After the practice was over under the mouth of the altar, it was probably time for Shen Xuan to not be tired and went to sleep.

He has only practiced, and he does not have the kind of cultivation that can not eat, drink, or sleep.

Sleeping and eating is still an ordinary person, but Shen Xuan found that the breathing method in this "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa" is indeed useful.

In the past two days, he has eaten more, the amount of sleep required every day has become less, and his physical fitness has become better and better day by day.

Today, Shen Xuan got up exceptionally early, for nothing else, listening to yesterday's gang of idle men said that this banquet, they got "internal information", and a roast chicken will be served at each table.

In this era, it is enough to invite roast chicken to a banquet that can be held by a large family like Qianyuan.

For this roast chicken, Shen Xuan got up early in the morning, just to occupy a good position, taste it well, and bring "some" back by the way.

Shen Xuan's home is in the east of the town, and Qian Yuanwai's home is in the west of the town, that is, the place closest to the west of the town, Shen Xuan got up early in the morning, just to save the time when he went to Qian Yuanwai's house.

Ma County in the early morning has long been busy, but in addition to the farmers who went to farm in the morning, those idle men who used to lie in the teahouse and chat are gone, for no other reason, today the money clerk is invited to the house, no one wants to miss this good thing, for this reason, there are not many people who walk with Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan deliberately did not eat breakfast, just so that he could eat and drink at the lunch at Qian Yuan's house.

Shen Xuan's physical fitness threw a large circle of people with him, so he arrived at Qian Yuanwai's house early, but the door of Qian Yuanwai's house had already surrounded the human wall, and it took a lot of effort for Shen Xuan to squeeze in.

As soon as Shen Xuan entered, he quickly grabbed a seat on the side, and as for why he didn't grab the innermost seat, of course, it was already overcrowded.

The innermost ones, including the outer ones, were already full, and only the marginal positions like Shen Xuan were still empty.

This was also thanks to the Qian family's family members maintaining order at the door, which allowed Shen Xuan to grab the position as he wished.

At this time, Shen Xuan was able to observe the scene of the Qian family, the big red decoration hung all over the entire Qian family lobby, a total of more than thirty tables were neatly arranged, Rao was Shen Xuan saw it, and could not help but sigh that the decoration and arrangement of this Qian family was really magnificent and atmospheric.

Compared with the Zhao family and the Zhang family, which are also big households in Ma County, the land occupied by this Qian family is only a lot more, not to mention the arrogance and lewdness inside, which is even more jaw-dropping.

When it really is, Zhumen wine smells of flesh, and the road has frozen bones.

There are many beggars in this horse county, and I haven't seen what kind deeds like giving porridge that this Qian family usually has.

"It's not benevolent for the rich," Shen Xuan secretly cursed in his heart, and immediately decided to eat a few more bites at the banquet waiting for the meeting to show his benevolence and morality.

After a while, the more than thirty tables in the lobby of the Qian family were full, and at this time, the family members outside the door also began to push out those who had not had time to come in, and closed the door to prevent anyone from rushing in.

Those who didn't have time also shook their heads and sighed, complaining that they didn't come sooner.

Shen Xuan sat on the chair, his table was full of old men and women, it seemed that if Shen Xuan wanted to bring something back today, it was not a small difficulty, it could be called a tiger's mouth.

Taking out the bag he had brought with him, Shen Xuan also vacated the bag used to hold the paper talisman just in case.

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