came from outside in turn, and everyone who heard the temple was unclear.

A few guys picked up the burning wooden sticks from the ground, used them as torches, and slowly shone towards the position of the temple gate.

As if sensing that he had been discovered, the three figures suddenly disappeared, and the surroundings began to become silent again.

It was as if nothing had happened, but no one doubted whether the three voices just now were true or false.

"Yellow-skinned rats, white-skinned earthworms, hairless earth dogs?" Shen Xuan's heart kept pondering these three names.

Just when everyone did not dare to approach the temple gate and were helpless, those three voices remembered again, and said in unison:

"The people in the temple listen, when you come to our Three Immortal Mountain, you will leave the Three Immortal Treasures, and if you get these Three Immortal Treasures, our Three Immortal Treasures will let you go, otherwise, you will die!"

Those three voices converged in one place, sometimes snarky, sometimes muffled, sometimes empty, and everyone was flustered.

At this time, Na Xu He also stood up and replied to the temple gate:

"I don't know what the three immortal treasures in the mouths of the three are, can you explain?"

Hearing Xu He's words, the three voices laughed outside for a while, and the charming voice replied:

"Hee-hee-hee, these three immortal treasures, that is a good thing, they are all my three immortals' favorite, it is the human heart, human liver, and human gall."

As soon as this voice came out, it frightened the guys in the temple, and all of them trembled with their legs and trembled.

Originally, they were a little afraid of unpredictable things, but now when they heard it, they were even more frightened in their hearts.

In the entire broken temple, only Shen Xuan, Xu He, the drama girl, and the old man could still maintain their sanity.

"What kind of monsters are you, dare to offend the prestige of my sect, and you are not afraid of cultivation and death."

At this time, the drama girl also knew the three voices outside, afraid of what kind of mountain spirit and wild monster of unknown origin, she wanted to use the sect to deter these three voices.

I didn't want those three voices to laugh again after a period of silence:

"You listen, you listen, and the Puppet Sect, who doesn't know, now the Puppet Sect is already difficult to protect itself, and I want to use the Puppet Sect to intimidate the three of me, I really don't know whether I live or die."

Shen Xuan looked at the speechless drama girl, and sighed in his heart, all day long the Patriarch, the Puppet Sect is short, as soon as something happens, I haven't seen the Puppet Sect to help you.

At such a time, dare to mention that I am a cultist, this is not equivalent to telling others that I have money on me, but I have no backers, you guys come and kill me.

The three figures laughed for a while, and they stopped hiding directly, only to see a gray light flash and fall at the temple gate.

After the gray light landed, it turned into three figures, and everyone looked through the firelight.

A figure, the voice is harsh, no more than a foot tall, wearing a yellow coat, short limbs, but the head is strangely large, and when you look closely, there is a weasel face.

A figure, with a rough voice, did not look much taller than the previous figure, but it was a stout figure, dressed in gray, but also a red-faced monkey.

A figure, the voice is charming, the body is petite, but it is graceful, if you don't pay attention, I am afraid that you will be regarded as a weak woman, but this woman is wearing a white robe, looking up, a pair of green vertical pupils, a face full of white scales.

Shen Xuan looked at the three people who were not people, and the things that were not demons, and he also had a decision in his heart.

It should be three monsters, and it is also three incarnation monsters, although it is not completely incarnated, but it also has a certain Tao.

If this monster wants to take shape, if there is no chance and it all depends on penance, it must have more than a hundred years of practice to transform into a human form.

It seems that these three monsters, one by one, are quite deep, and they are not fuel-saving lamps.

At this time, the drama girl and Xu He also saw three figures, both of them were shocked, a shape-shifting monster is not terrible, if you use all your strength, you can still fight.

The scary thing is that these three monsters are together, and in terms of numbers alone, they have the advantage.

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