Shen Xuan and the old men and

ladies here are waiting for the dishes to be served, and then the line is faster than the hand, left and right, and this is not coming, and the old men and women who are anxious to the table are also scratching their ears and cheeks, and their hearts are anxious.

After a while, above the lobby, a woman came out with a money officer, and Shen Xuan looked up.

I immediately felt that if this rumor was true, this old boy outside Qian Yuan really won a beautiful person.

The woman looks delicate and clear, with a head and eyebrows, like a hibiscus out of water, and there are some Chuchu people in the ice muscle and jade bones, and there are some dusty and earthy in the bright and moving, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the mink cicada is alive.

At this time, he was wearing a big red wedding dress, which looked even brighter.

As for the money clerk with the pestle on the side, he had a big belly and shook his head, and he was also wearing a big red costume, although he was rich, but standing with the woman, it made people call him an evil capitalist.

The old men and women on the side discussed it first, saying that this woman's name was Liu Qingqing, originally just the daughter of a small family in Ma County, although she was not very rich, but her parents were sound, and there was quite a surplus in the family.

Originally, this Liu Qingqing was at home, the gate did not go out, the second door did not step, occasionally one day, went to the street to buy some rouge gouache, was seen by the money clerk, and was immediately shocked by his appearance, and immediately decided to marry her as a concubine of the thirteenth room.

Originally, Liu Qingqing's parents did not agree, this money worker was already over half a hundred years old, and this Liu Qingqing was only twenty-eight years old, how could this be married.

But in this horse county, the power of the Qian Yuanwai family is powerful and wealthy.

Although Liu Qingqing's family has money, how can it be compared to this money family, but there is a male Ding in Liu Qingqing's family to continue the incense, and his parents agreed to this affair under the coercion of the Qian family.

However, this money family's bride price is really a lot, not to mention gold and silver jewelry, it is a precious thing such as the pearl of that night, and it is also arranged and full of face.

Shen Xuan sighed, in this world, some people have to gnaw the bark in order to survive, but some people can spend thousands of dollars for a married woman, and the world is cold, which can be seen.

The money clerk in the lobby and Liu Qingqing and the two were in the speech of the butler on the side, and they worshiped the church and became relatives.

Until this time, the dishes of this banquet began to be served, don't say, there should be a lot of meat and vegetarian dishes, the roast chicken also arrived as promised, as soon as it was served, it was divided and eaten by Shen Xuan and the old men and old ladies, and the food was clean, only a plate remained.

Shen Xuan's eyes were quick, and he was stunned to grab a chicken leg and a large piece of chicken breast among more than ten pairs of chopsticks.

To say that this meal was like going to the battlefield, Shen Xuan did not dare to slack off for a moment, for fear that when a dish was served, he did not pay attention and was cleaned.

This banquet lasted about half an hour, and the bag that Shen Xuan originally used to bring vegetables did not come in handy, because as soon as each dish was served, it was divided in less than five seconds, let alone what was taken away.

As for the other tables, Shen Xuan looked at the past, and there was only half a plate of oil and wheat vegetables left on the best table, seeing this situation, Shen Xuan, a cheeky person, was embarrassed to pack.

Just as Shen Xuan was following the army to eat and drink and was about to go home, a family member stopped Shen Xuan and pulled Shen Xuan aside from the crowd.

Only then did he quietly tell Shen Xuan that Qian Yuanwai asked him to invite Shen Xuan into the backyard to talk.

Shen Xuan was stunned, this Qian Yuan was not familiar with himself, besides, when he was newly married, he didn't accompany his beautiful wife, what could he do to invite himself?

What's the big deal?

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