When the snake-faced woman saw her three demons, she was already shocked by the people present, and she also smiled proudly:

"How about it, you just said that you are a puppet sect, hahahaha, then you want to leave three pairs of immortal treasures, I see, among these mortals, you pick three, after that, our three immortals will let you go, how?"

The remaining rat-faced man and monkey-faced man also laughed when they heard the snake-faced woman's words.

This sentence was obviously said to this old man, who let him just mention the Sect.

Where can the drama girl listen to it at this time, she is a person of the Puppet Sect, she treats the Puppet Sect like her own home, hears someone insulting her own name, and has to give up her subordinates herself.

This does not mean yelling at her door, asking her to politely give her belongings and properly punch her in the face.

How could she endure this, she saw a white light suddenly appear on the costume of the drama girl, towards the three demons, raised her hand and hit it.

Na Xu He also knew this calamity, he was afraid that he couldn't dodge it, but he saw his hands shaking, and a large black brush appeared in his hand.

The brush was the size of a wooden stick, and Xu He flicked the brush and also rushed towards the three demons.

As for Shen Xuan, well, don't worry, look at it for a while, look at it again.

The so-called "teammates are not in a hurry to fight, retreat to the back of people to watch the show." When

the three demons saw the drama girl and Xu He Chong killing, they didn't continue to taunt.

As soon as the snake-faced woman opened her mouth and vomited, a silver light flashed from her mouth, and two shining silver swords appeared in the woman's hand.

Without answering, he took two silver swords and killed the playgirl.

The rat-faced man and the monkey-faced man also each took out a large knife and a black whip, and fought together towards Xu He, who was killed.

In an instant, in the broken temple, a Dao sword light and shadow flashed, crackling violently.

The woman and the snake-faced woman fought in the same place, and Xu He fought the rat-faced man and the monkey-faced man alone.

But the snake-faced woman is obviously much more powerful than the drama girl, not only the sword technique is fierce, but also the Taoism of that body is much higher than that of the theater girl.

As for Xu He, let alone mention it, he was originally one dozen and two, there was no advantage at all, and the Dao practice of those two monsters was also higher than him, and he could only support it hard at this time.

Seeing that battle situation, it was already occupied by those three demons.

The old man and the other guys also knew that they couldn't help, and they would also be sent to death if they went up, so they quickly hid on the side.

However, the three demons obviously did not notice Shen Xuan, who was still sitting in the corner of the wall.

Of course, this is also what Shen Xuan wants to see the most, this is not suitable for his own sneak attack.

Just when Shen Xuan saw the opportunity, took the tiger Xuanqiao, and wanted to come first and then strike, in the Black Mountain altar next to him, an idea came.

Shen Xuan was overjoyed in his heart, and he came at the right time.

The mind connected to the Black Mountain Altar, jumped up from the ground, and shocked the audience with a loud shout:

"The Lord of the Black Mountain Altar is in trouble today, there is a request for Lux to help, General Ming Yuan, where is Dong Lian!"

After speaking, Shen Xuan did not wait for the rampant soldiers to appear, the whole body Beisu slashed the demon qi moved, the majestic momentum burst out, and the silver-cyan aura turned into a wave of qi towards the defenseless snake-faced woman.

Raising his hand again summoned the Flame Talisman, and as soon as his mind moved, the Flame Talisman flew towards the rat-faced man.

At this time, at the Black Mountain altar, which had been motionless in the corner of the wall, a black-red light flashed and flew out from the altar.

That light fell in front of Shen Xuan, and a figure appeared.

He is three feet tall, with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, wearing a layer of incense armor, holding two red hammers, two strands of black eyebrows hanging down to his ears, and thick red whiskers standing in the thick roots.

"The last general Dong Li is here, who hurt my lord!"

Saying that, Dong Li got Shen Xuan's decree and slaughtered the monkey-faced man.

At this time, Dong Li had already turned into Shen Xuan's first black-eyed red-bearded warrior, and as the first rampant soldier of the Black Mountain Altar, Dong Lian's body was already gathering the incense accumulated before.

Not to mention, Dong Li was originally a powerful ghost, and now he was refined by Shen Xuan as a rampant soldier, compared to the original, it was only strong and not weak, and his Dao practice was nearly a hundred years.

Those three demons originally fought with the drama girl Xu He, where can they take care of their surroundings.

When Shen Xuan drank loudly, he was already frightened, and he just separated the opponent's weapon and turned his attention.

The snake-faced woman felt a strong aura coming from behind her, and before she could turn back, she was hit hard by Shen Xuan's Beijuku Demon Qi wave.

The already petite body turned into a rag sack at this time, and it was thrown out and smashed on the temple wall.

The originally dilapidated and dilapidated temple, after the snake-faced woman, the bricks and tiles above that were already full of loopholes fell down and smashed on the snake-faced woman piece by piece.

The rat-faced man and the monkey-faced man who were fighting with Xu He did not react as quickly as the snake-faced woman.

One was hit in the back of the head by Shen Xuan's flame talisman, and the other was hit by Dong Li in three steps and two steps, and with a heavy hammer, the hammer the size of a human head smashed on his waist.

The two monsters, also like the snake-faced woman, were directly shot out, but they did not fall on the temple wall, but fell to the ground.

Shen Xuan saw that he had hit a successful hand, and where he dared to relax, it was when he wanted to beat the falling water dog.

The tiger in his hand was not slow, and he flew forward, and in the air he turned his body, and smashed towards the big head of the rat-faced man who fell to the ground.

The rat-faced man was already hit by Shen Xuan's fire talisman at the back of his head, at this time, it was not dead and bleeding, where would he notice Shen Xuan's sword.

"Bang" a muffled sound, the rat-faced man's head directly turned into that watermelon, and instantly burst open, red, yellow, white, spilled to the ground.

The body that was less than three feet away without the blessing of that head, had just stood up and fell to the ground weakly.

The yellow-clad body fell to the ground, and suddenly changed, turning into a headless weasel.

The monkey-faced man and the snake-faced woman had just stood still, and when they saw the rat-faced man's miserable state, they also shouted bitterly:

"Third brother!"

Shen Xuan turned a deaf ear to this sound, where to care so much at this time, take advantage of your illness to kill you.

As soon as his mind moved, the tiger fire Xuanxian shook, and the strong tiger qi surged out, turned into black wind, and flew towards the monkey-faced man.

Shen Xuan summoned the Tiger Black Tiger out to deal with the monkey-faced man, but he turned to face the snake-faced woman.

That snake-faced woman suffered Shen Xuan's moment, and the Beijuku Demon Qi was already quite powerful for the demon ranks, not to mention Shen Xuan's concentrated blow.

Under this mental calculation, the snake-faced woman was already seriously injured, and the blood at the corner of her mouth was already dripping down.

Shen Xuan's body moved, and an even stronger Beijuku demon qi erupted from his body, surrounding Shen Xuan, turning into a pair of armor and wrapping his whole body.

Since Shen Xuan's rash practice last time, he was also blessed by misfortune, and the Beisu Demon Qi on his body was not only very abundant, but also its quality was raised a notch.

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