The black-haired ghost was already only two meters away from Shen Xuan at this time, and this pounce made Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing next to him also frightened.

But at this time, Shen Xuan was not flustered, and he felt out a paper talisman from his body, which was the Yanhuo paper talisman and the Yanghuo paper talisman that Shen Xuan had prepared a long time ago.

Although the power of the paper talisman is not as powerful as the fire talisman, the victory lies in the quantity, and when you use up one, there is still redundant.

Shen Xuan had a flame paper talisman in his left hand and a yang fire paper talisman in his right hand, injecting spiritual energy, and the two paper talismans flew towards the black-haired ghost.

At this time, the black-haired ghost who received a flame talisman on his left arm didn't have time to react at all, so he was hit with two more paper talismans, which were originally only half a meter away from Shen Xuan, but now flew back upside down.

Two pieces of paper struck the black-haired ghost, and the fire splashed, illuminating the entire backyard, and also alarming the family members who were on duty in the front yard and lobby for the night.

Suddenly, the entire backyard of the Qian family was fenced, and the family members with wooden sticks in their hands blocked the door of the backyard.

The black-haired ghost ate this blow, and it was already a severely injured body, and it was difficult to sustain.

Shen Xuan recalled the Yanyang Fire Talisman again, and if he hit the black hair ghost again at this time, he could basically send it down, not to mention, there was a large group of family members outside.

At this time, Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing also relaxed their hearts and hurriedly ran to Shen Xuan's side.

Looking at the black-haired ghost lying on the ground and moaning, the housekeepers next to him were also holding wooden sticks, surrounding it.

At this time, the black hair on the black hair ghost was burned clean, Shen Xuan saw the face of the black hair ghost clearly, except for the white eyes, in fact, this black hair ghost looked quite good.

Qian Yuanwai did shout at this time: "Aren't you the beggar"?

Well? Shen Xuan looked back at Qian Yuanwai, and then Qian Yuanwai said the reason.

That day, the money clerk was sitting on the palanquin, heard the sound, also opened the palanquin curtain, and saw the beggar who was kicked to death, so he recognized it.

When the black-haired ghost heard Qian Yuanwai's words, he stopped moaning, and actually said:

"You are a rich and unkind thing, bullying men and women, your subordinates are also dogs, where did I offend you, I was asked for your life, today I can't kill you, I just don't let you go."

When the black-haired ghost said this, Shen Xuan was also stunned, it turned out that this black-haired ghost was the beggar, but wasn't that beggar dead?

Qian Yuanwai also spoke:

"Aren't you dead? Didn't those subordinates in my family throw you outside the town? How are you still alive? Those subordinates were also killed by you"?

The black-haired ghost hated to speak:

"You dog thing is not dead, how can I die, I was kicked by you to death, I climbed up from below to find you again"!

After the black-haired ghost said this, his whole body began to tremble, and black qi came out of the black-haired ghost's body, and after a while, the black-haired ghost disappeared.

This left a black fog floating in the air, which was a bit similar to when Shen Xuan attacked and killed the cloaked man, except that this black fog was larger and thicker than the cloaked man's group.

Sensing that something was wrong, Shen Xuan immediately told the family members who were still surrounding the black mist to stay away, and he shot a Yang Fire Talisman at the black mist.

When the group of family members heard Shen Xuan's words, they also scattered in amusement, just when Shen Xuan's Yang Fire Talisman was about to hit that black mist.

The black mist circled in the air, dodging the Yang Fire Talisman and began to change.

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