Shen Xuan sat on the bed, and in the room at this time, Old Man Wang had already left, leaving Shen Xuan alone.

Looking at the window when the sun was already setting, and the dim light shone in front of the window, Shen Xuan's heart also surged in his heart for a while.

Shen Xuan himself didn't know where to go, he wanted to become stronger, he wanted to master more spells, he wanted to see the world.

It's just that Shen Xuan himself doesn't know how to become stronger, he is not a sect disciple, and he has no orthodox inheritance, which causes Shen Xuan to estimate his strength at all.

The cultivators of those four major sects all have cultivation realms to refer to, and among those other sects, there will be more or less some experience left by their predecessors.

And Shen Xuan, in addition to having a cultivation method, the rest, cultivation resources, master's teaching, nothing, all rely on their own hard work.

Perhaps this is more free than those sect disciples, but this is not a kind of sadness of the side door scattered cultivation.

Originally, the left road of the side door was already a slim road ahead, plus there was no sect to rely on, how could it become a great road just by relying on one's own scattered cultivation.

In Shen Xuan's heart, he also involuntarily had a feeling that he was estimated to be like this in his life.

But how can Shen Xuan be willing, in this world where he can practice and ascend, Shen Xuan does not want to be like a mortal, he wants to live, he wants strength, he wants to live forever, and he wants to become an immortal.

Although Shen Xuan didn't know anything about this world now, this did not mean that Shen Xuan was just like that.

Shen Xuan got up, Lao Huang didn't know where to go at this time, and in the entire room, only Shen Xuan's box was there.

Taking out three of the incense sticks in the box, looking at these three red wax sealed incense, Shen Xuan lit it and inserted it on the altar of the Black Mountain.

A puff of smoke slowly drifted down the burning part of the head of the incense, and then drifted into the altar of the Black Mountain.

With these incense incense, Shen Xuan didn't need to worry about the incense of the Black Mountain Altar.

Opening the door, Shen Xuan was ready to go out and around, just at this moment, a black shadow flashed to Shen Xuan's side from nowhere, and Shen Xuan was not defended.

"Master, in addition to the people of the Sect, there are many other cultivators in this Yantai City."

Shen Xuan listened to Lao Huang's words, naturally there was no doubt, Nuoda Yantai City, the Sect naturally will not fully grasp it.

It is also normal to have other cultivators in this city.

"The Sect is weak now, it would be nice to have a place as a stronghold, and it would not be normal to have other cultivators."

Shen Xuan paused, and then asked:

"Be careful when you go out yourself, this is not Bima County, there are cultivators here."

Lao Huang also nodded, it naturally knew it, so it didn't dare to get too far away from Shen Xuan recently.

"However, master, when the little one just went out, I heard someone say that there was also some excitement in the Xiangfu Building today, saying that the Five Poisons Sect sent people to come to explore the truth of the Qiao Sect."

Oh? Shen Xuan came with a hint of interest, the Five Poisons Sect also belongs to the sect on the left side of the door.

Moreover, compared to the previous Tiger Summoning Sect and Shenyin Sect, the name of the Five Poisons Sect was much louder.

However, this "loud" is naturally not a good name.

When the Five Poisons Sect originated, it is impossible to understand, only know that this sect has always been entrenched in the area of Yunzhou, and among the disciples of the sect, they all practice the art of manipulating poisonous insects, snakes and ants, also known as "demon masters".

The power of these Five Poisons Sect does not lie in its huge power, but in the treacherous witchcraft in its sect, which is no less difficult than dog skin plaster.

I just don't know how this Five Poisons Sect, which has been in Yunzhou, sent people to the territory of the Sect, and said with great fanfare that they wanted to explore the reality of the Sect.

Although this sect is weak, it is also a hard bone, how dare these five poisonous sects come to pick up the tiger's whiskers at this time.

Shen Xuan also had some curiosity about this Five Poisons Sect, he had long heard of the witchcraft and killed people invisibly, today, it was better to go and see the liveliness.

Shen Xuan also had no intention of continuing to rest at this time, and asked the shopkeeper for a piece of baked cake, which was regarded as dealing with today's dinner, and rushed towards Naxiangfu Building with Lao Huang.

At this time, there were no more people outside the Xiangfu Building, but there were still people coming and going here.

Shen Xuan took Lao Huang, one person and one ghost and walked directly towards the inside of Xiangfu Building.

No one stopped him, or rather, there was no need to let people guard the door at this time.

Shen Xuan looked at it, almost all of the people in this are cultivators, you have to ask Shen Xuan how to see it.

This one by one, either like Shen Xuan, has some weapon on his back, or dresses like a normal person.

Some people carry a gourd on their waist, some carry a wooden box on their back, some carry a banner in their hands, and some also carry one or more ghosts behind their backs.

Like this, almost all of them in the current Xiangfu Building, Shen Xuan also understood at this time.

This Xiangfu Lou is doing mortal business during the day, and at night, it is doing the business of cultivators.

Watching those people take their seats one after another, Shen Xuan also found a seat and sat down.

At this time, the hall was already full of people on all sides, and a large space was vacated in the middle.

In the vacated position, a circle line was also drawn, and a lot of talismans were pasted around the round line.

Presumably, the news of the people from the Five Poisons Sect also reached the ears of the Sect, which put down such a battle.

Just as Shen Xuan was thinking, this sect is ready, what about the people of the Five Poisons Sect?

At the gate of that Xiangfu Lou, there was a loud laugh:

"Hahaha, the Sect really did not reduce its grandeur back then, in order to welcome me and wait, it actually put out such a big battle, and actually invited colleagues inside and outside Yantai City to come together, why, I am afraid that my Five Poisons Sect will not be able to achieve credibility?"

Everyone in the hall heard the prestige, and saw that at the door, I don't know when, there were already seven people standing there.

And the person who just spoke was the man at the head of the seven.

When the seven people slowly approached the hall, Shen Xuan saw the faces of the seven people clearly.

These seven people were all dressed in black, both short and tall, but Shen Xuan also felt a gloomy aura from these seven people.

The man at the head, with the six people behind, walked directly towards the middle circle.

"That's not it, it's just that I want to ask your fellow practitioners to be a witness together."

This voice was somewhat familiar, Shen Xuan looked at it, and the person who spoke was exactly what he saw today, the "Lord Over the Mountain".

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