The disciples of the Five Poisons Sect took off their black clothes and revealed their bodies inside, and Shen Xuan saw that this person was wearing a long skirt, and his exposed arms were snow-white.

It can be called "skin like condensation", the thin waist that is grasped by Yingying suddenly attracted the attention of many male cultivators, this person is a woman.

However, although this woman had a hot figure, her face was covered with a layer of tulle

, and she did not see the true face of this woman, and Shen Xuan, like most male cultivators, had a feeling of regret.

The woman also spoke at this time, different from Shen Xuan's imagination, this woman's voice was as old as an eighty old lady.

"How, what about the people of the Sect? It's not scared.

Shen Xuan listened to this woman's voice that seriously did not match her figure, and said that it was really a pity.

Just as the woman spoke, out of nowhere, a man arrived in the round line, and Shen Xuan looked.

This man was mighty, with a tiger back and a bear's waist, wearing a tiger skin coat, and went into battle shirtless.

"Hahaha, you demon girl of the Five Poisons Sect, you have been caught by Grandpa Reject Deer, and I want you to come and go."

Shen Xuan looked at the man who opened his mouth arrogantly, and at this time he had already set up a posture, and said to the woman:

"Demon girl, see that you reject Grandpa Lu, I'm afraid of it, if you know it, get out yourself, otherwise, don't blame Grandpa for destroying flowers with hot hands."

"Hmph, let me get out, I just don't know if you have that ability."

The black-dressed woman's hand, out of nowhere, took a small black jar, not big, just the size of a fist, if not carefully observed, you can't see what is in the woman's hand.

But it was such an unnoticeable small jar, but the woman in the black dress flicked it faintly, and in an instant, dozens of black shadows burst out of it.

That black shadow is very small, if it is one or two, Shen Xuan really can't notice it, but at this time, let alone dozens of black shadows appear together, but it directly focused everyone's attention.

Shen Xuan looked closely, and the black shadows that emerged from the black jar turned out to be black butterflies that were only flying up and down.

As soon as the black butterfly flew out of the jar, it flew towards the man of the sect.

However, the speed of this black butterfly was not fast, and there were even a few butterflies flying in the air for a few circles before flying towards the sect man.

Shen Xuan looked at the slowly flying black butterfly and asked Xu He next to him:

"Brother Xu, do you know what kind of means these Five Poisons Sect women make?"

When Xu He heard Shen Xuan's words, he was stunned at first, and he didn't seem to expect that Shen Xuan, a taciturn person, would frequently ask questions today, and after thinking for a while, Xu He said to Shen Xuan:

"Most of the means in these five poison sects are related to witches, looking at the appearance of black butterflies, it must be the means of the five poisons in and outside the Five Poisons Sect."

"Oh, in this Five Poisons Sect, there are also five poisons inside and five poisons outside?"

"The poisons of the Five Poisons Sect are everywhere, and naturally there are classifications, the inner five poisons are scorpions, snakes, centipedes, palace guards, toads, and the outer five poisons are butterflies, spiders, mosquitoes, ants, and bees."

"However, these five outer poisons are only scratching the surface in the Five Poisons Sect, and only by mastering the internal five poisons can they be regarded as masters among the Five Poisons Sect."

Shen Xuan nodded, he didn't expect that among these five poisonous sects, there were so many sayings, no wonder people could entrench Yunzhou for so many years.

Shen Xuan looked towards the round line again, and at this time, the black butterfly that flew up and down still could not reach the Sect Man.

Or in other words, this butterfly flies so slowly and so obviously, fools know that there must be something to say here, naturally they will not go to the black butterfly.

At this time, the puppet sect man had already bypassed the black butterfly and rushed towards the woman in the black dress.

The woman in the black dress didn't know what was going on, watching the Sect Sect man rushing towards her, but she didn't dodge, and she just waved her hand.

In the black jar, a black shadow flew out again, the black shadow was only the size of a grain of rice at first, just out of the black can, but it was growing in the wind, and by the time the black shadow landed, it was already the size of a baby.

Looking at it again, the black shadow that landed on the ground was a spider, this spider was a little strange, the whole body was black, that is, on the eight thin legs, there was a pinch of white hair.

At this time, the white-haired spider opened its mouthpiece and sprayed a mouthful of spider silk towards the rushing Sect man.

The man was also reckless, and when he saw a ball of spider silk coming towards him, he didn't avoid it, and he bumped into it.

The strong body of the man was directly wrapped in this seemingly small spider silk.

As a result, before the spider silk stuck to the ground, the puppet sect man had already torn the spider silk and jumped out.

"Haha, how can you demon girl do some tricks, rely on a few poisonous insects, and want to stop you, and don't use some good means, I'm afraid you won't have a chance in this life."

Saying that, the Sect Man did not lose his momentum, and rushed towards the woman in the black dress again.

And the baby-sized white-haired spider between these two was also stepped on into a pool of green blood pieces by the puppet man.

The woman in the black dress didn't seem to think that her spider silk actually didn't have any effect on the Sect man.

At this time, the distance between the two was not far away, just when the man of the Sect Sect swung out his right hand and was about to punch the woman in the black dress.

Seeing the oncoming punch, the woman in the black dress just dodged sideways to the left and dodged this powerful punch.

The man saw that his punch was dodged, and he did not hesitate, and the right fist he swung stopped in the direction he went, waved his hand, hit a straight fist, turned into a swing fist, and continued to hit the woman in the black dress.

The woman in the black dress also obviously expected the attack of the Sect Man, or dodged sideways.

The two were in this round line, one punched and the other dodged sideways, and the situation was also deadlocked.

"Why, you people from the Five Poisons Sect are all waste, dare to take you to resist Grandpa Lu's punch."

Hearing the provocative words of the Sect Man, the woman in the black dress still ignored it, still dodging the fists coming from all directions.

"Heehee, you rough man, you are really reckless, but I don't know that you fell for your aunt's strategy."

Just after the two had been entangled for a while, the woman in the black dress found an opportunity, kicked the fist from the sect man, and flew out with a borrowing force.

At this time, the sectarian man seemed to notice that the black butterflies released by the woman in the black dress at the beginning had already surrounded his body.

Not only that, as soon as the woman in the black dress stood up, she took out the black can again and waved it directly.

In an instant, in the black can, seven or eight spiders the size of the white-haired spider just now fell to the ground, spitting out the spider silk towards the god man.

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