Shen Xuan immediately decided to stay in Qian's house in the past few days, and while helping Qian Ren exorcise ghosts, he also happened to rub Qian Yuan's foreign family's meal.

Hearing that Shen Xuan wanted to live in Qian's house, Qian Yuanwai couldn't help but be overjoyed, he was worried that this Shen Xuan was gone, if the two ghosts came again at night, what could he do, this is good, with Shen Xuan in Qian's house, Qian Yuanwai can be regarded as relieved.

Let the subordinate clean Shen Xuan a box room not far from the room outside the money clerk, and beckon the subordinate to provide good food and drink, Shen Xuan temporarily stayed.

Back to the temporary room, Shen Xuan looked at it, the whole room is still very luxurious, the wooden bed, tables and chairs are not bad, and the decoration on the wall also makes Shen Xuan a little jealous.

The value of this one wing is estimated to be able to buy the small courtyard where Shen Xuan lives.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Shen Xuan began to think about the Qian family's affairs, according to his thinking, this matter felt that it had something to do with that Liu Qingqing, and this matter was not small.

But the situation of this Liu Qingqing family, Shen Xuan also learned from the mouths of those subordinates, this Liu Qingqing family, in addition to his parents, there are two brothers, Liu Qingqing is the youngest in the family.

At home on weekdays, it is natural to pamper him in every way, how dare he be a little unhappy, this time if it is not for the coercion and temptation of the Qian family, how can the family bear to marry Liu Qingqing, who is only twenty-eight years old, let alone just be a concubine.

But I couldn't stand the soft and hard bubble outside the money clerk, and there was no way to do it at home, so I wronged Liu Qingqing.

But in this chaotic world, relying on a big family like the Qian family is also a good choice, in this world, which person can control his own destiny, like Liu Qingqing, in fact, it is not bad.

At least there is no problem of food, clothing, housing and travel, if Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing can really be long, this can also be regarded as a good result.

Thinking of this, Shen Xuan couldn't help but sigh how difficult this world was. With his mind turning, Shen Xuan was ready to go to see the general situation of the Qian family tonight, and by the way, he also went to see Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing to see what the ghosts in their mouths looked like.

Thinking of ghosts, Shen Xuan couldn't help but think of the cloaked man who had been dead for a long time, wasn't he a ghost breeder, but his iron hammer had not yet been built, otherwise he could directly break up the ghost with an iron shovel in his hand.

However, even if there is no iron hammer, he still has the Yanyang Fire Talisman in his hand, and the damage to ghosts is not weak, and for ghosts, he is not worthy

, this time is also considered to be time, Shen Xuan is not idle, but began today's practice.

As soon as the time flickered, in the evening, Shen Xuan had just finished his practice, and the subordinates of the Qian family came to inform Shen Xuan, and Qian Yuanwai invited him to eat in the front hall, and Shen Xuan did not shirk, just as he was a little hungry.

Follow the next person to the front hall, Qian Yuanwai is all the big family, Shen Xuan is not polite, found a position, sat down, Qian Yuanwai also introduced Shen Xuan, and the Qian family on the table also politely greeted Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan looked at this big son, sitting in the main seat is naturally Qian Yuanwai, sitting on the left is the Qian family's landlord mother, that is, Qian Yuanwai's wife, the left side is basically female dependents, including that Liu Qingqing and other concubines, and the right is the male Ding of the Qian family, this Qian family is also strange, there are seven or eight heirs in the family, but all of them are men.

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