The black-robed man was directly impacted by this force and flew out backwards, and above Shen Xuan's Xuan, the resistance that had just come disappeared immediately.

The black-robed man had already fallen to the side at this time, and the black robe was also burned, revealing the body in the short gown.

Shen Xuan looked at the embarrassed black-robed man in front of him, and he already had a decision in his heart.

The black-robed man fell to the ground at this time, and his body was covered with a strong burning smell.

The current black-robed man only felt that his whole body was hot and painful, and his skin was all black-brown.

At this time, the black-robed man also knew that he was afraid that he would not have the strength to fight with the person in front of him anymore.

As soon as his mind turned, the black-robed man's heart couldn't help but feel a hint of escape.

But how did Shen Xuan opposite him not know this person's careful thoughts, and when a trace of cowardice appeared in his eyes, the Xuan Xuan in Shen Xuan's hand was already ready to chase after the victory.

In the half a year of training on the stone mountain, Shen Xuan had the most insight into his eyes.

Because every time he was about to kill a certain prey, the look in the eyes of that beast in danger of life was the most common sight Shen Xuan saw every day.

This is both the greatest similarity between the beast and man, but also the biggest difference among them.

A person who does not have enough background, even if he deliberately changes his expression when dealing with something or being a person.

But his eyes tend to betray his truest thoughts, and the beast will show a different look when stimulated by anything.

But a person who really has a city and a plan, no matter what he does or says, his eyes will not reveal any information.

This is the biggest difference between people, if a person can't even control his eyes, if he is always flowing his true thoughts to the outside world.

Then, this person will never achieve great things, or even if he gains for a while, it will not last long.

There is never a shortage of smart people in this world, and among these smart people, they will never just be good people.

When you are a human being and inadvertently reveal your truest side, these people, like sharks that smell blood, will slowly approach your side, and then seize the opportunity to devour you.

Shen Xuan prides himself on not being the kind of person with a profound city, but he will not be a person who cannot see the information in his eyes.

And just now that black-robed man was in the crisis, revealing his true thoughts, Shen Xuan would have a plan.

Watching Shen Xuan approaching slowly, the black-robed man did not sit still at this time, endured the severe pain, and stumbled to his feet from the ground.

If Shen Xuan hadn't attacked at this time, it would really be unwise, the so-called "one blow, then decline, three exhaustion", if he did not take advantage of the other party's vanity at this time, I am afraid that there would be no such a good opportunity.

Shen Xuan did not hesitate, and as soon as Hu Xuan Xuan moved, his body rushed towards the black-robed man.

The black-robed man looked at Shen Xuan, who was getting closer and closer to him, and immediately gave himself the last blow, and finally had a trace of panic.

After all, in the face of death, who can maintain their sanity?

The black-robed man echoed:

"Big brother, fifth brother, no need to be really capable, a few of us will really fold here."

After that, the black-robed man ran straight towards the other two battle groups.

It may be that the fear of death stimulated the potential of this black-robed man, and Shen Xuan didn't have time to hit him for a while.

But how Shen Xuan reacted, one blow missed, recall the flame talisman, is to do it again.

At this time, the black-robed man who fought against Dong Lian and the black-robed man who fought against the drama girl, these two people did not have the slightest hesitation when they heard this.

They all prepared a blow, separated from the continuous offensive of the opponent, and turned out of the opponent's attack range.

The three black-robed men were also tacit, and together turned around and returned to the place where the five black horses were before.

When Shen Xuan saw this situation, how did he not know, the three people in front of him were afraid that they were going to trap the beast, and they fought to the death.

Shen Xuan was also a little far away from the three at this time, and his Tiger Fire Xuan Gong could only fight in close combat, although the Flame Talisman could fly.

However, the black-robed man had already suffered a loss, so he would definitely be on guard, so Shen Xuan also had no certainty of winning with one blow.

Therefore, Shen Xuan did not rush in at will, but carried the tiger Xuanqi and waited for the three people to make a move.

The three black-robed people did not have the arrogance before at this time, but glanced at each other.

Then, these three people seemed to have made some kind of huge determination, and the black-robed man who had been severely injured in the previous battle with Shen Xuan also shouted.

The long sword in his hand slashed directly towards his neck, and with a "pop", the stream of blood shot out from the neck of the black-robed man like a column.

Directly sprinkled the blood of the surrounding place, and at this time, the drama girl on the side, Shen Xuan was also startled, what does it mean, if you can't beat it, you will commit suicide, is this the legendary spirit of bushido?

The other two black-robed men also seemed to be grieving in their hearts at this time, and they all held up the body of the black-robed man who committed suicide.

"Shenyin Old Ancestor gathered the decree, the five disciples begged for labor, the blood fruit soul pulp has been offered, there is a request for the great magic power of the old ancestor, the five ghosts devour the heaven law array, out."

The two of them drank in unison at this time, and Shen Xuan naturally did not dare to snub.

At this moment, the Dao Ghost Black Qi that had originally gathered around the caravan was flying towards the black-robed man.

The black qi all roared and buzzed, and then flew back into the five black horses.

In an instant, Shen Xuan only felt that the air around him suddenly cooled, as if he was suddenly in the ice and snow.

At this time, after the five black flags absorbed all the ghosts, they also began to buzz.

Shen Xuan also felt a little uneasy, this black-robed man was preparing to fight to the death, and it seemed that the movement was not small.

The five black flags only fluttered for a few seconds, and they directly turned into five black fogs.

Although Shen Xuan didn't know what was in that dense fog, anyone knew that at this time, those five black fogs were afraid that they really had some Jedi ability to turn over.

Shen Xuan also had no intention of waiting, if he allowed these two black-robed people to continue, his own group, perhaps, would really be gone.

At this time, where did Shen Xuan care about anything else, his mind moved, and in the midst of the tiger fire, a tiger fire flew out, and directly turned into a tiger black tiger.

Towards the two black-robed people flew over, where did Shen Xuan dare to snub, now he must interrupt the other party's skill CD in time, otherwise he will not have his own good fruit to eat.

That Tiger Black Tiger also knew what Shen Xuan meant, and he showed his figure.

The huge body kept rushing towards the black-robed man.

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