At night, Shen Xuan was still holding the Yanyang Fire Talisman and squatting at the door outside Qian Yuan.

Only this time, Shen Xuan was not so nervous, but instead sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

On this big night, the people have long slept, except for the family members on duty at night, no one will come here at all, and the money clerk and Liu Qingqing are afraid that they have already fallen asleep in the room.

Shen Xuan practiced again, and he also got a quiet one, and no one would disturb him.

The moonlight sprinkled on Shen Xuan's body, covering him with a silver coat, quiet night, faint moonlight, gentle breeze, like a perfect moonlit night breeze.

At that time, Shen Xuan opened his eyes and looked around, but nothing had happened, and he was just ready to spend the night on the spot.

Another gust of wind blew, originally Shen Xuan had not paid attention to anything, but that wind had not dispersed for a long time, at this time, Shen Xuan finally noticed that something was wrong.

Now it's just summer, and it's normal to have wind, but what wind energy blows half a column of incense, and everyone with discerning eyes knows that there is a problem.

Shen Xuan jumped up, only then did he see that a black black shadow was already standing at the door, and was about to push the door into the house.

Shen Xuan looked at it intently, this black shadow, purple skin and black hair, feet did not touch the ground, long hair and shawl, is not the ghost thing that Qian Yuanwai said, Shen Xuan also thought that Qian Yuanwai had hallucinations, but he didn't want to be true.

At this time, the black-haired ghost pushed open a trace of the door and was about to enter, but Shen Xuan reacted, and the Yang Fire Talisman in his hand shot out and hit the black-haired ghost.

It was too late, it was fast, the black hair ghost's hand reached into the room, and an illusory yang fire flew behind it, and before the black ghost could react, he was hit by the yang fire.

Suddenly, the door that originally only opened a slit was directly connected to the black haired ghost and flew out together.

"Hula", the black-haired ghost fell to the ground, rolled a few times, and was immediately burned by the Yang fire that was still burning on his body, and jumped up, as for the wooden door, the black-haired ghost was smashed on the ground together.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing, who were sleeping in the room, and hurriedly dressed and came out to see the situation.

Shen Xuan was puzzled at this time, what kind of thing this black-haired ghost was, if it was a physical object, it could be hit by the Yang Fire Talisman, if it was a virtual thing, it could smash the wooden door.

At this time, Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing also ran out, and when they saw the black-haired ghost, they were suddenly so shocked that they couldn't speak, but just lit the black-haired ghost and kept talking.

Shen Xuan glanced at the two people outside Qian Yuanwai, of course he knew what Qian Yuanwai meant, it was nothing more than to let this black-haired ghost fly away.

At this time, Shen Xuan retrieved the Yang Fire Talisman, and looked at the black-haired ghost who had rolled on the ground a few times and finally extinguished the Yang Fire, inexplicably a little funny.

This black-haired ghost extinguished the sun fire, and floated up again, and a pair of white-eyed eyes glared at Shen Xuan, giving Shen Xuan a little hairy.

The black-haired ghost stretched out its sharp ghost claws and slammed into Shen Xuan.

How dare Shen Xuan be careless, and the Flame Fire Talisman and the Yang Fire Talisman in his hand shot out together.

The black-haired ghost was also clever, twisting his body in the air, and he could avoid the Yang Fire Talisman, but the Flame Talisman hit the ghost's left arm, causing it to cry out in pain.

But he still endured the pain and continued to rush towards Shen Xuan.

At this time, Shen Xuan really did not have the Flame Fire Talisman and the Yang Fire Talisman in his hand, and it was too late to retrieve the talisman now.

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