Qian Yuanwai is also

suffering from not having a daughter, so he took another concubine, but who knows, this concubine, such a thing, the family is also a lot of rumors about Liu Qingqing, although Qian Yuanwai is extremely suppressed, but how to block the mouths of everyone.

In the past few days when Liu Qingqing came to Qian's house, in general, the treatment was not particularly good, but there was no way, this file happened, people in this era are generally superstitious, this kind of gods and ghosts, people will mostly attribute to women, which is also inevitable.

Shen Xuan looked at the dishes on this table, roast chicken or something, in this era, it can already be said that it is a mountain and sea delicacies.

Shen Xuan was also not polite, and the dishes on the table were also in the stomach, and Shen Xuan's meal was the best from the snack.

After eating this meal without chattering, Shen Xuan was not idle, and followed the next person to familiarize himself with the terrain of the Qian family.

It was not until the evening that Qian Yuanwai sent someone to find Shen Xuan, the meaning naturally needless to say, in ancient times, there was a captain who guarded the gate of the Tang Palace, and now there is Shen Xuan guarding the door of Qian's house.

In order to take care of Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing at the same time, both of them stayed in Qian Yuanwai's room, while Shen Xuan stood at the door.

It was getting late, and Shen Xuan stood outside the door, holding the Flame Sun Fire Talisman, and he was nervous all night.

And so until the next morning, the sky was dark, and nothing happened.

It wasn't until Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing slept comfortably, and when they opened the door, they found that Shen Xuan was still outside the door, and quickly thanked Shen Xuan, and Shen Xuan was able to go back to rest.

Back in his room, Shen Xuan threw himself on the bed and fell asleep.

Sleeping until the afternoon, Shen Xuan woke up, pushed open the door, and the person at the door was carrying a box of food, obviously waiting for a long time, Shen Xuan thought that this money clerk had a heart.

Took the food box from the next person, and returned to the room, the snacks in the food box were very exquisite, and the chef of this Qian family also had a certain level.

After eating the food box and padding his stomach, Shen Xuan cleaned up and went to find the money clerk.

Yesterday, Shen Xuan stayed for a night, but there was nothing to gain, I don't know if it was Shen Xuan's reason, Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing also slept well.

Came to the backyard of the Qian family, Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing were enjoying flowers in the yard, and when they saw Shen Xuan coming, they quickly greeted him.

Qian Yuanwai was grateful to Shen Xuan, and Liu Qingqing also echoed next to him, saying that thanks to Shen Xuan, he was able to sleep well last night, a virtuous nephew on the left, a virtuous nephew on the right, Shen Xuan was a little embarrassed to say it.

But I'm sorry, how can Shen Xuan not understand the meaning of Qian Yuan's words, it's just that this ghost has not yet appeared, and I want Shen Xuan to stay for a few more days, and then let Shen Xuan leave when the ghost thing is removed.

It just so happened that Shen Xuan was also very satisfied with the food of the Qian family in the past few days, and since Qian Yuanwai was so invited, Shen Xuan was respectful and obedient.

As usual, after discussing countermeasures with Qian Yuanwai for a while, Shen Xuan returned to the wing room and continued his daily practice.

Until the end of the evening, everything was still as usual, Shen Xuan was leisurely strolling around the Qian family, sighing at the impermanence of life while thinking about the ghosts of the Qian family.

Up to now, Shen Xuan hasn't even looked at a ghost shadow, which can't help but make people wonder if this is Qian Yuanwai who usually bullies men and women a lot, and feels that he has been retributed, and all ghosts are fantasized.

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