Shen Xuan was also startled by that roar at this time, thinking that this was the voice of the five-way ghost.

This voice is also peculiar, Shen Xuan listened, this voice seems to be only one, but in this sound, there are five different timbres, which is really strange.

However, fortunately, this black qi has already dissipated, and it is considered a great difficulty not to die if it does not allow these five ghost magic arrays to truly exert their power.

As soon as these five ghost formations were broken, those endless streams of ghosts had no source and support, some directly dissipated, and some were scattered.

Shen Xuan looked at the embarrassed people in front of him, he was also physically and mentally exhausted, but fortunately they all survived.

Lao Huang was also flying on the side and vigilant around, the more he was in the last moment, the more he could not relax, which was the most important way to do things that Shen Xuan taught Lao Huang.

Dong Li also hurriedly came to Shen Xuan's side at this time, supporting Shen Xuan's safety, just surrounded by those ghosts, Dong Li did not have time to highlight the encirclement, now that the battle is over, it naturally has to fulfill the responsibilities of its subordinates.

Shen Xuan looked at Dong Li who was standing beside him and Lao Huang who was vigilant around, and he was also relieved, when he fought just now, he didn't feel that as soon as he stopped now, Shen Xuan only felt that he was already weak in his whole body.

At this time, there was no threat, Shen Xuan sat on the ground with his butt, panting heavily, in order to resist the constant attacks of ghosts, the Beijuku demon qi in his body was almost used cleanly, and the god-given golden armor talisman was also used.

After this battle, Shen Xuan had never suffered setbacks before, and the pride formed was completely defeated, a little, this time, Shen Xuan was only a little bit away from death.

In the battles that Shen Xuan had encountered in the past, almost none of them ended with the momentum of destruction and decay, either Shen Xuan succeeded in sneak attacks, or the opponent was not strong.

To this day, this battle with his life hanging by a thread has awakened Shen Xuan's self-righteousness and taking it lightly.

This also made Shen Xuan realize that the battles he had experienced before, compared with now, were just small fights.

It is no longer in that small place in Ma County, and now Shen Xuan has come to this rivers and lakes, this cannibalistic rivers and lakes.

At this time, it was almost evening, I don't know if it was the reason for the Five Ghosts Law Array, and it was already a little dark at this time.

Shen Xuan stood up, took his tiger sword, and slowly walked towards his carriage.

Whatever else, let's rest for a while.

Dong Li naturally supported Shen Xuan at this time, one person and one ghost, came to the side of the carriage, Dong Li directly carried Shen Xuan into the carriage, and he was guarding the side of the carriage.

When he was fighting the law just now, Dong Lian, as Shen Xuan's rampant soldier, could not help much, so this Ming Yuan general now blamed himself a little.

Shen Xuan didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Dong Li, just now the number of those ghosts was huge, Shen Xuan, the drama girl, and the black tiger contributed together, and they didn't cause any actual damage, so even if Dong Li got on it, it was just a drop in the bucket.

Dong Lian was aware of the difference, his mind was still in the era when the Yun Dynasty was still in some turmoil, at that time, if a martial general was injured on the battlefield and let the lord he followed be injured, then the martial general would regard this matter as a lifetime of shame and an unwashable embarrassment.

And in the battle just now, Dong Li felt that he did not protect his lord, which was a great sin.

Therefore, after the battle just now, Dong Li will always protect Shen Xuan's side, which is not only Dong Li's guilt, but also his pride as a martial general.

Shen Xuan got into the carriage, and also directly lay down on the carriage, the space on this carriage is actually very large, in addition to the baggage and boxes used to put Shen Xuan, it is also enough for Shen Xuan to rest alone.

Lying on the carriage now, just after a big battle, and now there was no threat, Shen Xuan soon lost the energy to persevere, and in a groggy state, he fell asleep.

By the time Shen Xuan woke up again, it was already the night of the next day, and the caravan at this time was already stationed in a small post station.

Shen Xuan lay on a wooden bed, just woke up, saw Lao Huang and Dong Li guarding his side, looking at these two ghosts, Shen Xuan's heart also surged with a trace of warmth, originally thought that since the death of Old Man Cao, he has no relatives in this world, unexpectedly, there are two ghosts who will regard themselves as brothers and silently guard their side, which is also a precious friendship.

Shen Xuan got up, Lao Huang and Dong Li immediately noticed Shen Xuan's movement, they all gathered around, and before they could speak, Shen Xuan waved his hand, signaling them that they had nothing to do.

Lao Huang flew over and said to Shen Xuan:

"Master, you have slept for two days, but it scares us, fortunately, Dong Li, this old ghost can also be regarded as having some ability to take the pulse, so I can see that you are only exhausted for a while, and you need to replenish your rest."

Shen Xuan looked at Dong Li, who was standing on the side and silent, but he didn't expect that this general, there would be some small means to take the pulse, who knew that at this time, Dong Li knelt down directly to Shen Xuan:

"The last general station failed to support the lord Zhou Quan, it is really a crime worthy of death, and also ask the lord to punish, the last general has nothing to say."

Shen Xuan looked at Dong Li kneeling in front of him, and was also stunned, as if he did not expect Dong Li to be so loyal and brave, and then hurriedly stepped forward to help Dong Li up, and read:

"Why should the general be like this, this station came suddenly, I was careless for a while, without thought, this made this battle lost, how can I put the responsibility on the general's body, please get up quickly."

Shen Xuan also knew at this time that Dong Li, as a martial general of the previous dynasty, valued the safety of his lord and father more seriously than his own life.

Lifting Dong Lian up, Shen Xuan was good at talking, and only then coaxed this martial general who was eager to protect the Lord back to the altar of the Black Mountain.

Shen Xuan looked at the strange housing in front of him, and Lao Huang told Shen Xuan everything about the past few days.

After killing the five people of the Shenyin faction last time, the caravan also suffered heavy losses, leaving only the old man, the drama girl and five guys.

Later, the caravan continued to move forward, and found a post station at the border of Lianzhou, and then everyone repaired it in this post station.

And Shen Xuan was also arranged to rest in this room, while Lao Huang and Dong Li were always guarding the side.

Shen Xuan listened to Lao Huang's words, and also sighed slightly, he couldn't imagine that his physical strength and energy consumed in this battle would be so great, and he slept directly for two days.

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