As a result, Qian Yuanwai

endured a headache at night and was ready to sleep, and as soon as he closed his eyes, Qian Yuanwai seemed to see a purple-skinned and black-haired, hideous-faced, slender monster appeared in front of him, which scared Qian Yuanwai to jump up and run out the door.

This alarmed the family members of the Qian family, as soon as they heard that the master had something, they hula ran a piece, and Qian Yuanwai also said that there were ghosts in the house, but as a result, several family members went in to look for a circle, and did not find the ghosts mentioned by Qian Yuanwai.

When Qian Yuanwai saw this situation, he also thought that he had a headache and hysteria, so he dismissed the next person and prepared to continue to rest, but as a result, he closed his eyes again, and the ghost appeared again just now.

At this time, Qian Yuanwai decided that he was not mistaken, gathered Jiading, and searched the entire Qian family, but he was stunned and did not find anything wrong.

But this money clerk was scared twice, where did he dare to sleep, the group tossed and turned in Qian's house for half a night, and as a result, the money clerk had a headache and couldn't bear it, and did not rest, and fainted directly.

Until the next morning, he woke up in a ghostly way, put on a happy dress, hurriedly worshiped with Liu Qingqing, and then went to the backyard, and Liu Qingqing also told Qian Yuanwai that he saw a female ghost smiling at him last night.

When Qian Yuanwai heard this, if he saw a ghost alone, then it would be enough, these two people saw the ghost together, in other words, no one could help but be afraid.

In a hurry, he thought of Old Man Cao, so he invited Shen Xuan in, ready to ask about Old Man Cao's whereabouts, but learned that Old Man Cao had died.

Only then did he remember that Shen Xuan, Old Man Cao's apprentice, must also have some means, so he respectfully asked Shen Xuan to help.

Shen Xuan listened to the reason for this, and then understood why Qian Yuanwai suddenly treated himself so respectfully.

After thinking about what Qian Yuanwai said, Shen Xuan thought that it should be Qian Yuanwai who provoked something unclean, which caused him and that Liu Qingqing to see the ghost together.

So Shen Xuan asked Qian Yuanwai what happened when he married Liu Qingqing, and Qian Yuanwai also told the truth.

Two days ago, as usual, Qian Yuanwai took a few family members to walk around the street, but he saw Liu Qingqing who just went out, and this old ghost was so hungry that his eyes were straight, so he asked the family to inquire about the situation of Liu Qingqing's family.

Knowing that his family also had some money, he went directly to the door to ask for a relative, Liu Qingqing's family did not agree, but due to the power of the Qian family, and under some coercion and temptation from outside the rich member, he agreed to the affair.

On the same day, Liu Qingqing was taken back to Qian's house, but halfway here, a beggar blocked the way undeadly, and the family on the side did not care about the life or death of this beggar, and kicked the beggar with a kick.

The beggar hit the wall, there was no sound, and the family did not pay attention, after all, the Qian family has a lot of money, and is usually domineering, and even this person began to fight people.

In their opinion, a beggar is a wild dog, beating if he wants, kicking if he wants.

After walking all the way, it was almost time to reach Qian's house, but the family ding who had just kicked people fell down, and everyone stepped forward to check, and the family ding had already lost his breath, his eyes widened, as if he was scared to death.

This is nothing, a family Ding, the Qian family has, the key is that in the next two days, the few family members who originally followed Qian Ding outside to bully men and women outside actually died one by one, and they all died in the same way as the first family Ding.

This can attract the attention of the money outsiders.

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