
Hokujuku demon qi in one body is also more convenient than before, and it changes as much as he wants.

When the snake-faced woman saw the rat-faced man's tragic situation, she also knew that she was three demons, and this time, she was afraid that she had kicked the iron plate.

But his third brother is dead, the arrow is on the string, he has to send it, when life and death are at stake, how can he retreat.

As soon as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, he lifted the two silver swords again and rushed towards Shen Xuan.

How can Shen Xuan be afraid, at this time, he is already holding the advantage, and the tiger in his hand is also smashing towards the snake-faced woman.

The drama girl and Xu He were also shocked by Shen Xuan's sudden blow at this time, originally the drama girl thought that Shen Xuan would not make a move until the end.

Unexpectedly, Shen Xuan did not make a move, and as soon as he made a move, it was to turn the situation on the battlefield.

Not only seriously injured the second demon, but also directly killed the rat-faced man, acting decisively and quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Xuan was fighting with the snake-faced woman, and the gong and sword were intertwined, and the sound of gold and iron was constantly clashing.

Although the snake-faced woman was seriously injured, with the strong resilience of her monsters and her superb sword skills, she still fought back and forth with Shen Xuan.

The monkey-faced man also fought with Shen Xuan's Tiger Black Tiger at this time, but this monkey-faced man's Dao was obviously not as high as the snake-faced woman.

Under Dong Lian's hammer, he was grabbed by the tiger black tiger that suddenly appeared, and the situation at this time was no better than that of the snake-faced woman.

Not to mention, Dong Lian carried a double hammer and fought with the tiger black tiger with the monkey-faced man.

At this moment, the situation on the battlefield has been reversed, although the snake-faced woman is strong, but under the injury, she is restrained by Shen Xuan's Beijuku demon qi, and it is only a matter of time before she is killed.

The monkey-faced man was not strong, but he fought two with the rat-faced man before, and now the rat-faced man died, and the injury was added, and under the siege of Dong Li and the tiger black tiger, it was already a short death.

The snake-faced woman was also horrified in her heart at this time, this person in front of her did not know what method to cultivate, the silver-cyan aura of her body was not only strong and solid, but also very restrained to herself.

Although the snake-faced woman's sword technique is much more clever than Shen Xuan's sword technique, her silver sword is simply difficult to break through Shen Xuan's Beijuku demon qi, but Shen Xuan's heavy sword can actually hit the snake-faced woman.

Under this and the other, the snake-faced woman's body was constantly smashed by Shen Xuan, even if she was a piece of steel, at this time, she would deflated a piece in the east and a piece in the west.

The drama girl and Xu He also recovered from the shock at this time, Xu He's figure turned, and the black tiger, Dong Li, and the three fought the monkey-faced man.

The drama girl also joined the battle group of Shen Xuan and the snake-faced woman, and the two fought the snake-faced woman together.

This kind of battle did not last long, the monkey-faced man was the first to hold on, and was smashed on the brain door by Dong Lian, and the huge head instantly deflated.

fell to the ground, turned into a gray-skinned monkey, and was directly caught and divided by the black tiger.

The snake-faced woman saw that she had died another companion, and with a distraction, Shen Xuan seized the opportunity and swept towards the next blow.

The poor snake-faced woman's pair of jade legs were directly folded in half by Shen Xuan, and fell to the ground, and a miserable scream sounded.

Shen Xuan's heart moved, and the black tiger turned into a tiger and returned to Shen Xuan's tiger fire.

Shen Xuan said to Dong Li, "Now that there is nothing to worry about, please return to the altar." Dong

Li saluted Shen Xuan, and after that, he turned into a black mang, and returned to the Black Mountain altar again.

When the drama girl and Xu He saw Shen Xuan's methods so powerful and varied, the admiration in their hearts became stronger.

It's just that Xu He's heart is more afraid of Shen Xuan, and before he thought that this brother just had a bad temper.

I don't want to, this brother Tai not only has a bad temper, but also has such strength, thanks to his own distance, if he doesn't pay attention and provokes this brother Tai, the end is estimated to be no better than that monkey-faced man.

Shen Xuan looked at the drama girl standing on the side, and found that she did not move, and he was relieved in his heart.

I used it just now, but "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa", that is the means of the Tiger Summoning Faction, and this drama girl has also fought with the people of the Tiger Summoning Faction, and should also know something.

However, Shen Xuan did not release the ghost just now, but only released the black tiger to help, so this drama girl should not have seen the clue.

The drama girl really didn't see anything, she didn't know much about the Tiger Summoning Faction, but she knew from the previous fighting method with Jiang Li in Ma County that the Tiger Summoning Faction used Tiger Summons and Ghosts to help.

Although Shen Xuan also used Tiger Fu just now, he has not yet released the ghost, there are so many methods in the left side door of the world, and there are many means of using Tiger Fu.

Naturally, he would not feel that there was anything wrong with Shen Xuan's tiger evil, just that he also understood the tiger evil.

At this time, the snake-faced woman fell to the ground, her legs were broken, and she was already unable to move, so she had to keep begging for mercy from Shen Xuan:

"The master spares his life, the master spares his life, the little demon doesn't know how to drive the master, offends the divine power, the crime deserves death, please the master sees that the little demon is not easy to practice, spare the little demon this time."

Shen Xuan didn't reply, he died of laughter, you just fought with the honza, but you can't fight, now you are called a master, you want to live, it's possible?

"The evil qi of this seat seeing your body is indeed a sin worthy of death, but the heavens have the virtue of a good life, and this seat also knows that it is not easy to practice monsters, so..." When the

snake-faced woman heard Shen Xuan's words, her originally terrified heart could not help but ignite a glimmer of hope.

"Thank you Gaoren, thank you Gaoren, the little demon will definitely build a temple for the statue of Gaoren in the future, burn incense day and night, must no longer eat people, must..." Before the

words were finished, a flash flashed.

"So, you go and die."

Before the snake-faced woman could react, a head was smashed from top to top by the tiger Xuanqiao, smashing on the heavenly spirit.

In an instant, the head was torn apart, but the snake head turned into blood in all directions, and the brain flower was also spilled on the ground, the same as the rat-faced man before.

The corpse left behind was also transformed into a white headless snake corpse.

Xu He, who was watching Shen Xuan on the side, the fear in his heart had already turned into fear, originally after hearing Shen Xuan's words, he thought that this brother Tai showed mercy and wanted to let this monster go.

I don't want to, Shen Xuan, who just had a compassionate face, the next second, is decisive, and the snake demon has not reacted, and he is already dead.

Such capricious, fierce and violent, Xu He was shocked to see it, in the future, from this brother, how far away he was, how far away.

Can't be provoked, can't be provoked, too fierce, not only unpredictable temperament, but also fierce means.

If I were with him, maybe I would be sent down by him.

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