Looking at the endless stream of ghosts in front of him, Shen Xuan's also became more and more uneasy, and if he didn't interrupt the casting of this magic formation, he was afraid that there was really a big danger coming.

The reason why Shen Xuan was so flustered was because, in Shen Xuan's sense of qi, a huge but extremely dark aura continued to emerge in the five ghost formations.

That breath is powerful, in Shen Xuan's perception, even if he is ready to deal with it with all his strength, he is afraid that he is not the enemy of the other party.

It was this powerful aura that not only made Shen Xuan's heart uneasy, but also this kind of crushing made Shen Xuan's sense of crisis that had never occurred more and more intense.

No, these two black-robed people must not be allowed to continue, this is the alarm bell that Shen Xuan kept calling in his heart.

At this moment, the black qi that originally had only a trace above the Five Ghost Law Array was more and more at this time.

Shen Xuan barely saw this scene in the gap through the dense ghosts in front of him, and his uneasy feeling became stronger.

I could feel that powerful source of breath, it was this trace of black qi.

Now that this black qi was increasing, Shen Xuan felt that breath, and it was becoming clearer and clearer.

It was as if, as if in that black qi, something powerful and terrifying but dark and ominous was about to be bred.

Shen Xuan also knew that he couldn't go on like this, and the Xuanqiao in his hand danced faster and faster.

The Beisu Demon Qi on his body was also constantly resisting the attack of the ghosts, which allowed Shen Xuan to attack with all his strength regardless of his own defense.

But this is not safe, or in other words, there are too many ghosts, so much so that Shen Xuan's Beijuku demon qi is also slowly being consumed.

Just as more and more ghosts next to Shen Xuan continued to emerge, Shen Xuan took out a talisman from his arms.

As soon as the mana in his hand was lost, the talisman suddenly burst into a breathtaking golden light, and the powerful aura in it directly evaporated several nearby ghosts.

The golden talisman in Shen Xuan's hand was nothing else, it was the god-given golden armor talisman that was snatched from the playgirl's hand that day.

Shen Xuan didn't have the mind to continue to consume these ghosts, but there were too many ghosts, and Shen Xuan couldn't surprise out.

There was no way, Shen Xuan could only use this talisman, regardless of his own safety, and directly carried the ghost object to attack, killing the five ghost formations.

A layer of golden light draped over Shen Xuan's Beijuku Demon Qi, and now, with two layers of defense, Shen Xuan carried the Tiger Xuan Xuan and rushed towards the front.

In the torrent of ghosts and things, Shen Xuan didn't even want to dance anymore, and directly resisted with his body, moving his body towards the five ghost magic array.

At the moment, the drama girl and the black tiger can no longer count on it, one is powerless, the other is only self-preservation, only Shen Xuan himself can create a miracle at this time.

Shen Xuan advanced seven or eight steps with difficulty, raised his hand, and finally broke a hole among these ghosts, and the five ghost magic array was in front of him.

Shen Xuan saw the two black-robed people who were in the middle of the magic formation, shaking, and seemed to be a little delirious and did not miss this opportunity.

Taking advantage of the fact that the two black-robed men were not paying attention, Shen Xuan moved his body and faced one of the black-robed people.

However, I don't know if it was Shen Xuan's movement or the stress reaction of the black-robed man, Shen Xuan's Xuanqi smashed this time was framed by two long swords.

Shen Xuan was stunned, but he didn't give up, and if he didn't do his best at this time, he wouldn't have the opportunity to use his strength anymore.

Shen Xuan held his hands in both hands and pressed down towards the two long swords that were held up little by little.

The two black-robed people were also trying to block Shen Xuan's Xuanqiao, but they were already bloodless, and their hands and feet were empty.

It was just that the two of them worked hard together, and for a while, they froze with Shen Xuan.

The hearts of both parties are like ants on a hot pot at this time, one is worried about the power of the legal array, and the other is anxious about how the legal array is not powerful.

The two parties kept gritting their teeth and insisting, and suddenly, the two black-robed people were stunned, and then the two tried their best and directly opened Shen Xuan's Xuan.

"Hahahahaha, the Five Ghosts Law Array has been connected, the Five Ghost Master will soon manifest his body, at that time, you, you, you, and those mortals, will all die in the hands of adults, hahaha."

At this time, above the Five Ghost Law Array, the black qi had already gathered into a clump, and a majestic aura appeared from that air mass.

Shen Xuan suddenly felt bad, the five-way ghost master in these two people was afraid that he was really not a character to mess with.

Just when the two were proud, a ghost shadow approached here.

With a "snort", the laughter of the two stopped abruptly, and before they could react, a trace of pain from the neck and the suffocation caused by the inability to breathe surrounded the two.

The two black-robed people had already lost too much blood and lacked strength, and this time, the long swords in their hands fell to the ground.

The two widened their eyes, looking at the weasel-like ghost floating to the side and just taking their lives, and the pride in their hearts had already turned into fear and unwillingness.

It was hard to sacrifice a companion in exchange for a chance to survive, but he let the two of them fall to the last step.

The two fell to the ground, and streams of blood gushed from their necks, soaking the ground beneath them.

Looking at Shen Xuan standing in front of him and the black qi on his head, the two knew that they were already immortals and could not be saved.

Back then, the five of his brothers had been friends since they were children, and later, by chance, the five of them joined a side sect called the "Shenyin Sect".

The five people encouraged each other and learned from each other, and among them, it was not only friendship, but also regarded each other as their own family.

From learning techniques and refining magic weapons, to later, the five people were given this powerful skill by the sect, and they could invite the five ghost formations of the five ghosts and gods.

When they learned that they needed to sacrifice one of the five ghosts to use these five ghost formations to use the five ghost formations, all five of them were silent for a while, for no other reason, they didn't want to lose any of the five.

Later, the five people agreed that if it was really time to use the Five Ghost Law Array, then whoever was most seriously injured would voluntarily sacrifice and leave the hope of survival to others.

At that time, the five people all agreed without hesitation, and later, these five people were inseparable, they practiced the Five Ghost Law Formation perfectly, and they walked outside for many years, and they did not use these Five Ghost Law Array.

Unexpectedly, the first time the five people used these five ghost magic formations today, it would be the last time for the five people.

Thinking of this, the two black-robed men had to close their eyes forever with regret.

Shen Xuan watched the two fall, and also rushed forward and knocked the rest of the three black flags into the air.

The black air mass gathered above was already about to complete its operation at this time, but at this moment, Shen Xuan interrupted the final process.

In the black air mass, a roar that seemed to be inhuman erupted, and then it slowly dissipated.

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