Shen Xuan moved and found that there was no big problem with his body, but the Beisu Demon Qi and Spiritual Qi in his body would slowly recover, but it was only a matter of time.

Lao Huang flew around with a smile at this time, and said to Shen Xuan:

"Master, this time, my Lao Huang has also learned to be smart, and those five ghostly goods were picked up by me, and I collected a lot of good things, hee-hee."

Shen Xuan looked at Lao Huang's bad smile, and was also pleasantly surprised:

"Okay, Lao Huang, I didn't expect that you also learned badly here, quickly take out the things and let me see, what are the good goods?"

I saw that Lao Huang flew to the side at this time, and I didn't know where to find a big cloth bag, put this cloth bag in front of Shen Xuan, and said with a grin:

"There are a lot of things, I took them all, and the drama girl didn't dare to say anything."

Shen Xuan said "um", and then opened this cloth bag, those people killed themselves, how could the drama girl say more, besides, she couldn't speak, at most she would look at it twice.

There were really a lot of things in the big cloth bag, and the bits and pieces were piled together, and Shen Xuan struggled to pull it open, and then distinguish them one by one.

Two bottles of porcelain bottles contained pills, five black flags used to set up arrays, a small wooden box, a scroll that I don't know what, and a black token.

Shen Xuan first picked up the scroll and looked at it, and found that there was a big hole in the scroll, although it did not affect Shen Xuan to see the content inside, but Shen Xuan was still a little puzzled.

Lao Huang laughed on the side:

"Master, I don't blame Lao Huang for this, Dong Li is still hairy, I told him to turn things over, and this guy was careless, and almost tore up this scroll."

Looking at Lao Huang, Shen Xuan shook his head, Lao Huang is really good and does not teach, teach Dong Li how to touch the corpse.

Although there is no name, it is actually a log written by the third of the five people.

Shen Xuan looked at it carefully, and the meaning in it was probably that these five people had the same surname as Shen Xuan, and they were brothers in the family, but their families were poor and their parents died early, so these five people begged for a living together.

Later, the third of these five people met an elder of the Shenyin Sect by chance, and this elder took a fancy to this person's talent and wanted to accept this person.

But these five people have been living together for many years, and in this extremely dangerous society, the relationship between the five people has long been exercised like a steel plate, and no one can do without it.

When this old three heard this elder's words, he didn't even think about it, so he begged to bring his remaining four brothers with him and worship them into the Shenyin Sect together.

Seeing that these five brothers had deep feelings, this elder was also moved for a while, so he included these five people in the faction together, and later, these five people practiced spells together in the Shenyin faction, eating and dressing together.

Not only is it valued by the sect, but also has the title of the well-known "Shenyin Five Sons", saying that the five people join forces, but in the contemporary Shenyin faction, the combat power ranks in the top three.

These five people not only have deeper feelings, but also the cultivation of the five people is also becoming more and more proficient, and later, because these five people once made great achievements, they were given the five ghost magic formations by the sect.

These five people used this magic array as a killer tool to practice, not only refining the five-pole ghost flag, but also integrating the essence of these five ghost formations to summon the five ghosts and gods.

It can be said that in the seven years since these five people joined the Shenyin Sect, they have almost been invincible, and although they often use the Five Ghost Law Array, they have not used it to the point of using this summoning five ghosts and gods.

As a result, this time, the sect asked the five of them to hijack a carriage of the Sect, but they didn't expect that this time, they would all die here.

Shen Xuan looked at this log, and he was also slandered in his heart, who is a good person to write a diary, and still carry it with him, no wonder the five of you are unfavorable.

Burn this log directly, Shen Xuan will not leave any worries for himself.

Holding the two porcelain bottles in his hand, Shen Xuan opened it and looked at it, the pill in it, which was also mentioned in the log, was the Shenyin Ghost Pill used by the Shenyin faction to cultivate ghosts.

If you let the ghost swallow this Yin Ghost Pill, it can not only improve the Dao practice of the ghost thing, but also speed up the cultivation of the ghost thing, which is equivalent to the cultivator's Gathering Spirit Pill.

Threw these two bottles of Shen Yin Ghost Pill directly to Lao Huang, Shen Xuan's side only had Lao Huang, a ghost thing, Dong Lian had already turned into a rampant soldier, and could only eat incense to enhance his Dao, this ghost pill was naturally only enjoyed by Lao Huang and a ghost.

Shen Xuan picked up the wooden box, which contained the spiritual money that these five people had accumulated over the years.

Shen Xuan had never heard of this spirit money, but it was also mentioned in this log.

Spiritual money is money commonly used in the spiritual world, equivalent to gold and silver among mortals.

Not only can it be used as currency, but it can also allow monks to absorb the aura in it.

However, this spiritual money was also promoted by the three major sects of Daomen, Buddhism, and Confucianism, and almost encompassed most of the cultivation world.

This spiritual money is not only practical, but also the three main sects are in charge of the production, and there is almost no possibility of counterfeiting, which will be adopted and used by most sects.

The outer and inner circles of this spirit money are a positive and negative side of the outer circle of the mortal copper coin, and the copper money is about the same size and weight, that is, there are three big characters "Tao, Buddha, Confucian" on it, arranged in turn.

Inside this wooden box, there were a total of thirteen spirit coins, which were all the savings of these five brothers.

This spirit money is also divided into four types: copper spirit money, silver spirit money, gold spirit money and jade spirit money, copper spirit money is the second, and jade spirit money is the best.

One silver spirit money is equal to ten copper spirit money, one gold spirit money is equal to ten silver spirit money, and one jade spirit money is equal to ten gold spirit money.

And the spirit money of these five people is a total of five silver spirit money and eight copper spirit money, not much, Shen Xuan also carried the spirit money in this wooden box into his own box.

The five-pole ghost flag was used by these five people to arrange the five ghost magic arrays, and it was made of ghost locust wood and yin silk, which could also be regarded as a magic weapon.

Although Shen Xuan did not know how to use these five ghost magic arrays, this did not affect Shen Xuan from accepting these five ghost flags.

The last token, made of copper and iron, the size of a palm, with "Shen" written on one side and "Yin" on the other, is the identity object given to the five brothers by the Shenyin faction.

When walking outside, when you meet people from other sects, you can show this token to indicate your identity.

Shen Xuan also accepted it, after all, he didn't have any backers outside, and when necessary, it was a good idea to take this token over to respond to emergencies, or back the black pot.

Shen Xuan got up and prepared to see how the caravan was doing.

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