Oh? Shen Xuan still didn't understand the meaning of this, so Shen Xuan pushed the person sitting next to him, wanting to ask him what was going on.

As a result, this touch did not know, a touch was startled, originally Shen Xuan was sitting against the wall, and only one person was close to him, this push, the person turned around.

"Who are you... Well? How are you?

Shen Xuan was also stunned by this person, and looked at the person carefully, this person was not strong, but he had thick eyebrows, Shen Xuan looked left and right, but did not recognize who this person was.

"Dare to ask, Your Excellency?"

The man with thick eyebrows and big eyes also reacted at this time, took his right hand, and wiped it towards the face door, but in an instant, he changed his appearance.

Shen Xuan also recognized the kiss at this time, isn't this person the nine-rank Danqing he met in the wild temple, what is his name? Eh, Xu He.

Shen Xuan was also a little surprised at this time and asked,

"Why are you here?"

At this time, Xu He's heart was also full of mixed feelings, originally he thought that after he left the broken temple, he would never see Shen Xuan's violent temper again.

Xu He that day was deeply impressed by Shen Xuan, not only irritable and irritable, but also murderous without blinking, he could not avoid this person.

Right now, it's good, Xu He himself finally came to see the liveliness, and turned his head to see that the person he didn't want to see again in his life before was next to him.

"Eh, Brother Tian, it's really a fate."

When Shen Xuan heard Xu He's name for himself, he also remembered his usual pseudonym, ceiling.

Xu He also knew that he couldn't escape at this time, so he simply chatted with Shen Xuan directly.

It turned out that since this Xu He left the broken temple, he was ready to continue to travel, but as a scattered cultivator, he couldn't see the direction, so he ran to the Lianzhou realm in a blur.

Later, Xu He heard that the Sect had made a gambling contract with the Five Poisons Sect, so Xu He, who had always loved to be lively, came to Yantai City.

As a result, Xu He chose a position next to Shen Xuan without dying, and then, it was the previous scene.

Shen Xuan asked about the method that Xu He directly changed his face just now, and after Xu He listened, he was also unimpressed, the change of face he just now was just a small trick among the nine-stream Danqing, and it was not even a spell.

Xu He usually used it to disguise his identity, and when he heard Shen Xuan's words, he naturally didn't care too much.

Only then did Shen Xuan remember his original question, and quickly asked Xu He:

"Brother Xu, do you know about this Sect and the Five Poisons Sect?"

Xu He glanced at Shen Xuan with some surprise:

"You don't even know this, so how did you find here?"

Shen Xuan naturally pointed to Lao Huang who was floating on his shoulder at this time, meaning that it told me.

Xu He asked Lao Huang again if he knew it, and Lao Huang also shook his head, indicating that he knew that there was a lively view, but what the specific reason was, it really didn't know.

Xu He looked at Lao Huang, and then at Shen Xuan, also speechless, this person was a ghost, did not understand anything, and dared to come out to see the liveliness.

Xu He also said it bluntly at this time, and he also heard about it from other friends.

After Shen Xuan listened to it, he also understood.

As early as half a month ago, as the Five Poisons Sect entrenched in Yunzhou, seeing that the Puppet Sect that was not far from him was already enemies in all directions at this time, he also wanted to take this opportunity to eat a piece of the meat of the Puppet Sect, but was discovered by the Puppet Sect.

The meaning of the sect is very clear, I can't beat the door, I can't beat you side-doors? It me off, and neither of them had good fruit to eat.

Then, the Five Poisons Sect also felt that he was offended, after all, he had been entrenched in Yunzhou for many years, and the background in the sect was not bad.

But this puppet religion is not easy to mess with, the thin camel is bigger than the horse, as the state religion of the former dynasty, what should be there, that must be there.

However, the Five Poisons Sect is also afraid that the Five Poisons Sect will force the Sect to be anxious, and it will directly come to the same death, and the Five Poisons Sect is also afraid that the Five Poisons Sect will not have a brain, only knows the interests, and both sides are afraid of forcing each other to be anxious.

As a result, a gambling contract was formed that was jointly discussed by the Sect and the Five Poisons Sect.

This gamble is also very simple, that is, the Sect and the Five Poisons Sect each send seven disciples to fight seven times, with four wins in seven games.

If the Five Poisons Sect wins, then the Five Poisons Sect will not only have to recognize the planting, but also obediently give its own resources to the Five Poisons Sect, and if the Five Poisons Sect wins, then the Five Poisons Sect will have to return everything it ate in the Sect before, and from now on, it will not be able to deal with the Sect again.

As a result, this seemingly farcical gamble that actually concerns the safety of these two sects has emerged.

Shen Xuan said that these are the courage of those big sects, and he should watch the play first.

The fighting method between the left path of the side door is actually not as formal as the competition between those orthodox sects.

If the orthodox sects try to compete with each other, they must be in the same realm, otherwise there will be a situation where the big bully the small and the strong bully the weak.

The left path of the side door is different, the cultivation realm between each sect is different, and some sects do not have their own cultivation realm, so they cannot reach the standard of the orthodox sect.

Generally speaking, if the fighting method between the left side of the side door is watched and judged, it has a certain fairness, and it only ensures that the two sides of the fighting method do not have a big gap in strength on the surface.

This is also a matter of no way, in the left side of the door, fish and dragons are mixed, no one knows, even you don't know what realm you are.

Therefore, the so-called fighting method between the left side of the door, if it is okay under the watchful eyes of everyone, if you are in the wilderness, then the word "fighting method" does not exist at all.

No matter what tricks people use, what kind of cultivation, as long as they can directly kill you, it will be over.

"Okay, don't talk more nonsense, today, how about the first one?"

Shen Xuan was also attracted by the people in the field at this time, and it was the leading man who spoke before.

Shen Xuan looked at the Sect Climbing Mountain Master who was standing opposite the man, but he didn't speak, just waved his hand and walked towards the back.

The man in black who took the lead also knew the meaning at this time, glanced at the six people behind him, his eyes signaled one of them to stay, and then left the circle line with the others.

Shen Xuan looked at it intently, since he had practiced, he basically hadn't singled out others very much, usually playing tricks, or directly sneaking attacks.

At this time, the man in black left among the seven disciples of the Five Poisons Sect also slowly faded that layer of black clothes.

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