Shen Xuan practiced all night, and early the next morning, someone knocked on Shen Xuan's door.

Shen Xuan had not yet opened the door, and Lao Huang, who had just returned from outside, opened the door first.

The person who came was a fellow in the caravan, and he was also startled when he saw that the door in front of him was not open, but when he saw Shen Xuan inside, he said respectfully:

"Young man, Elder Wang and Lord Qiuyun are already ready to leave, call me to invite you to the carriage."

Shen Xuan let out a "hmm" and sent the guy away, and Shen Xuan didn't have anything else to clean up.

The bag of things yesterday was all put by Shen Xuan in his wooden box, and Shen Xuan took the Black Mountain altar and the wooden box and went out.

At this time, a carriage was already lined up outside the post station, and the playgirl and Old Man Wang were already waiting on the side, and saw Shen Xuan come out.

Old Man Wang greeted the other guys, and as soon as Shen Xuan got into the carriage, the entire convoy began to move forward.

It is worth mentioning that Shen Xuan's original carriage was opened by the thief named Liu San before.

However, Old Man Wang rearranged a carriage for Shen Xuan, and the previous carriage was used to pile up debris.

Shen Xuan stayed in the carriage, and there was nothing to do, so he continued to practice.

After the carriage traveled for half a day, it encountered a city, and Shen Xuan looked at it from a distance, and above this city gate, there was the word "Yantai City".

The convoy moved quickly towards the Yantai city, until at the gate of the city, a group of defenders with swords across the waist blocked the way.

However, nothing happened to him, Old Man Wang took out a token or something like a token from his waist, and after the soldiers guarding the city saw it, they immediately let go of the city gate.

The caravan drove in the direction of the city gate towards the Yantai city.

Shen Xuan looked through the curtain and looked at the scenery in this Yantai City.

There are many pedestrians on the street, and the various shops along the way are also very complete, in general, the situation of this Yantai city is much better than that small county town in Ma County.

In the end, the convoy stopped in front of a floor, the playgirl and Old Man Wang got out of the car, and Shen Xuan was also called down.

After Shen Xuan got off the car, Old Man Wang and Shen Xuan explained the current situation, and Shen Xuan was relieved.

Although it has not yet reached its destination, this Yantai City is already within the sphere of influence of the Sect, and there will basically be no accidents in this Yantai City.

The building where the caravan stopped was the stronghold of the Sect in this Yantai City, and when he arrived at this place, Shen Xuan completed his task.

Shen Xuan nodded, and also entered the shop called "Xiangfu Lou" with the drama girl and Old Man Wang.

In this Xiangfu Building, there is also a great scene, Shen Xuan at first glance, there are people coming and going, and from time to time there are people shouting a few words.

Shen Xuan looked at this Xiangfu Building, this place should be a large shopping mall, a restaurant, and a post station, anyway, the sound of eating and staying in the store to buy things, Shen Xuan heard a lot.

It is estimated that someone knows this, a small house came up to greet him, just in front of him to lead the way, followed by the drama girl and Old Man Wang, Shen Xuan went to the fourth floor of this Xiangfu Building.

This Xiangfu Building has a total of five floors, the first floor is a restaurant, the second floor is a post station, the third floor is a small shop group, and this fourth floor is where Shen Xuan is staying now.

The three came to a closed door, opened the door, respectfully "invited", and left.

The drama girl and Old Man Wang also seemed to be familiar, and walked directly in, and Shen Xuan looked at this room.

The room is not large, it is only ten square meters, and the home decoration inside is not bad, and large and small bonsai are also placed in the room.

Shen Xuan walked in, and there were already people waiting in this room.

Shen Xuan looked at it, that person was as tall as two Shen Xuan, and the short gown was also unable to cover the tendon flesh of the body, and the upper body was covered with clothes, and most of his arms were exposed.

The lower body is wearing a pair of loose pants, and although the whole person looks slender, it is also Kong Wu powerful.

After the playgirl saw that person, she also bent her body respectfully, and Old Man Wang also said:

"I have seen Lord Tuanshan and Lord Qiuyun's escort mission has also been successfully completed."

The strong man nodded, and then said to the playgirl:

"Qiuyun, it is not easy for you on this road, my sect is also in recession now, I have indeed wronged you, after this time, rest more."

The playgirl nodded, indicating that she knew, and then the strong man just looked at Shen Xuan and said to Old Man Wang:

"Old Wangtou, who is this?"

Old man Wang saw the strong man mention Shen Xuan and said:

"Lord Mountain, this is a young man we met along the way, not only escorted us all the way, but also saved us several times."

When the strong man heard Old Man Wang's words, he was also stunned, and then said to Shen Xuan:

"Oh? The person who can help me at this time must also be a righteous person, I don't know if this little brother has a great name?

Shen Xuan looked at this strong man, and was also stunned, just now this old man Wang called him "Lord Over the Mountain", and the picture scroll he escorted this time was "Zhenshan Ye", I don't know what the origin of these two is.

"My surname is Tian, and my name is Huaban."

Shen Xuan did not tell him his real name, but used the fake name he used when he fooled that ninth-rate Danqing before.

After all, along the way, he didn't tell the playgirl and Old Man Wang his name, and he didn't worry about what they would know.

This strong man was also stunned, it seemed that he did not expect that someone would have such a strange name, it was not wrong, it just felt strange.

"It turned out to be the little brother of Tian, hello, hello, this time you can help escort, Shan Mou is also a lot of thanks, by the way, old king head, you go and give this little brother a little reward."

Shen Xuan arched his hand, did not shirk, he escorted this way, isn't it for that reward, now he is already going to get it, then he is polite.

Then, Old Man Wang left the room with Shen Xuan, and Shen Xuan asked Old Man Wang:

"Old man, the one just now, but what does it have to do with what we escorted this time?"

Old Man Wang was also stunned, and then hesitated for a while, and said to Shen Xuan:

"Well, this is one of the cultivators in my sect, called "Mountain Turning Mountain Master", and "Zhenshan Ye" belong to the "Mountain Great God" lineage in my Sect God System, and these two god positions are also equivalent to colleagues.

Shen Xuan was very new to this title, although he knew that there were many different god positions in the sect, but he really didn't know the specifics.

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