"But well, this killingness will only come after killing people, you are like those pig killers, they just kill more animals, but they don't kill people, so they have murderous energy, but they don't kill."

"Besides, you kid is also a strange person, a murderous body, I am afraid that he has already killed a lot of people, but it is difficult to say that this thing is murderous."

"Some people, who kill people every day, only get a little murderous energy, and some people just kill people for a while, and they are murderous, which also depends on their own talent."

Shen Xuan also mentioned:

"Then this murderous nature, is it good or bad?"

"There is no difference between good and bad killing, you young people, you know good and evil all day long, but what is good and what is evil, you can't tell the difference, in the end, it's just a futile effort."

Shen Xuan began to be a little unable to understand this old man's words, he only wanted to know now that there was something wrong with his murderous nature.

"Senior, senior, can there be a way to control this murderous nature of the junior?"

"Hey, you little doll, how do I know how to control, that's your killing, not mine, you don't know, where do I know, oh, aren't you suppressing your murderousness with talismans now."

Shen Xuan was stunned, what kind of stuff, you don't know, then what you said before is better to block than to be loose, all murderous.

"Haha, just kidding, how can I not know how to control killing, I think back then, I sat alone on the gods of the Sect, which person was not respectful to me, a little murderous, not a problem."

"Wow, senior, you are so powerful, why are you here to guard the door now?"

The old man really wanted to express the turbulence in his heart, but he was pushed back by Shen Xuan's words.

"What do you know, the good man doesn't mention the courage of the year, I am giving those juniors the opportunity to perform."

"Then senior, you should talk about how to control killing?

Shen Xuan was talking to death at this time, and it was hard to know the murderousness in his body, so he couldn't inquire about how to control it.

"That's not simple, killing, killing, in the end, it's not a manifestation of human nature, as long as you can control your humanity, it doesn't mean controlling killing."

Shen Xuan listened to a circle, indicating that your words, said the same as not said, I asked you how to control killing, you told me to control human nature, then the question comes, how to control human nature?

"Eh, well, this, eh, it depends on your own chance, okay, okay, I mention you so much, you are not quick to thank me, the old king head also came out, took something, let's go."

Shen Xuan listened to this old man's answer, well, you directly said that you don't know if it's good, here with me for a long time, make me think that you are some hidden master, it turns out to be half a bucket of water.

At this time, Old Man Wang also came out of the house, and when he saw Shen Xuan talking to Lord Shoucai, he was also stunned, and then he greeted Shen Xuan, and he got the things and could go.

Shen Xuan looked at the old man who lay back on the ground, squinting his eyes and sleeping over, he was also a little speechless, good guy, you give me the whole superficial kung fu, profound things, you don't know at all.

Subsequently, Shen Xuan left this backyard with Old Man Wang.

When Shen Xuan and Old Man Wang walked away, the old man who was guarding the door sat up from the ground and looked at the direction Shen Xuan left, and the old man finally muttered:

"Killing, but it is somewhat similar to that Tai Sui."

Of course, Shen Xuan would not notice this at this time, he was being attracted by the things in Old Man Wang's hands at this time, and Old Man Wang really did not lose his trust, and there was no less thing he promised.

There are fifteen boxes of worshiping incense, each box of thirty, a total of four hundred and fifty incense, enough for Shen Xuan to use for more than half a year, and three bottles of Juling Pill, three per bottle, a total of nine, which is also the resource Shen Xuan needs.

Shen Xuan and Old Man Wang were sitting in a room on the second floor of Xiangfu Building at this time, and Shen Xuan looked at the table full of things in front of him, and he was also satisfied in his heart.

All these things were received into his own box, and now Shen Xuan's box was already stuffed.

Just as Shen Xuan was collecting things, the door of the room was opened, and Shen Xuan looked up, the familiar costume, the person who came was the theater girl.

The playgirl first nodded towards Shen Xuan, and then sat down next to Old Man Wang and began to gesture sign language.

Shen Xuan put away his things and waited next to him for a while before Old Man Wang spoke:

"Lord Qiuyun means, along the way, Young Xia you have saved our lives many times, although the Puppet Sect has already paid you, but Lord Qiuyun feels that this is just Puppet Sect, she herself owes favors, and she also has to pay you, I don't know what you like Shaoxia?"

After Shen Xuan listened, he was also surprised to look at the drama girl, originally he just thought that the theater girl was just here to say hello, but he didn't expect that this woman was so emotional, Shen Xuan said that he admired this kind of person very much.

"Well, then it's not pretentious under it, I don't know if you know something about murder in the drama girl?"

Shen Xuan also directly asked his own question at this time, he didn't want any panacea, since listening to the words of the old man who was watching the door, Shen Xuan had been thinking about murderous things.

It's better to take this opportunity to ask the drama girl and let her check it for herself, such a big sect, Shen Xuan doesn't believe that no one knows about murder.

The drama girl was also stunned when she heard Shen Xuan's words, she originally thought that Shen Xuan would ask for something like a cultivation pill, but she didn't expect Shen Xuan to ask her a question directly.

The drama girl does not know very well what murder is, but in the sect, there are classics to find, so it is a big deal to find it yourself.

Then the playgirl began to gesture at Old Man Wang.

"Lord Qiuyun means that she doesn't know much about it, but there are classics to find in the sect, but it takes time, if the young man is interested, he can live here for a few days."

Listening to Old Man Wang's words, Shen Xuan nodded, anyway, Shen Xuan didn't know where he was going at this time, it was better to stay in this Yantai City for a few days.

Not only waiting for the drama girl to deliver the news to herself, the resources she just got are also digested here.

"Okay, I'll find a place to stay in the city first, and if you find any news, you can inform me as soon as possible."

After that, the playgirl left alone, and Old Man Wang took Shen Xuan in Yantai City and found a place to live.

It's not that there is no place to live in Xiangfu Lou, but Shen Xuan feels that there are many people in that place, after all, it is people's territory, and it will always be a little uncomfortable to stay there.

So Shen Xuan found a slightly secluded post station in the city and lived directly.

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