Oh? Which line of the god line in this sect is subdivided? Shen Xuan also expressed doubts.

Old Man Wang looked at Shen Xuan and asked with some doubt:

"Young man, why don't you know this, although this was a secret of my Puppet Sect in the past, but now it is different from the past, and the current divine system of my Puppet Sect is already known to everyone in the outside world."

Shen Xuan scratched his head and thought in his heart, everyone knows everything, how can I not know.

Seeing that Shen Xuan did not answer, Old Man Wang thought that Shen Xuan had just forgotten for a while, so he

spoke: "My sect has been established since the previous dynasty, and the sect has become a god system of its own, and the god system is divided into three major veins, the mountain god vein, the river and water god vein, the human hundred gods and one vein, like Lord Qiuyun's divine power is from the singing god of the hundred gods in the world."

Shen Xuan nodded, he didn't expect that there were still veins in the divine system of this sect, which he had never heard of before.

"However, my sect is also in a recession at this time, and the gods in the sect are sleeping one after another, leaving only some gods who can still hold on and some cultivators like Lord Qiuyun who are struggling to support."

Shen Xuan didn't answer, the meaning of Old Man Wang's words, he also understood, how can these words be said nonsense, the words are all hinting at whether he wants to join the Sect.

Shen Xuan did not answer Old Man Wang's words, but instead asked where he would get his reward this time, and Old Man Wang sighed when he saw that Shen Xuan really did not mean to join the Sect.

The current Puppet Sect is indeed in decline, if it is put aside when the Puppet Sect was at its peak in the past, Shen Xuan's strength will die at the door of the Puppet Sect, and no one will want it.

"The young man comes with me, and the reward promised by the old man will definitely not be less."

Shen Xuan naturally continued to follow, with such a big foundation in the Sect, he would not be able to afford Shen Xuan's little thing.

Shen Xuan followed Old Man Wang directly to the backyard of this Xiangfu Building, and Shen Xuan understood the layout of this Xiangfu Building at this time.

The exterior of this Xiangfu Building is a five-story pavilion doing all kinds of business, and there is a place behind this pavilion, surrounded by houses, but there are no people.

After Old Man Wang brought Shen Xuan to this place, he walked towards one of the houses.

There was also an old man outside the house, who looked similar to Old Man Wang, all with white hair.

The old man looked skinny, the whole person was lying on the ground, his white hair was messy, like a chicken nest, listening to the snoring sound one after another, the old man seemed to be sleeping.

The old man Wang stepped forward and waved at the old man in front of him who looked about the same size as him, and then said respectfully:

"Lord Shoucai, on the order of Lord Shou Shan, take some resources from the sect for this righteous man who helped my sect."

The old man who was called "Lord Shoucai" by Old Man Wang was lying on the ground without any image at this time, and when he heard this, he looked up at Shen Xuan and the two, and then he said "um", turned his head and continued to sleep.

With the permission of the rich man, Old Man Wang pushed away the room in front of him.

Shen Xuan just wanted to follow up, but the old man lying on the ground spoke:

"Old Wang Tou go in, you, wait outside."

This sentence was obviously said to Shen Xuan, Shen Xuan was stunned, but also stopped and looked at this old man.

Shen Xuan just wanted to say something, but Old Man Wang patted Shen Xuan's hand and said,

"Lord Shoucai has no other meaning, the young man waits, and the old man will come after taking something."

After saying that, he walked into this room, and Shen Xuan naturally did not follow.

Looking at the old man who turned over again at this time after saying a word, and snored, Shen Xuan narrowed his eyes.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with this old man not letting himself in, since Old Man Wang brought him to this place to get something, it meant that this should be the treasure pavilion belonging to the Sect, where can outsiders enter casually in this kind of place, I am afraid that if my own people want to enter, they will have to go through many tests.

And Old Man Wang did not receive any inspection on the way with Shen Xuan, the key is that there is only one old man at the door of this room, if you want to say that this old man has nothing, then the prestige of this puppet is blind.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the current Qiao Sect has reached a difficult point, but this is obviously unlikely.

Therefore, Shen Xuan came to the conclusion that this seemingly sloppy old man was not a simple person.

Shen Xuan just wanted to open his mouth and this old man set close, no matter how bad it is, he can also mix a familiar face, who knows that before Shen Xuan speaks, the old man lying on the ground spoke first:

"Boy, how did you live to this point of murder in this body?" If you show it to those old bald donkeys of the Buddha Gate, you will not be sacrificed directly to heaven.

Shen Xuan was stunned, and it seemed that he had not reacted from what the old man suddenly said.

Seeing that Shen Xuan did not speak, the old man thought that Shen Xuan did not care about his words, and immediately said:

"You are a little doll, you are young, your killing nature is so heavy, and you don't know how many lives there are under your hands, what a crime."

Shen Xuan reacted to this, this old man was talking about himself, when he thought that this old man had something, Shen Xuan also hurriedly spoke:

"Senior, can you elaborate for the kid?"

Seeing Shen Xuan, who suddenly became respectful, and his compliment, the old man said that he was very useful, so he spoke:

"Hey, that's right, maybe your kid is lucky today, if you meet me, just mention a few words about your kid."

After saying that, he got up from the ground, and Shen Xuan looked at this old man in rags, but he didn't mean to underestimate it in his heart.

"The seniors say, and the younger ones are used here."

Shen Xuan also sat on the ground respectfully, looking at the old man who was shaking his head and pacing slowly in front of him.

"Hmph, your junior is still somewhat self-aware, knowing that you want to use talismans to suppress your own killingness, but the killing thing, you can't rely on suppression, it's better to block, you have to think about how to control your killing."

Shen Xuan nodded, indeed, since he killed for the first time, he had become a little bloodthirsty, and sometimes he did things without Shen Xuan himself noticing.

Just like that Zhu Laoque before, killing him by himself was only a whim, and the guy in the caravan who was killed by himself was also his own momentary unawareness.

Just mentioned by this old man, Shen Xuan knew that the tyranny in his heart that did not know the origin was called murderousness.

"Thank you seniors for mentioning it, I just don't know where this killing nature comes from?"

The old man glanced at Shen Xuan, and his ignorance of Shen Xuan gave him a sense of satisfaction as a teacher.

"Killing, killing, naturally is the nature of killing, everyone is different, some people may not have, some people may have, and some people just do not find out."

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