Shen Xuan did not shirk, he just brought a paper note out today.

This money clerk invited himself, except for that god and ghostly thing, Shen Xuan could no longer think of anything that could make the money clerk use this word "please".

As that Ding came to the backyard, Shen Xuan saw that the man in the wedding costume, Qian Yuanwai, was sitting on the table of the eight immortals drinking tea, and next to him stood the housekeeper and two maids, as for that Liu Qingqing, Shen Xuan did not see it.

As soon as Shen Xuan entered the backyard, the Qian Yuan stood up and asked Shen Xuan where Old Man Cao was.

As soon as he heard this, Shen Xuan knew what was going on, in this horse county, Old Man Cao's ability to drive away gods and catch ghosts was spread to be divine.

But if you really ask Shen Xuan what skills Old Man Cao has, Shen Xuan can only say yes, he has skills, but not much.

Of course, the thing that can invite Old Man Cao to go is not to open a small altar, make a small law, and then by the way... Oblivious.

Shen Xuan looked at Qian Yuanwai, and he didn't know how to open his mouth for a while, and after thinking for a while, he still told Qian Yuanwai the truth.

As soon as Qian Yuanwai heard the news of Old Man Cao's death, his face immediately changed and he was stunned in place for a while, before respectfully asking Shen Xuan to sit down.

As soon as Shen Xuan saw this situation, he knew what idea this money officer was fighting, in Ma County, the matter of exorcising demons and demons, except for Old Man Cao, the rest was his apprentice of Old Man Cao.

At first, this Qian Yuanwai was a little snub to Shen Xuan, only asked Old Man Cao where to go, and when he heard that Old Man Cao had died, he immediately respected Shen Xuan, and asked Shen Xuan to sit down again, and poured a cup of tea for Shen Xuan.

Seeing Shen Xuan take a sip of tea, the two maids behind him who were sitting opposite did he retreat from the two maids behind him, leaving only the housekeeper, facing Shen Xuan, and slowly spoke.

"Wise nephew, there is a matter in my family, it has been a long time, and it has not necessarily improved, this is the work of the wise nephew, can you help, the wise nephew rest assured, after the matter is completed, there will be heavy thanks."

As soon as Shen Xuan heard this, he thought what was the matter, which could make this old ghost outside Qian Yuanwai leave his beautiful wife alone and come to ask himself.

"Qian Yuanwai said this, your business, is my business, you have opened your mouth, how dare Shen Xuan not obey."

Shen Xuan is also polite, the flower palanquin people carry people, this money staff is so polite, Shen Xuan is not easy to refuse, in Shen Xuan's opinion, such an action, is not in his arms.

It just so happens that there is no money recently. Today I also brought a paper note out, if I don't help (zha) help (gan) money workers, how can I be embarrassed to go back.

Shen Xuan hurriedly asked what was going on outside Qian Yuan? Seeing Shen Xuan like this, Qian Yuan was no longer polite and bluntly said the reason for the matter.

It turned out that a few days ago, Qian Yuanwai took a fancy to that Liu Qingqing and wanted to be accepted as a concubine, which inevitably had to use some small means.

As a result, a day ago, that Liu Qingqing had just arrived at Qian's mansion, and Qian Yuanwai was just preparing to kiss Fangze, and he felt a little dizzy, but the beauty was in her arms, who could bear it.

Just as he was about to take a step further, the headache outside Qian Yuanwai became more and more intense, and that Liu Qingqing also opened his mouth to tell Qian Yuanwai that he was a little uncomfortable and disgusting.

When this money officer heard it, he also dispelled that thought, so he didn't move any more crooked thoughts.

Who knew that as soon as he got out of bed, this headache was even worse, so painful that the money clerk hurriedly called Lang Zhong, and as a result, this Lang Zhong could not see any symptoms.

Until the evening, Qian Yuanwai did not go to Liu Qingqing's room again.

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