That Tiger Black Tiger got Shen Xuan's order, and also rushed towards the two black-robed people who were exerting the power of the magic formation.

At this time, although the two black-robed people knew that the danger was approaching them, in order to maintain the operation of the magic array, they could not move their bodies without permission.

Otherwise, wouldn't the accomplice of the black-robed man who had just sacrificed himself have died in vain.

Right now, looking at the black tiger that rushed towards the two of them, even if he was scared in his heart, he could only bite the bullet and hold on.

How could Shen Xuan not see the small movements of these two, the black-robed man who committed suicide just now, and the two black-robed people who did not dare to move easily.

All of them show the power of the so-called Five Ghost Law Array, not only can control souls and ghosts, but also have to sacrifice a human life in order to use their true power.

That tiger black tiger was already rushing to kill before the five ghosts law formation at this time, and the two black-robed people were in the law formation at this time, and the black tiger's anger at this time was already filled with the perception of the two.

Shen Xuan looked at the five ghost magic array that had been cast with the support of the five black flags and the two black-robed people who were exerting their mana.

With a shake in his hand, the Flame Talisman and the Yang Fire Talisman also flew towards two of the five black flags.

At this moment, not only did he directly cut off the five ghost magic array that had not yet been cast, but the remaining two black-robed people naturally could not stay any longer.

Those two black-robed people naturally thought no less than Shen Xuan, but their priority now was how to save their little lives.

At this time, looking at the black tiger that was already close at hand, the two black-robed people were all fierce in their eyes, and the intention of breaking the axe into a boat was overflowing, and they were born after death.

The two black-robed men bit their tongues, and the taste of blood immediately filled their mouths, and when they opened their mouths, a mouthful of blood was spit on the five black flags by the two.

Nourished by the blood of those two black-robed people, the black flag, which was already trembling, also burst out of Dao black light at this time.

The ghost that had just been sucked into it also rushed out again, only this time, it was towards the black tiger in front of him.

The ghosts that neighed viciously and pounced towards the black tiger.

Shen Xuan looked at the ghosts, and the uneasiness in his heart also dissipated a little.

To use ghosts to deal with tiger evil, this is not meat buns to beat dogs, there is no return.

Without Shen Xuan's surprise, the black tiger also went directly to him when he saw the ghost flying towards him.

Those ghosts who were still screaming strangely, before they could cause any damage, were swallowed by the black tiger that pounced.

As soon as the ghost was eaten by the black tiger, it was immediately dissolved clean by the tiger's qi.

It was like a mud cow entering the sea, without setting off a single wave.

At this time, the ghosts were like flying delicacies, swallowed by the black tiger one by one.

The Dao of these ghosts is not high, they are just some ghosts that are ten or twenty years old, where can they resist the tiger that has absorbed five hundred years of ghost pills.

Tiger Fu is restrained for ghosts, and coupled with this huge tiger qi, these scattered ghosts rush up, and they just add food to the black tiger.

However, although this ghost creature could not cause any damage to the black tiger, a black tiger could not hold up the ghosts that kept pouring out of these five black flags.

At this time, the speed of the black tiger's action was obviously dragged down by these ghosts, which was also the plan of the two black-robed people. They naturally also saw that although this black tiger resembled a tiger, it was composed of tiger qi.

However, in order to delay time, but also for their own lives, how can these two black-robed people manage so much, they are now doing their best, and they can drag on for a while.

And just when the two black-robed people were ready to continue to increase their mana and drive the ghosts to delay time for the two of them.

The two fire talismans were directly shot at the two black flags, and suddenly, two of the black flags that were still releasing ghosts were sent flying.

Suddenly, the speed of the ghost thing was greatly reduced, and the black tiger was able to continue to move towards the two black-robed people.

The two black-robed people were shocked, their attention was attracted by the black tiger, coupled with the crisis of the situation at this time, it was difficult to observe carefully.

Not wanting this moment, he was directly seized by Shen Xuan and flew two black flags, and now, the two of them were even more frightened in their hearts.

But just as Shen Xuan and these two were pulling back and forth, the Five Ghosts Law Array that had already been activated had already revealed a trace of power.

A black qi different from those ordinary ghosts slowly appeared above the Five Ghosts Law Array, and seeing this trace of black qi, the two black-robed people obviously had a joy on their faces.

Of course, the person who discovered this trace of black qi was naturally not the only two black-robed people, and Shen Xuan also noticed the existence of black qi.

Although Shen Xuan couldn't see what the origin of this black qi was, anyone could see that this trace of black qi was probably not a good thing.

Shen Xuan's heart could no longer hesitate at this time, these five ghost magic arrays were already about to operate.

Shen Xuan didn't know, and didn't want to know how powerful these five ghost magic arrays were, and as soon as his mind moved, a ghost shadow flew out secretly from the Tiger Xuanqiao towards the back.

Shen Xuan carried the tiger Xuanqi and woke up the drama girl who was still in shock on the side:

"Don't look at it, something like a nerd, and then watch everyone die together."

The drama girl also reacted, and rushed towards the Five Ghosts Law Array with Shen Xuan.

The pressure of those two black-robed people also doubled at this time, not only losing the two black flags, but also dragging Shen Xuan and the drama girl again.

But at the moment, both sides are on the cliff, and they can't fight anymore.

The two black-robed men also directly slapped one on their chests, and suddenly, a stream of blood flowed out from their chests and sprayed directly on the remaining three black horses.

Those three black flags were like some kind of tonic pill, and the speed of ghosts emerging in them was even faster.

Shen Xuan looked at the many ghosts in front of him, and waved the Xuan Gong in his hand, and the ghosts that rushed were all one by one, and they were all scattered by Shen Xuan one by one.

The playgirl also spelled out the last trace of divine power, and the white light on her body appeared again, and when those ghosts touched the white light, it was like butter falling into a hot oil pan, crackling, and still melting.

At this time, the two of them and one tiger were all dragged down by these ghosts.

Although the two black-robed men had already lost excessive blood at this time, they still maintained their bodies, and a hint of joy appeared on their faces.

As long as the five ghost magic arrays all release their power, please move the Shenyin ancestor to lower the mana, you can get the help of the ghosts in the door, the five ghosts, when the time comes, solve these people in front of you, it is not a hand.

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